The wedding team has been out of the capital, and the people on the road know that the eighth princess is getting married, and they all knelt down and congratulated: "The eighth princess is auspicious, I congratulate the eighth princess to marry!"

Today's Emperor Rende, the people have had a better life in the past two years! In particular, the rice and wheat that yielded thousands of kilograms per mu came out, and in two years, no people starved to death.

The poorest people just don't have enough to eat, instead of having one meal and no next meal.

Therefore, the common people feel that the emperor is a good emperor, and the Hui'an county master who contributed the breeding method is a good county master!

So when they met the princess and got married, as long as they passed the official road, all the villagers near the official road ran out one after another, knelt on the ground, and shouted: "The eighth princess is auspicious, and the eighth princess is congratulated!"

Although these words have long been mentioned by local officials to the village chiefs of each village, when the princess got married, she did this when she met her.

But that is to say that they do it when they meet them. For many commoners, they are not the commoners of the imperial city. They are embarrassed by the world. The commoners of small villages, whenever the nobles go out, they can hide if they can. They prefer to hide at home rather than go out. Join in the fun, so as not to get into trouble.

Now that the villages received the wind, all the villagers, old and young, ran out, knelt beside the official road, and shouted congratulations to the eighth princess!

The wedding team has been gone for a long time, and they have passed through several villages.

Not a single village is dispatched from the whole village!

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian were riding in the same carriage, and the Eighth Princess and Amber naturally rode in the same carriage.

Warmly rubbed her uncomfortable stomach, and wanted to get motion sick again, she lifted the curtain and glanced at the people kneeling on both sides of the official road, and couldn't help sighing: "The emperor has won the hearts of the people!"

It is rare that only two people get along. Nalan Jinnian has been holding on to a warm little hand since he got into the carriage. He did not miss the movement of rubbing her stomach. Knowing that she started to get motion sickness again, it would be good to distract him.

He followed the gap of the warmly lifted curtain, glanced outside, and then his eyes fell on her soft side face.

The little girl is so beautiful~!

Nalan Jinnian's expression was not as stern as before, with a soft face, and now he looked even more handsome: "This is all your credit!"

Without the emergence of wheat and rice with a yield of thousands of kilograms per mu, it will take at least several years for the emperor to live on forever.

So it's all her credit.

Now that most of the corrupt officials in Nalan have been disposed of, they are getting stronger day by day.

The tumor has been eliminated, the civil strife has been levelled, and new generals of Wentao and Wulu have emerged, and they are not afraid that the four countries will stare at them.

It was her appearance that made what he and the emperor thought would take at least ten years to complete ahead of schedule!

Nalan Jinnian thought again that when he first met her, he occasionally went to her bamboo hut to eat, but at this moment he felt very nostalgic.

Three years later, the little girl has grown up too!

This year, she is married, and they can get married. After he and the little girl get married, in a few years, they can put everything down and go back to Ningyuan County to live a leisurely rural life.

At that time, they should already have children, I don't know how many?

Three-year guarantee?

No, the little girl has twins in her ancestors, and it is estimated that she may hold four in three years!

Preferably all girls!

Four little girls who are exactly the same as the little girl come to me and the little girl every day, and say goodbye together: "My son, I have seen my father and mother, my father and mother, Fu'an."

His daughters must be smart and he's going to teach them

"Brother Seventeen, what do you think?" Nalan Jinnian's warm hand hurt.

Wen Nuan lowered the curtain and turned to look at him, his eyes met, and suddenly crashed directly into his tender eyes.

The whole handsome face is so soft that it drips with water!


The words "I want to have a child with you." were swallowed directly into his stomach when he paused.

The deep affection in someone's eyes instantly faded, and he was stained with a smile, and his eyes became even brighter!

His hands tightly clasped the warm little hands.

Decided to scare her on purpose, so that she even forgot about motion sickness.


Think. What?

Have a baby? ! ! ! ! !

Shouldn't this person be suddenly beastly?

The two were sitting next to each other, and when Nalan Jinnian spoke, his cool breath and the faint scent of tea surrounded him with warmth.

His body seems to be a little hot, and his breath is so hot that his face is hot!

Warm heart beat faster, she twitched her hand but did not pull it back, then moved her buttocks, moved away from him, and stuttered: "What are you thinking about! Don't think about it! Believe it or not, I will kick you out of the carriage?"

Nalan Jinnian looked at the warm and red face, and the smile in her eyes deepened!

Following her misunderstanding, he stretched out his hand, picked her up and placed her directly on his lap, hugging her like a baby.

He lowered his head and leaned down slowly.

Warm almost screaming!

The whole person did not dare to move, for fear of disturbing the people outside.

Knowing that the tip of his nose touched the tip of hers, he whispered warmly. "It's in a carriage! Lots of people outside!"

Nalan Jinnian laughed softly, and finally couldn't help laughing.

Warmth felt the shock of his chest very directly in his arms.

At this point, Nuan still doesn't understand that he deliberately teased herself, then she is really stupider than a pig!


Wen Nuan directly stretched out his hand and twisted the flesh around his waist, but it was also hard! Very solid!

It shows that someone does not practice less martial arts on weekdays!

Warm hand strength is naturally painless to someone, just like scratching!

But sometimes it's not the physical pain that's unbearable.

Nalan Jinnian smiled bitterly: "Girl, don't move! Otherwise we will

Warm and dare not move.

Thinking about it, it's not right. He's agile, his feet are hard, his body is turned, and he sits directly next to him in the farthest position!

Then he glared at Nalan Jinnian!

Nalan Jinnian couldn't help laughing again: "Girl, what were you thinking about just now? I mean thinking about the child you have for me in the future!"

Warm rolled his eyes and ignored him!

Turn around and look out the window!

so bad!

Nalan Jinnian couldn't help but continue: "But I don't know that my little princess is so looking forward to it. Anyway, you will be ready in a few months, why don't we start working hard now?"

Warm rolled his eyes!

Ignore him!

"Little princess~, how is it?" Nalan Jinnian sat closer and called out with a pleasant smile.

Warm stern face, hands on the window lattice, ignoring him.

"Girl~" Nalan Jinnian sat a little closer, smiled and grabbed the corner of her sleeve and gently tugged it.

The voice was slowly pleasing.

Warm still ignores him!

"Little girl~" Nalan Jinnian didn't dare to laugh anymore, but the smile in his eyes became stronger. He sat a little closer, and instead grabbed her little tail finger and shook it.

Warm mouth twitched!

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