Nuan also knew that the eighth princess did not like to read books, she explained: "Eighth princess, these two boxes of books include books I bought from the bookstore, and many I copied by myself. There are some practical books in them, such as medical skills, agricultural books, You can read it when you need it. Others are books to relieve boredom. In Lanling Country, there are not many familiar people around you. It takes time to meet friends. Sometimes if you are bored and homesick, you can read them. Read novels, storybooks, and relieve boredom."

Nuan Nuan copied it by hand?

When the eighth princess' nose was sour, she immediately understood the intention of warmth.

Indeed, in a foreign country, with no friends around, who is she looking for when she is bored?

Do you just sit there when there is no one to accompany you?

If she wanted to read the text book, but she didn't know the characters of Lanling Kingdom, it would be difficult to find a few Nalan Kingdom books to read!

"Nuan Nuan, you are so kind! I will definitely finish reading these books!"

He smiled warmly: "It's not just me, my sister and cousin, sister Tingya, sister Ziyun, brother seventeen, seven princes, Prince An, Prince Ning, they have written many dramas by themselves these days, In the past few days, we have been copying books without eating or sleeping! It is used to relieve the boredom of the Eighth Princess!"

The eighth princess looked at the other people again: "You guys are really good! Don't worry, I will definitely read all the books you copied!"

Gentle smiled and said: "If the eighth princess has finished reading it and wants to read it, you can write back, and we will copy it and send it to the eighth princess!"

Liang Ziyun: "As long as the eighth princess likes to read it, we can send a few copies to the eighth princess every month!"

Wen Wen: "Yes, anyway, there are caravans every month, so it's not too difficult! Just tell us what the Eighth Princess likes to watch! I also wrote some recipes for making cakes, Eighth Princess, you can let the one by your side. People make it for you to eat!"

Lin Tingya: "I wrote some tips on how to grow flowers. The Eighth Princess can also grow flowers on weekdays to relieve boredom!"

The eighth princess was so moved that she was worried that she would cry, and she joked: "It seems that I went to Lanling Country, and I was even busier than Nalan Country! There are too many things to learn!"

Han Gengyu said with a smile, "The Princess Hui'an and the others have really taken care of the gifts! Gengyu is really ashamed. If I had known, I would have copied a few copies to relieve the boredom of the Eighth Princess!"

She originally thought that the eighth princess and Princess Hui'an were so friendly because they had similar personalities. It seemed that it was not just a personal reason.

Princess Hui'an is sincere and sincere to his friends!

The eighth princess smiled and said, "Mr. Han praised Geng Yu's words. You were copied. If you copied it to me, I would feel inferior when I read it! Together, I learned from Mr. Han with you! Xun! I don't want to see your words in my life!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Han Shiyu looked at Han Gengyu enviously.

She also studied with the Eighth Princess, but probably because her parents passed away early, the Eighth Princess looked down on herself, so she didn't like to play with herself.

Of course, Han Gengyu was also annoyed at the moment. Why didn't she think of adding makeup like copying books? After that, the eighth princess was bored. Whoever took out the book, she could think of whoever she read, and whoever read it would not be the same as who accompanies her. around?

But it's not too late, the eighth princess married to Lanling Kingdom, but it was a lifetime event.

She also smiled: "What book the eighth princess wants to read, you can also tell the minister's daughter, and the minister's daughter is also willing to copy a copy for the eighth princess!"

Huang Hengxi and others also smiled and agreed to copy the book for the Eighth Princess later.

Huang Hengxi thought of a wonderful way. In the future, if a caravan goes to the western countries, she will ask the caravan to visit the eighth princess with a few books. In this way, the eighth princess will definitely protect their Huang family. Caravan's.

The eighth princess looked at them who were not sincere, and said with a smile: "You guys have a heart, but I can't see that much. Your heart is in the heart of the princess!"

The eighth princess deliberately glanced at the sundial, and then said: "It's not too early, this princess is going to start bathing and changing clothes, so you all leave! Warm, gentle, warm, Tingya, you guys stay and help me paint Makeup! Geng Yu, you have a good eye, help me to see if Nuan Nuan painted well!"

Even if Huang Hengxi and others felt uncomfortable, the Eighth Princess left them and not herself.

But there is no way out, who made these people know how to please the Eighth Princess!

Huang Hengxi and the others stood up and saluted and left.

Han Shiyu looked at Hang Gengyu: "Gengyu, why don't I wait for you, lest you go home alone and be alone."

Han Gengyu shook her head: "No need, elder sister, go back first! I want to accompany the eighth princess more, and I will go back to the house tomorrow, please tell my parents and me."

Han Gengyu sighed in his heart.

The eighth princess doesn't like her cousin, how could Han Gengyu block the eighth princess at this time.

If the eighth princess wanted her to stay, she would have called her by name just now.

But she still wanted to keep her.

But the eighth princess is clearly in front of her!

Han Shiyu's face froze, and she smiled: "Okay! Then you can accompany the eighth princess."

After she finished speaking, she bowed to the eighth princess again: "Eighth princess, that minister and daughter retire!"

The eighth princess nodded.

She didn't like Han Shiyu, she obviously wanted to stay, why did she say it as if she was thinking of Geng Yu.

She just feels hypocritical!

From childhood to most of the time, the Eighth Princess would endure it at first, but later on, she couldn't bear it anymore.

She felt that she was always taking advantage of others, making people feel that she was kind and sensible.

After a few people left, the eighth princess was also reminded by the mama sent by Concubine Shu that she needed to open her face, take a bath, etc.

There is still much to do before dawn. The princess gets married, but there are many red tapes.

Nuan and the others have been with the Eighth Princess all the time, knowing that at dawn, the Eighth Princess and Amber will be together at the Temple of Heaven to say goodbye to their ancestors, to heaven and earth, to their parents, and to be worshipped by the officials before they board the married carriage!

This time, Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian will escort the Eighth Princess all the way to Lanling before returning.

There are also Liu Kai, the Imperial Guard, the head of the Honglu Temple, the two imperial doctors of the Hetai Hospital, plus the palace maids, guards, maids and others of the eighth princess dowry, nearly 1,000 people!

Red makeup for dozens of miles on this day.

But not many people envy it.

On this day, the people of the capital sent dozens of miles away.

The emperor stood at a high place and looked at the team that was gradually receding, with red eyes.

In his life, he had many children, but not many of them survived, and now there are not many left by his side.

Now even the most beloved daughter is married, and she may never see each other again in this life.

Eunuch Li also had red eyes as he looked at the team that was drifting away.

The emperor is confused!

How could you agree to this marriage?

The emperor suddenly said: "Go on, the princess of Nalan will never marry a foreign country!"

one is enough!


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