The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1003 Nuan Nuan still needs to be maintained!

The maids came in carrying boxes one by one!

The maid of the eighth princess said: "Princess, these four boxes are the makeup of the Hui'an county master, this box belongs to the general's wife, and this box is"

Huang Hengxi and others were dumbfounded, it was actually packed in a box?

And so many boxes?

The Eighth Princess was also surprised. She didn't even read the gift list just now.

"Open it!" After the eighth princess said, she lowered her head and flipped through the gift list.

In addition to being shocked, Huang Hengxi felt more and more that his grandfather suspected that Hui'an County Master or Wang Xiaomei's money from the previous treasury was real!

It is strange that Mrs. Ning Shao sent a few boxes of makeup, the Ning family is notoriously rich!

It has only been three years since the An Guogong's mansion appeared, and he actually saved the wealth of the Ning family. There are no ghosts in it, who would believe it?

Huang Hengxi glanced at Wennuan, and then said with a deliberate look of interest: "The Princess Hui'an is really a lot of money! Are all the rare treasures in here? I really want to see it! To be honest, my family is considered clean. Noble people, I really haven't seen too many good things!"

After she finished speaking, she still looked embarrassed!

Wen Nuan put down the teacup and smiled: "I thought Miss Huang had seen a lot of good things! After all, I heard that Miss Huang is a frequent visitor to the Treasure Pavilion! I heard that Mrs. Minister of Industry and Mrs. Huang collect every year from Miss Huang's birth. A lot of good things will be used as a dowry for Miss Huang in the future!"

At this time, the palace maid opened the first wooden box, revealing a box of neatly arranged books!

Huang Hengxi: "."

This will not be a box of lonely copies, will it?

But what does the title of the book say about "Journey to the West", "Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Jane Eyre", "Wuthering Heights". What the hell?

travelogue? Drama?

Eighth Princess: "."


This must not be a warm idea!

Uncle Seventeen is really bad!

She didn't want Uncle Seventeen to send her to Lanling Country!

She wants to keep Uncle Seventeen from seeing Nuan Nuan for a few months!

What do you mean, send her a box of books!

No, at this time the maid opened the second box, which was also a book!

The Eighth Princess saw a few big characters of the idiom story at a glance.

Uncle Seventeen is too bad!

In vain, she went to great lengths to let him and Nuan Nuan open the skylight, and also begged the emperor to let him and Nuan Nuan send themselves to Lanling Country together to create a chance for them to travel.

Uncle Seventeen actually sent two boxes of books to make up for himself, knowing that he hated books the most!

Huang Hengxi almost laughed when she saw the darkened face of the eighth princess.

It was a waste of time for Princess Hui'an to befriend the eighth princess, doesn't she know that the eighth princess hates reading the most?

Actually sent so many books to the eighth princess.

And one delivery is two boxes!

It seems that this time I offended the Eighth Princess. In the future, even if Nuan wanted to form a caravan to pass through Lanling, the Eighth Princess would not care about their caravan.

After all, Lord Censor's daughter just gave the Eighth Princess a sheet of music and an isolated copy, but the Eighth Princess said indifferently, "It's a waste to have these famous and isolated copies in her hands."

Han Shiyu also picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of the tea, otherwise she was worried that she would laugh!

In order to show her good looks, the Princess Hui'an sent four big boxes, but she didn't expect there to be two large boxes of books. If the next two boxes were full of books, then she really offended the eighth princess this time!

Even if the Eighth Princess is given a piece of jewelry, the Eighth Princess will not be angry, but send a book! That is to have a hard time with her, to make it difficult for the Eighth Princess!

Fortunately, the next box is not a book.

Inside the big wooden box is a small wooden box. Those wooden boxes are very exquisite in workmanship, and the things inside are naturally not ordinary.

The palace maid asked, "Princess, do you need to open them one by one?"

The eighth princess glanced at Huang Hengxi and the others, who were watching their own jokes!

They must feel that they don't like reading books, and they laugh at themselves as a princess and have no knowledge!

snort! Don't let them see jokes!

"No need, just open one at random!"

Let them take one and see the other, it's itchy!

In fact, the eighth princess is also worried. This is another gift from the seventeenth emperor. If it is the only one, she will really vomit blood!

The Seventeenth Uncle is too bad. Before, he had someone send him makeup. There were 20 boxes, and 10 boxes were full of books, all of which she had read when she was a child.

Now I take care of the warmth and send myself two boxes!

She absolutely had to tell her father that she didn't want Uncle Seventeen to escort her to Lanling Country!

She wants to find a husband for Nuan Nuan in Lanling Country!

The palace maid carefully opened the wooden box, revealing a beautiful dagger!

The dagger's holster seems to be made of gold, with gemstones on it, and the carving is exquisite and intricate, and it is very beautiful!

The handle is also inlaid with gems, but because it is inlaid, it does not affect the grip.

Wen Nuan said at this time: "This dagger is extremely sharp, and I want to use it for the princess' self-defense! I also asked someone to make another leather knife case. When the eighth princess goes out, it can be inserted into the boot on the calf side."

The Eighth Princess fell in love at a glance!

She always wanted a dagger, but the mother-in-law was worried that she would hurt herself, and she never allowed it.

In the past two years, she has also practiced martial arts according to the warm method. When she encounters danger, it is not that she does not even know how to use a dagger!

Married to Lanling Country, I heard that there are many rogues in the desert. People from Lanling Country usually carry weapons with them when they go out. This dagger is just right!

Seeing that the eighth princess liked it so much, Huang Hengxi couldn't help but feel annoyed, this dagger was originally intended for her to give to the eighth princess!

Huang Hengxi said with a smile: "The Princess Hui'an really knew that the eighth princess liked it, so she sent a book to the eighth princess to relieve the boredom, and reminded the eighth princess to make progress! She also gave the eighth princess a dagger for self-defense. This dagger happened to be the day I saw the Princess Hui'an in the treasure pavilion. One of the treasures I bought, I wonder if the other ones were also given away?"

She deliberately said to send the book first, reminding the eighth princess, after all, the eighth princess just looked at those books and the face was black!

Now with a dagger, he is smiling, isn't it too unpromising!

This forgetfulness is too great!

Most of the nobles in this imperial capital knew that the eighth princess, the emperor's favorite, most hated reading and writing.

If Hui'an County Master even gave away the inkstone, the Eighth Princess would be heartbroken again!

Let's see if she still has a good opinion of Hui'an County Master.

Wen Nuan glanced at her and said directly: "No, I didn't give the inkstone and brush to the Eighth Princess."

Hearing this, Huang Hengxi pretended to be surprised: "Since the Princess Hui'an has sent so many books, why didn't she send inkstones and brushes? I thought you wanted the Eighth Princess to move in! Wouldn't you send a few boxes of ordinary books to collect them? Count, do you look good?"

The eighth princess' face darkened: "Shut up! Nuan Nuan is not such a person! Nuan Nuan knows that Ben Gong's handwriting is good, so she doesn't need to practice it, but she knows that Ben Gong likes to read books, so she gave it away! "

Although Uncle Seventeen is angry, Nuan Nuan still needs to be maintained!

Huang Hengxi: "."

Eight princesses love to read books?

Do not make jokes!

No one in the entire capital believed it!

Unexpectedly, the eighth princess still protects the princess of Hui'an.

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