Naturally, Nuan also saw Huang Hengxi's maid running in, but it was just to buy something.

Besides, even if Huang Hengxi liked what the shopkeeper gave him, he couldn't get it from himself!

Both in terms of status and financial resources!

The shopkeeper respectfully made a gesture of invitation: "The Princess Hui'an, be careful to step down the steps."

Nodding warmly: "Thank you, shopkeeper."

Just as Wen Nuan stepped down the first stairs, Huang Hengxi came out!

"My ministers and daughters have seen Princess Hui'an!" After she gave a hasty salute, her eyes fell on the shopkeeper.

"It turns out that the several good things that the shopkeeper just got in his hands turned out to be the owner of Hui'an County! I don't know what is the use of Hui'an County's purchase of those things?"

The shopkeeper did not speak.

Warm: "If you like it, buy it."

Huang Hengxi heard the words and said: "Master Hui'an, I just need that inkstone, brush, and jewelry very much. Since the master of Hui'an has no other use, just like it, can I give up my love? I'm willing to buy it at double the price! I won't let Hui'an. The county owner lost money!"

That jewelry she plans to give to the eighth princess!

At first glance, I feel that it is very suitable for the Eighth Princess.

The eighth princess is about to marry and go to Lanling Kingdom, Lanling Kingdom! Business Fortress!

In the future, the Huang family formed a caravan, which specially passed through Lanling Country, sold silk and tea to Western countries, and established a good relationship with the Eighth Princess. The Eighth Princess was there, and the Lanling soldiers would definitely protect the Huang family's merchants. team.

In fact, not only the Huang family, she knew that many aristocratic families had plans to form a caravan.

After all, it's so lucrative!

However, with so many caravans from the Nalan Kingdom going out, the soldiers of the Lanling Kingdom can all be protected from there. Naturally, it depends on the decision of the Eighth Princess!

So when her father planned to form a caravan, he asked her and her mother to add a few percent to the makeup of the Eighth Princess.

The eighth princess is a royal princess, and they have never seen any good things, so they are also in trouble. This time, they specially came to the Treasure Pavilion to see if there are any good things.

Unexpectedly, the one she liked was bought by the Princess Hui'an!

Looking at her warmly, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but the princess really likes those things."

After he finished speaking, he continued to walk downstairs.

"Master Hui'an, I really need it, I am willing to pay the price of three cups!"

Wen Nuan turned to look at her: "One hundred thousand taels of county masters will be sold to you!"

Huang Hengxi: "One hundred thousand taels, you"

I almost blurted out if I didn't grab it!

If she wants to get 100,000 taels, it is better to directly add 100,000 taels to the eighth princess!

A few thousand taels at most, Hui'an County Master actually asked a hundred thousand taels for a lion's mouth!

"Junior Hui'an, stop joking, those things are worth 100,000 taels? 10,000 taels! 10,000 taels, you have earned more than 5,000 taels!"

"One hundred thousand taels, a lot of money!"

After he finished speaking, he went down.

Deng Luoshan has been silent for a while, but at this time he couldn't help but say: "No wonder the two sisters of Princess Hui'an got married, and the dowry is even more powerful than the princess's marriage! It turns out that this is how your family's money comes from!"

Nuan Nuan stopped and turned to look at her with an indifferent expression: "How did my money come from?"

"Selling a few thousand taels for 100,000 taels is a lot of money! Isn't this a bit too dark? Ah! That's not right, even if it's a lot of money, it won't make so much money! I heard people say that the Guo family has fallen. The silver in the former state treasury, but the Guo family was all killed by the Hui'an county master. The silver in the former state treasury has not been found yet. The Hui'an county master and your family have so much money, so it's not possible that the former state treasury was ignorant. "

Deng Losan said here that his mouth was suddenly hit by something, and then a piece of silver fell to the ground.

She just felt that her whole mouth was numb and painful!

Especially the teeth!

She couldn't help but touch it with her tongue!

The two front teeth fell directly and landed in her mouth!


"Miss, are you alright?" The maid looked worriedly at her lips, which were blackened by the beating, and became big and swollen!

Deng Losan quickly took out the mask, spat out the teeth in his mouth, and looked at the two bloody white teeth!

Her face instantly lost the blood!

her teeth!

Without the front teeth, how will she meet people and marry in the future?

Deng Luoshan stared at the warmth: "Hui An County Master, you are too deceiving!"

There are no front teeth, and speech is leaking.

Deng Losan covered his mouth, angry, anxious and aggrieved, his eyes couldn't help but flow out.

He said warmly and indifferently: "Slandering the county master, shouldn't you slap your mouth?"

Huang Hengxi was also anxious, this Hui'an County Master was unreasonable: "Hui'an County Master, Miss Deng is disrespectful, it is okay to slap her mouth, but is it too much to knock out her teeth? The emperor has never knocked out a slap. Human teeth!"

He warmed the teeth in Deng Luoshan's hand and glanced at the broken silver on the ground: "I have no experience, I will pay attention to it next time! The broken silver will be rewarded to you, and it will be used as medical expenses! It's a bit heavy, I didn't expect you to have it. Tooth decay! Well, remember to take care of your mouth next time, otherwise it will not be as simple as two teeth!"

She looked at Deng Luoshan's maid warmly and indifferently: "You still don't pick up the silver for your lady? What? Do you dare to dislike the reward of this county master?"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and went downstairs.

The warm eyes were obviously indifferent, but just seeing that the maid was stunned, she quickly bent down to pick up the silver on the ground and handed it to her young lady: "Miss, silver!"

Deng Luoshan raised his hand and slapped the maid directly!

What a shame!

Deng Losan wanted to hold the handkerchief tightly, and wanted to go downstairs to chase the warmth.

Huang Hengxi hurriedly grabbed her: "She is the Hui'an County Master. Before, Guo Mingyan and the County Master couldn't be nice in front of her. Why did you contradict her!"

"It's not what you said." Hui'an County Master or Wang Xiaomo paid the money from the previous treasury! Otherwise how could she say that to her!

Deng Luoshan thinks that if Hui'an County Lord stole the money from the previous treasury, then their family would not be far from looting their family and exterminating their clan!

Where does she need to be afraid of her?

Huang Hengxi quickly covered her mouth: "That's just speculation!"

How could she be so stupid to say it directly!

Besides, this rumor has not yet caught the wind, so she shouted out, not afraid of stunned snakes, so that Princess Hui'an can be prepared!

Thinking of this, Huang Hengxi was also anxious, she had to go back and talk to her father.

"Let's go! You go back to the house and ask the imperial doctor to take a look at your teeth."

The two left in a hurry.

Wen Nuan returned to the house, walked to the desk, drew a picture, and then called Chen Huan: "Go to Qinxiang Teahouse and check this person. After checking, pay attention to this person for the past few days. Look at what he said, what he did, and who he saw! If you find out what he did, you don't have to say anything, just let people pay attention. "

"Yes!" Chen Huan took the portrait and went out.

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