After Wennuan entered the city, he got off the carriage on the busiest street and walked around by himself.

There are many people going and going on the street, and everyone is chatting and laughing.

Occasionally, Nuan could hear them talking about the grand occasion of the marriage of the two girls from the imperial government.

Saying that his future dowry is half as much as theirs is enough.

Some people say that she is not greedy, not half, just one tenth is enough.

Hearing it, Nuan just smiled.

Unexpectedly, there are still people discussing this matter, after all, it has been two days.

If you marry a daughter in the capital, there is a lot of people who have a lot of dowry!

Wen Nuan passed a teahouse, and voices came from the window.

It is also a matter of gentle and warm dowry.

"I didn't expect the Duke Anguo's mansion to be so rich! The two daughters were married at the same time, and they also prepared ten miles of red makeup! Is this official's salary actually so much?"

"Oh, the salary of a grandfather is not too much! People don't rely on salary to live! They also have their own shop Zhuangzi! Health dishes, health buildings, health pharmacies, that's not how much money you make every day!"

"Wrong, these do make a lot of money, but don't you need to spend money to build roads and shops in the outer city? The reason why Duke Anguo is rich is because" the people in the teahouse lowered their voices when they said this.

Warmth vaguely heard the word treasury.

Then came the exclamation: "Can't you?"

"I don't know, I'm just guessing!"

Wen Nuan turned his head subconsciously to look at the speaker, and then walked past the teahouse.

She didn't think too much about it, the treasury probably refers to the food town of her fief!

The food towns of her fief were also allocated from the treasury.

Wen Nuan came to the bookstore and walked in.

She carefully selected some books, all kinds, in various industries.

There are many books, travel notes and the like.

Then let someone send it to the Anguo Gongfu.

Warm and go to the Treasure Pavilion again to see what good things are there.

Treasures are sold in the Treasure Pavilion. They have boats going out to sea every month. Similarly, every month, boats come back from overseas.

So there are often some novel things.

The fifth day of every lunar month is a new day in the Treasure Pavilion.

This is Nalan Jinnian's shop.

Warmth rarely comes.

Because Nalan Jinnian gave her the good things right away.

As soon as Nuan walked into the Treasure Pavilion, the treasurer of the Treasure Pavilion immediately greeted him: "The Princess Hui'an is here!"

This is the future mistress!

The master hurts the people in his heart.

As long as it is a person from Nalan Jinnian, there is no one who does not know it!

If you don't know it, you have watched it secretly and remembered it, lest the hostess accidentally neglect it that day.

But Princess Hui'an is a very nice person, because she is so beautiful!

"Does the shopkeeper have anything good?"

"Yes, we have a lot of good things in Treasure Pavilion! Princess Hui'an, please go to the private room on the second floor, and I will show you the good things."

Nodding warmly: "There is a shopkeeper Lao!"

"Don't dare!" The shopkeeper sighed inwardly, the Princess Hui'an not only looks beautiful, but also has a beautiful voice, which is even better than the voice of a lark!

And the temperament is just right, many noble girls come to the shop, and the shelves are fully placed, and they look like they are aloof.

The master is right with eyesight.

Every time the warmth comes, the shopkeeper will slander it in his heart once!

The shopkeeper brought the warmth to the private room on the second floor, and then served tea again, and after a few shortfalls, he personally took out the best things in the shop.

There are eight private rooms on the second floor of the Treasure Pavilion, four for each male and female, which are specially used to receive nobles.

Wen Nuan was drinking tea in the private room while waiting for the shopkeeper to bring things up.

Tea is also the best Lu'an melon slices, which is what Nalan Jinnian loves, and of course he likes warmth.

The dim sum is the dim sum of the warm bakery, which are the ones that sell the best.

Drinking tea warmly, watching the traffic on the street.

There were some noises from outside.

"Shopkeeper, the dagger in your hand is so beautiful, I want it! Hey. This is the Fengchun inkstone used by Jiang Fengchun, a famous scholar in the previous dynasty? I want it too! This jewelry is so beautiful, I want to add makeup to the eighth princess, and I want this set of jewelry too!"

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Miss Huang, I'm really sorry, someone has already ordered this thing!"

"I'm willing to pay more money to buy it!"

The shopkeeper shook his head: "Really not! The customer has already paid the money."

"My little brother, the shopkeeper, is about to leave the court and participate in the imperial examination. Shopkeeper, I want Chunyan and Langhaobi! I don't want anything else, so that's fine!"

The shopkeeper shook his head: "These are really not good! The customer has already paid the money! This thing is already the customer's! I can't decide to sell it anymore. I still have many famous inkstones and good things in my place. I'll get it for you later. Come here! I'm so sorry"

Seeing this, Deng Luoshan said, "Hengxi, since this is the case, let's choose another one!"

"No! Shopkeeper, tell me who bought it? I asked her to buy it at a high price! Even if the price doubled!" Huang Hengxi was not happy. Jiang Fengchun was also the young grandson of the Minister of Industry in the previous dynasty. The big three yuan, and later became the world's great Confucianism, how many people sat on the guest!

Today, just as she was going out to find some good four treasures of the study to give to her younger brother, she met Fengchun Inkstone, which was used by one of the famous Confucian scholars in the previous dynasty, and the Lang family's wolf pen, which had been lost after being raided and exterminated by the previous dynasty!

Isn't this God's will?

She's going to buy it anyway!

"Sorry Miss Huang, we can't reveal the privacy of our guests."

Huang Hengxi: "The shopkeeper did it on purpose! You dare not sell it, I can't even find a buyer to buy it myself? How dare you neglect this girl like this!"

"Miss Huang has misunderstood. It really doesn't mean anything when you are young. This spring inkstone is worth 10,000 taels. It's not worth it if you double it. Where do I still have a famous inkstone, I will give it to Miss Huang later, and Miss Huang will be satisfied! I will give you a discount at that time. Some, apologise to Miss Huang!"

"Treasurer, are you making fun of me for not having money?"

Shopkeeper: "Don't dare!"

Don't laugh at yourself, you have no brains!

Deng Luoshan hurriedly tugged at her sleeve and whispered to her, "Hengxi, don't be impulsive, think about the outcome of making trouble in the Treasure Pavilion!"

Huang Hengxi's face turned pale, but she didn't insist. She would know who the people inside were when she came out!

Thinking of her dignified granddaughter of the Minister of Industry, who bought things in her hands at a high price, she would not fail to appreciate her face!

"If that's the case, then forget it! Shopkeeper, hurry up and bring up the good things in the store!"

The shopkeeper bent over and said with a respectful smile, "Yes! Immediately! Immediately! The two girls will sit in the private room first!"

Then the shopkeeper brought her little Er who came up to tea and refreshments.

Wait until Xiao Er brings the two of them into the private room.

Then he knocked on the door and walked into the private room.

Wen Nuan glanced at what the shopkeeper took out, and saw the dagger at a glance! The workmanship of this dagger is very delicate, the carving pattern on it is complex, and it is also inlaid with gems. The eighth princess must like it very much. It is good to keep it for her self-defense!

As for Fengchun Inkstone and Langhao Pen, they were just given to Wen Luo.

Nuan directly asked for these things, and then asked the shopkeeper to send it to the Anguo Gongfu, and left!

Huang Hengxi asked the maid to pay attention to which private room Mr. Huang walked into to see who ordered those things.

When she saw the warmth coming out, she hurried into the room to inform Huang Hengxi.

There was a power outage for a whole day today, and I walked outside for a whole day, but there was no electricity when I got home, and I went to someone else's house to sit until 8:00 p.m. before going home, only in time for an update~

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