The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1000 What a beautiful thought!

The Seventh Prince and the others did not expect that they were copying books here for Xiaoba!

He thought it was Duke Anguo who punished their sisters for copying books!

Wen Yan leaned over and glanced at the books copied by several people.

I saw that Nuan Wen was writing medical books, and the others were copying text books.

After thinking about it, I know the intention and intention of it!

"Aunt Seventeen, you are so amazing! I thought of it all! I also copied a few copies for Xiaoba!"

It's no wonder that Uncle Seventeen regards Aunt Seventeen as his eyeballs. He is really affectionate and righteous!

Prince Ning and Prince An also expressed their intention to copy!

So the warm people moved some desks out.

It happened that Prince An's heir was sitting opposite Wu Jingmei.

He sat down and glanced at Wu Jingmei.

This girl is so brave!

He actually dared to say that he was cheap, this is the first time someone dared to say that to him when he grew up!

Wu Jingmei was a little uneasy in her heart. She accidentally raised her head and found that Prince An was looking at her. She was so frightened that she quickly lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him!


Shouldn't he offend this prince?

But she was really instinctive at the time. She was used to painting at home, and when she wrote, she was laughed at by her brothers at home and said, "It's ugly!"

When I heard it just now, I blurted out the word "cheap" like a bicker with my own brother at home!

But it is very rude for Prince An to say this to others!

Wu Jingmei thought about it for a while, then ignored him and said everything she said. I'll have a chance to apologize later!

Seeing her frightened, Prince An's face turned pale, and he didn't dare to look at himself, but his mood was much better.

The cousin of the Princess Hui'an is estimated to have a straightforward temperament and is not defensive.

But such a temper is easy to offend people in the capital.

However, she is not afraid of having Princess Hui'an as her backing.

So all afternoon, several people huddled in the garden and copied books.

Prince An didn't know if it was intentional or not, but Wu Jingmei looked at her and found him looking at her with a half-smile.

It frightened Wu Jingmei even more uneasy.

Nalan Jinnian sat beside Wen Wen and wrote idiom stories.

Seeing what he wrote, Wen Nuan laughed: "You did it on purpose!"

Nalan Jinnian said leisurely and contentedly: "Anyway, learn something. Don't lose the face of our Nalan Kingdom, or mislead the children!"

Amber intends to let the people of Lanling country learn the culture of the Central Plains. The eighth princess is the best teacher to marry, but the ink in the eighth princess' belly, Nalan Jinnian is really worried that she will make some jokes.

Of course, it wasn't because she was afraid of losing Nalan's face, but because she was embarrassed and looked down upon.

Nuan didn't care about him, and continued to lower his head and write hard.

For a while, everyone bowed their heads seriously and wrote quickly. The handsome man and the beauty of the woman were even more eye-catching than the spit flowers in the garden.

When Mr. Wu passed by from a distance, he saw such a picture: the breeze blows, handsome men and beauties, fresh clothes flying, the sky is blue, clouds are white, flowers are red and grass is green.

A picture of serenity in the world.

She then ordered the servants to detour, not to disturb them.

It was not until the setting sun hung in the west that everyone stopped writing.

Wen Nuan put down the brush, rubbed his wrist, and said to everyone with a smile: "It's dinner time, if you don't dislike it, then stay in the Duke Anguo's mansion to eat!"

The seventh prince immediately said: "I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it!"

Prince An's heir: "It is better to obey orders than to be respectful!"

Prince Ning: "Thank you, Princess Hui'an!"

Prince An: "Why don't we just eat in this garden?"

It was not too late now, and the light was sufficient, so Nuan nodded and asked Aster to pass the meal.

There is no need to separate tables between men and women. Anyway, they are all familiar people. The table in the pavilion is big enough, and a few more people can sit there. Warm let the three brothers Wen Ran and Wen Chun come over for dinner.

Although it is not a separate table for men and women, it is considered that men and women sit in a semicircle.

Prince An Qi didn't know if he wanted to make Wu Jingmei uneasy on purpose, so he deliberately sat next to her and didn't look at her.

Wu Jingmei: "."

Wu Jingmei glanced around, and everyone took their seats.

Warm naturally sits with Nalan Jinnian.

Then Wu Jingmei and Nuan just became the endpoints of the woman's semicircle.

Nalan Jinnian and Prince An just became the two endpoints of a man's semicircle

Everyone was seated, and Wu Jingmei couldn't change her seat. At this moment, everyone was listening to the seventh prince.

The Seventh Prince was speaking aloud from the script he had copied.

Talking about how cowardly the heroine in the book is, saying that she is the daughter of the dignified general's mansion, that her mother-in-law bullied her, and her sister-in-law bullied her, she didn't dare to speak out! He clearly practiced martial arts in the General's Mansion, but he didn't even resist being bullied so much that he was so angry that he almost ripped off the book!

He really couldn't get used to it, so he directly changed the woman inside to say that she was being bullied, rose up to resist, beat the mother and daughter all over the place, and then wrote a letter to the husband and returned to the general's mansion, and later went on a brave expedition with his father and brother Kill the enemy, and finally become a heroine!

Everyone said goodbye!

He smiled warmly and said: "It's a good change! It's wonderful! I didn't expect the seventh prince to have the ability to make up stories!"

The seventh prince was warmly praised, and he had even more desire to tell a story: "I plan to continue writing a paragraph tomorrow. The heroic appearance of that woman was seen by a prince."

The seventh prince here is telling stories, everyone listens carefully, not shouting.

Prince An whispered to Wu Jingmei, who was frightened and uneasy: "Does Miss Wu think the seventh prince has improved? Should a woman be bullied by her husband's family, should she bear it for the sake of family harmony, or should she resist?"

Wu Jingmei still heard something: "Of course you have to resist! Fight for it! What's the use of forbearance!"

Prince An's heir: "Miss Wu really is a straightforward person."

Wu Jingmei thought about it for a while and then took this opportunity to apologize: "Prince An, I'm really sorry when I first came here, Minnu and my elder brothers are used to joking, they always laugh at me for being ugly in painting and writing, so I heard others say I am ugly. The words are ugly, I instinctively push back! I didn't mean it, please don't blame the prince."

Prince An raised his eyebrows at her, and said with a smile: "Since Miss Wu is used to joking with her elder brother, this proves that Miss Wu and the prince have not seen anything, so how can I blame me! The prince is quite happy! Yes, it seems that Miss Wu has also kissed her son like an elder brother!"

Wu Jingmei: "."

Who treats him like a brother? It's so beautiful!

No, how could she dare to be with a prince and a prince!

Wu Jingmei hurriedly said: "The prince has misunderstood, and the girl does not dare to have a relationship with the prince of Prince An."

Prince An smiled: "It doesn't matter, you are the cousin of Hui'an County Master. Hui'an County Master is the future princess of this prince's seventeenth uncle, and we are also relatives."


Wu Jingmei disagreed.

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