The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1002 The courtesy is light and affectionate!

On the ninth day of February, the sky is bright

The wives of the fourth rank and above all brought their women into the palace to add makeup to the eighth princess.

Officials below the fourth rank and their families are not eligible to enter the palace, but there are also people who ask for help to bring things into the palace and add makeup to the eighth princess.

The emperor married a daughter, that was a big deal.

Since the founding of the Nalan Kingdom, the husband's family has avoided encroaching on the daughter-in-law's dowry, so the dowry list, including the dowry list, is stipulated in duplicate, one for the husband's family and the other for the mother's family.

That is to say, they add makeup to the eighth princess, and the dowry list left in the palace will be seen by the emperor and concubine Shu.

When the emperor takes a look around and sees his name, it must have a good impression, right?

Therefore, many officials asked their daughter-in-law to prepare a makeup gift for the eighth princess.

There are many shops in the capital, and their business has been unprecedentedly good these days.

In the palace of the Eighth Princess.

It was full of ladies who came to add makeup.

And those wives have gone to Concubine Shu's place.

It's not too early for the warmth to come, she has a lot to explain. After all, she will stay in the palace tonight to accompany the eighth princess to marry, and escort her to Lanling with Nalan Jinnian.

Warmth and gentleness, warmth, Lin Tingya, Liang Ziyun and Fang Fang came together to add makeup to the Eighth Princess.

Gentle was not qualified to come, she married a merchant.

But the Eighth Princess personally invited her to come, so she is not qualified to say it.

The Eighth Princess did this, and it was considered to be deliberately flattering warmth in front of the Ning family.

Although the Ning family had a fourth-rank imperial guard with a sword, even Ning Huaiyu's mother, Mrs. Ning, did not have a title yet, so no one from the Ning family came except for the gentleness.

But the rest of the family also put some makeup on the eighth princess with gentleness.

Next to the eighth princess were Huang Hengxi, Xie Nirui, Tang Ying, Han Shiyun, Han Gengyu and others.

In addition to Han Gengyu, the eighth princess didn't like other people very much, so she only talked to Han Gengyu.

When the palace maid came to report that the warmth and warmth were waiting for someone to arrive, the eighth princess finally came to the spirit!


Warm and warm, Lin Tingya walked in and saluted the Eighth Princess respectfully: "My minister, I have surrendered to the Eighth Princess! I wish the Eighth Princess a happy wedding, a happy marriage in a hundred years, and an early birth of a precious son!"

The eighth princess rolled her eyes: "Poor mouth! Hurry up!"

Han Gengyu stood up to salute Nuan Nuan, Huang Hengxi and others could only stand up and salute Nuan Nuan when they saw this.

Several people sat down with a smile.

Warm and high grade, sitting next to the eighth princess.

With a warm smile, he took out the gift list in his hand and said, "Eighth princess, the minister has come to add makeup to you! Do you like it?"

The eighth princess took it directly: "It was sent by Nuan Nuan, I must like it!"

The reason why Huang Hengxi and others did not leave after waiting for so long is because they know that Nuan Wen has not come to add makeup yet, and they want to see what Nuan Wen's makeup is for the eighth princess.

Huang Hengxi smiled and said: "The Princess Hui'an is a rich man. We happened to meet at the Treasure Pavilion a few days ago. The Princess Hui'an bought several treasures. I think it must be to add makeup to the princess! I looked at those few treasures. This item is very suitable for the eighth princess, I originally wanted to buy it for the princess, but the Princess Hui'an refused to give up her love, so I thought, probably the Lord Hui'an also planned to buy it for the eighth princess to add makeup."

She calmly applied eye drops to the warmth.

Those things add up to thousands of taels!

She was sure that she was reluctant to give all the warmth to the eighth princess.

When the time comes to take out one less piece of warmth, she will say why it is missing.

The Eighth Princess is so kind to the Princess Hui'an on weekdays. This time, the Eighth Princess is married to a foreign country. If the Princess Hui'an gets something good, she would be reluctant to take it out to make up the Eighth Princess, so the Eighth Princess will definitely be unhappy!

And he has already tried his best to give the best things to the eighth princess!

In such a comparison, who is sincere and who is fake, doesn't the eighth princess know?

Xie Ni Rui is about to marry into the royal family, and Huang Hengxi is her future sister-in-law. After hearing this, she also said, "What did Princess Hui'an give to make up the eighth princess? Can we take a look at the princess? The ministers and daughters also heard that the general. Madam and Madam Ning, there were a lot of valuable things in the dowry that day! Although I came from a noble family, I have seen many treasures since I was a child, but I have never seen so many!"

Han Shiyu also smiled and said: "The Duke of Anguo's mansion is rich, and the Ning family is even richer than the country. I don't know how many good things there are in the mansion! This is something I can't compare to other noble people! The general's wife and Ning Shao's wife were married on that day. It's for me to wait for the big c to open my eyes."

When it came to big characters, she paused, as if the word was definitely wrong, and then changed her words.

And everyone present felt that she wanted to be surprised!

Han Gengyu's face was displeased, she quietly pulled Han Shiyu's sleeve, and motioned her to pay attention to what she said.

Otherwise, my grandfather should punish her again.

Wen Nuan picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of the tea to cover up the chill in his eyes.

What these two people mean inside and outside of their words is that their Anguo Gongfu is rich and rivals the country!

And she asked Chen Huan to investigate secretly.

Warm waiting for this thing to make a big deal!

This time, she and Nalan Jinnian ordered to escort the Eighth Princess to marry the Lanling Kingdom, which was a good opportunity.

Gentle, warm, Lin Tingya, Liang Ziyun and others ignored the words of several people and presented the Eighth Princess with their own makeup gift list.

The eighth princess took it over with a smile, and then looked at them with a stern face: "This princess has never seen any rare treasures, are you such a person with shallow eyelids? You say this, it is absolutely that this princess wants to take advantage of the opportunity to get married. , Are you openly accepting the benefits of the minister's family? You add makeup to this princess, shouldn't you be paying attention to this? Then the princess doesn't dare to ask for your things! Take it back!"

The faces of the three changed.

Huang Hengxi hurriedly said, "Don't dare! The servant girl just wanted to see what Princess Hui'an gave!"

Han Shiyu was also a little regretful in his heart, and quickly said: "The eighth princess is about to get married, and we are all reluctant to give up the eighth princess. Naturally, we will give the best things to the eighth princess. One is to think about it, and the other is to let the people of Lanling Kingdom. Look, behind the Eighth Princess, there are people from the entire Nalan Kingdom supporting us! The Eighth Princess and Hui'an County Master are on good terms, we all think this way, the Hui'an County Master naturally thinks more thoughtfully than us, and she knows the Eighth Princess, The things you gave are naturally the most in line with the Eighth Princess, so we just wanted to see it out of curiosity!"

The eighth princess snorted coldly:

"Come on, bring in the things that Nuan Nuan gave them and show them!"

The warmth and warmth are all here. Except for Han Gengyu, the other eight princesses have no patience to pay attention to them.

Don't these people want to see what Nuan Nuan gave them?

Then let them see it!

Just go after you see it!

Even if Nuan Nuan sends her the book she hates the most, she will seem to like it very much!

The courtesy is light and affectionate!

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