The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1006 Big gray, don't call!

Warm mouth twitched:

Why does she feel that this person is so similar to the dog-legs when Da Hui coaxed Xiaobai? !

At this time, Nalan Jinnian's voice sounded again!

"My little girl~" Nalan Jinnian sat a little closer, finally next to each other!

The raised corners of his mouth just wanted to grin out of the sky!

"Da Hui, don't call!" Wen Nuan said quickly.

Nalan Jinnian: "."

Then he thought of a time when he saw Da Hui and Xiao Bai getting along, and his expression froze.

Can't laugh anymore!

He just wanted to divert her attention so that she wouldn't get motion sickness!

This girl actually calls herself Da Hui? !

It's really disrespectful!

Outside, Lin Feng, who was driving the carriage, listened and said, "The county lord, are you looking for Da Hui? Should I have someone call him here?"

"No!" Nalan Jinnian said with a dark face.

Seeing someone with a black face, I couldn't help laughing!


Still can't cure you!

Probably to see someone's face darker!

Nuan imitated his appearance, and softly called him: "Da Hui~"

Those charming eyes were full of smiles, and the stars were shining.

Nalan Jinnian glared at her!

"Big gray gray~" tugging at someone's sleeve.

Nalan Jinnian's face turned even darker!

This time I didn't even bother to give her a look!

Um, don't Da Hui like it?

Then, "Little Gray~"


"Little gray gray~"


"Little U~"

Finally in harmony.

For a long time, when the warm mind was no longer blank, a picture appeared in it:

Da Hui was crawling, gently approaching an angry dog ​​lying on the ground, stretched out a wolf paw, and patted Xiao Bai's paw lightly.

Xiaobai shrank his feet and turned his back to it.

Da Hui continued to crawl forward a few steps, stretched out his wolf claws, and rubbed Xiao Bai's back.

Xiaobai turned his head, glared at it, continued to turn his head, and turned his back to it.

Da Hui continued to crawl forward, stretched out his wolf claws and patted Xiao Bai's head lightly.

Xiaobai turned back and opened his mouth to bite a wolf's paw.

Big gray sticks out wolf tongue

Thinking of this, I sighed warmly: "It really looks like a master!"

Nalan Jinnian who is pouring cold water: "."

It's just a lesson!

It doesn't appear to be motion sickness.

Since this trick works!

Then go ahead~

Some people here are doing everything they can to prevent someone from getting motion sickness.

And in the red carriage in front, someone was racking their brains to please someone.

The two have been quiet all the way.

Amber glanced at the villagers who were kneeling and shouting outside, and finally couldn't help but deliberately asked the Eighth Princess to say, "The people of Nalan are so enthusiastic!"

Look, he has to get people to rush back quickly and let the people of Lanling Kingdom come out to greet the Eighth Princess.

Otherwise, when the people are not welcome, what should the Eighth Princess do if the people of Lanling Kingdom do not welcome her?

What to do if you decide to leave her out in the cold?

He definitely couldn't let the Eighth Princess, who did not hesitate to leave his hometown and marry him, be wronged.

The eighth princess was wearing a heavy wedding dress, a heavy phoenix crown on her head, and a red hijab on her head.

The eighth princess' neck was a little tired, she was a little angry, how could Nabul be so stupid, and she didn't know how to lift the red hijab!

The phoenix crown almost crushed her neck.

She thought that if she waited a little longer and the person on the other side didn't lift the red hijab, she would lift it herself.

The eighth princess couldn't help but turned her neck and said angrily, "Is that so, I can't see it again!"

Amber knew she was tired when she saw her movements.

Although Xi Niang said that the red hijab had to arrive at the inn at night, and could only be lifted when drinking the wine.

But will she be bored?

Besides, it takes half a day to reach the station! This road is so long, it will be boring!

Amber said: "Eighth princess, why don't I lift up the red hijab for you first, and look at the scenery outside to get some air?"

Anyway, Lanling Kingdom does not have this custom.

There were only the two of them in the carriage, and no one knew, and no one could see the beauty of his bride.

"I've been waiting for your words for a long time!" The eighth princess couldn't help but feel aggrieved in her voice!

This is a piece of wood!

The eighth princess can't wait to jump off the carriage and go back to the palace!

She is not married!

Amber was stunned for a moment, and then Jun blushed. He thought that the eighth princess was angry, and was a little nervous, so he quickly stood up: "I'm sorry, I don't know!"

Amber quickly sat beside the eighth princess, picked up a happy scale on the table, and lifted the red hijab.

The eighth princess immediately gave Amber a dissatisfied look.

Amber was stunned!

What a nice view!

Under the warm and skillful hands of the eighth princess, her already beautiful face is even more beautiful! Especially that water hyacinth has become bigger and more charming.

The angry look in her eyes just now made people's bones go soft!

Amber's Adam's apple rolled: his bride.

"You still won't take the phoenix crown on my head? I'm dead, and my neck is about to break!" The Eighth Princess pouted slightly and said dissatisfiedly.

How can you be so stupid!

However, she was also happy in her heart. Although she was beautiful before, she was not yet amazing!

This time she finally saw someone amazed for her.

Still a good workmanship!

A little bit of powder will make you beautiful.

Amber quickly came back to his senses and sat beside her, studying how to get the phoenix crown.

"How do I take this off?"

Eighth Princess: "Just take it off."

Amber reached out to help the eighth princess take off the phoenix crown.

The moment he picked up the phoenix crown, he realized that it was so heavy!

The eighth princess must be very tired with such a heavy thing on her head for so long!

She had been wearing a phoenix crown since midnight last night and saluting.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed, and blamed himself for being too blind.

"Ah, take it easy! I caught my hair! It hurts!" The Eighth Princess couldn't help but whispered.

His movements have been relaxed, but the phoenix crown is too heavy and the workmanship is complicated, and it will inevitably tug on the hair.

Amber didn't dare to move: "Where?"

"Here!" The eighth princess stretched out her hand and pulled her hair, but it broke all of a sudden, "It's alright."

Amber felt even more guilty.

People in the Central Plains take their hair very seriously.

It was just that his movements were not light enough. He continued to move lightly. When he caught the hair, he told the Eighth Princess to stay still. He gently helped her to untie it, and finally took off the phoenix crown.

It's early spring and the weather is cool!

Amber was so nervous that his forehead was sweating.

He quietly wiped it with the handkerchief.

Ba Gong turned her neck and was finally freed, she was exhausted!

The Eighth Princess saw Amber wiping his sweat across from him and couldn't help but ask, "Are you hot?"

Amber smiled: "A little bit."

Actually not hot, he is nervous!

But you can't say that!

Amber poured a cup of tea for the Eighth Princess: "Eighth Princess, drink some water."

The eighth princess hesitated for a while, but she was actually thirsty, after all, she hadn't had a drop of water since the middle of the night last night.

But what should I do if I have to go to the toilet after drinking water?

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