Aster walked in at this time: "The county master, the study has sent several boxes of books, all of which were bought by the county master? Did they put them in the library?"

Aster doesn't understand, there are already many books in the library at home, why does the girl still buy so many?

Wen Nuan shook his head: "No need, just put it in the warehouse and put it together with the makeup I'm going to give the county master."

Some books may be used by the Eighth Princess in the future.

Aster said in surprise: "The girl is going to send a book to the eighth princess to add makeup?"

Nodding warmly: "Well, to relieve the boredom of the eighth princess in the future. I will wait for the pen and ink, and I will copy a few more copies. Copy it in the gazebo in the garden! The weather is warm now!"

"Yes! I'll arrange it now! I'll fetch any book the girl wants to copy."

"You don't need to pick up the book, just prepare the pen, ink, paper and inkstone!"

Aster thought about it too. The girl recited every book by heart. Wherever she needed to copy the book, she could write it out silently.

Warm is planning to write several medical books and agricultural books.

The level of agricultural productivity in Lanling Country is incomparable with that in Nalan Country, and the Eighth Princess really knows nothing about farming.

Warmth was not enough before, but after going through the past few years, I have come to realize it a bit.

At least as for the planting methods of grains and some vegetables and fruits, whether it prefers the sun or the shade, and tolerates cold or drought, she understands it all.

The agricultural book was used for the Eighth Princess to consolidate her position as a princess and to make the people there love her!

As for the medical book, when the eighth princess got married this time, there was naturally a medical girl in the palace to accompany her, but compared with the medical skills of the imperial doctor, the medical skills of the medical girl in the palace were naturally incomparable!

The imperial doctor is a minister, and it is absolutely impossible to be a dowry.

The eighth princess married too far, and she didn't want her eldest sister and second sister to be by her side, so she could take care of her.

So she wrote a few medical books, so that she could learn medicine for the medical woman.

And then there are books on health preservation, and some books on the mutual restraint of food, so as not to be harmed by others!

Although it is said that Lanling Kingdom is monogamous, there is no rule that it cannot be continued. The position of the princess was given to a person from another country. It is hard to guarantee that some women in Lanling would not be dissatisfied and find a way to kill the eighth princess!

You can't go wrong with being prepared anyway.

The afternoon sun quietly fell on the pavilion in the garden, sitting warmly by the stone table and writing quietly.

The brush strokes are like flowing water, and the pen is transferred to the travel room, and one page is written. She blows it, and after the ink on it dries, she opens the next page and continues to write.

Wen Ling, Wen Qian, and Wu Jingmei walked in at this time: "Sister Nuan, what are you doing?"

The Empress Dowager Nuan glanced at them, then lowered her head and continued to write, smiling: "I'm copying books."

Copy books?

Wen Ling glanced at the desk. Sister Nuan was just writing on a blank book, and there were no other books on the desk.

Is this also called copying?

Wu Jingmei also didn't know why: "What book did you copy? Why did you copy it?"

Wu Jingmei knew that there was a library in the Duke Anguo's mansion, and there were many books in it. In addition to the ones bought, many of them were copied by Wen Jiarui, Wen Chun's brothers, and Wen Nuan.

Besides, the warmth is not copying books at all, but writing books!

Since there are no reference books, what kind of copying is it?

"Copy a few books on health preservation. What are you doing here to find me?"

"We want to ask you what we should give to the eighth princess to add makeup."

Wen Nuan smiled: "I just plan to copy a few books for the eighth princess to make up, so please help together! Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it!"

Wen Ling was surprised and said, "Would it be too light to send a book for makeup?"

It is also a copy of the book, it is not an isolated copy.

Warm: "How come, courtesy is light and affectionate. In this world, things that are not valuable are regarded as polite!"

Wen Qian thought of something and smiled and said, "Sister Nuan, this is a good idea! The eighth princess is married to Lanling Country, where the language is difficult to understand, so we will copy some words for her by ourselves. It can relieve boredom!"

Wen Ling thought about it after hearing the words and thought yes, if she copied a few books and gave them to the Eighth Princess, the Eighth Princess would get bored in the future.

That's really good!

She smiled and said, "Then let's copy some books together and give them to the eighth princess!"

Wu Jingmei: "But my handwriting is not good!"

He smiled warmly: "It doesn't matter, it's not well written, and the eighth princess will feel kind when she sees it in a foreign land! The eighth princess's writing is also not good! She will not despise you!"

Several people laughed when they heard this.

With a warm smile, he instructed Aster to bring a few books over, and everyone would copy them together.

He smiled warmly and said to several people: "If you can write a storybook by yourself, you can also try to write a book to relieve the boredom of the Eighth Princess!"

When Wen Ling thought about it, she was eager to move. She usually likes to read the book, and if she reads it, she also wants to write about it.

It just so happens that she has a story in her heart, so let's write it out this time!

Nalan Jinnian brought the seventh prince, Prince An, and Prince Ning over, and saw the scene of several women writing hard in the garden.

The seventh prince stepped forward curiously: "Hui An County Master, what are you doing?"

When Wen Qian and the others saw the person coming, they quickly stood up and saluted.

Nalan Jinnian waved his hand: "No need to be too polite."

Nuan glanced at them: "Copy books!"

"Why are you copying books?" The seventh prince glanced at the warm words and couldn't help but say, "Good words! Aunt Seventeen, your words are comparable to Uncle Seventeen!"

Prince An's heir was closest to Wu Jingmei, he put his head over and said, "It's ugly!"

He couldn't help but blurt out.

Wu Jingmei blushed, then glared at Prince An's heir, and also blurted out: "Fuck mouth!"

Prince An: "."

Prince Ning couldn't help but "Pfft!" He laughed!

"Miss Wu said it well!"

After Wu Jingmei finished speaking, she realized who she was scolding!

That is the prince, she can't care about anything, she quickly picked up the book she copied, and ran to Nuan to seek protection: "Sister Nuan, help me find out what this sentence means!"

The first time someone dared to scold him, Prince An was stunned!

When he reacted, Wu Jingmei had already run away.

Prince Ning smiled and said to Prince An, "I'll let you talk shit!"

Prince An, imitating Wu Jingmei's appearance, glared at Prince Ning's prince: "Fuck mouth!"

Prince Ning: "."

The seventh prince laughed.

Prince An let out a sigh of relief, feeling finally relieved!

The corners of Nalan Jinnian's mouth raised slightly: "Let you talk shit!"

Two people: "."

Don't dare to yell back!

The Seventh Prince laughed even louder.

The two princes rushed forward to cover his mouth: "Shut up!"

The seventh prince hurriedly avoided: "Okay! I'm not laughing anymore!"

After a while, the three stopped.

Nalan Jinnian ignored them and asked Wen Nuan, "Copy it for Xiaoba?"

Nodding warmly: "Yeah!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "That's a good idea."

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