The eighth princess reluctantly glanced at the tea and shook her head: "I'm not thirsty."

Turn your head when you're done!

Amber: "."

It looks like you really want to drink, why don't you drink it?

Amber didn't understand for a moment.

He picked up the dim sum on the table: "Do you want to eat dim sum, Princess Hachi?"

The eighth princess shook her head: "I'm not hungry."

Eat snacks, it will only make you more thirsty.

Amber said again: "How about eating some fruit? These fruits are really watery!"

Looking at these fruits, Amber couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Nalan is worthy of being a big country located in the center of the Central Plains. It has a large land and abundant resources and a good climate. This spring, it has been able to grow such good fruits. And in winter, there are plenty of fruits and vegetables!

Think of Lanling Kingdom, a small oasis, not even a large state capital in Nalan Kingdom.

Fruits are precious, and vegetables are not available all year round.

He couldn't help but sighed in the bottom of his heart, and gave the eighth princess a guilty look.

The eighth princess will endure hardship when she gets married!

But knowing that she was his fiancee since he was a child, he only identified her with all his heart, and he never wavered when he showed affection to other women.

When he came to Nalan and saw her, he became more determined.

He was willing to let go before, but now that she has agreed, he will definitely not let go!

Not even to die!

The Eighth Princess looked at the warmly prepared healthy fruits and thought that the fruits were a bit watery, but not much, so they could be eaten.

She nodded: "Then eat an orange."

Amber was very happy to hear the words: "I will cut it for the eighth princess."

Amber hurriedly took out a small knife from the dark compartment on the table, peeled the orange, and then cut eight pieces, exactly one piece, put it on the plate, inserted a silver fork, took one piece and handed it to the Eighth Princess.

The Eighth Princess took it and put it directly into her mouth. When she took a bite, the fresh and sweet juice filled her mouth, and she instantly felt a lot more comfortable.

After eating six oranges in a row, the whole person is finally satisfied.

Amber: "."

Are you not thirsty?

But this orange is really delicious, and Amber ate three.

There were nine oranges in total, and the two were divided.

"The oranges in Nalan country are also very delicious, and there is no sour taste at all."

The eighth princess laughed when she heard the words: "It's not the oranges from Nalan that are delicious, it's the warm and healthy oranges that are so delicious! Most of the oranges in Nalan are a little sour."

"The Princess Hui'an is really amazing!"

"That's it! Nuan Nuan said that she would go to Lanling to see and help me plant a few fruit trees, so that I would have fruit to eat in the future!" Speaking of Nuan Nuan, the eighth princess' eyes lit up!

"Hui'an County Master is so kind to the Eighth Princess! However, the soil and climate of Lanling Country, there are many fruits that are not suitable for planting." Amber looked at the Eighth Princess's hopeful appearance, and he couldn't bear to disappoint her. .

But it's a fact, I don't say it now, I'm worried that she will be more disappointed in the future.

The eighth princess disagreed: "Don't worry, Nuan Nuan also said that she would go and see it before she knew that she would improve the seeds. She said that she had an 80% chance of planting them!"

Therefore, in the dowry of the eighth princess this time, there are many fruit saplings and various seeds, all prepared warmly.

Wen Nuan plans to water it in person every day, and transform it with purple gas by the way.

If you want to keep it for two months, it’s almost the same!

Amber was a little unconvinced, but he didn't bother the Eighth Princess any more. Besides, the Princess Hui'an was a legendary figure in Nalan, who doubled the output of rice and wheat by two or three times. This is not something ordinary people can do. !

Maybe it is possible to cultivate food, vegetables and fruits that can adapt to the climate and soil quality of Lanling Kingdom.

He is looking forward to it too!

Even if only one or two trees can be successfully made, the Eighth Princess will have fruit to eat in the future.

"I heard that Hui'an County Master used to be a peasant girl? How did Brother Seventeen get to know Hui'an County Master?" Amber felt that the Eighth Princess should like to talk to him about Hui'an County Master, so he found a topic.

The Eighth Princess has naturally gonessip about this matter, but she has inquired about it from many people!

For example, Lin Feng and Wen Wen are their sisters.

There are also Liang Ziyun, Feng Nianchen, Ning Huaijie and others.

The various versions added up, and she felt that she had come to the truth of the matter.

Lin Feng said that Lin Xing was guarding Uncle Seventeen on the mountain at that time. Later, Lin Xing was sent to the northwest frontier to build watchtowers and train soldiers, and he has not returned yet.

But Lin Feng asked Lin Xing that it was because Nuan Nuan cured Xiao Hei on the mountain, and then Da Hui brought Nuan Nuan back to the mountain to help the Seventeenth Emperor's uncle treat his hands. The two knew each other.

Said softly, Uncle Seventeen ordered meals at their house, and often came to their house for dinner, and he became familiar with him once he came and went.

Feng Nianchen said that the seventeenth emperor's uncle was not as good as a beast, so he became interested, fell in love with Nuan Nuan at first sight, and in order to please Nuan Nuan, he gave away his ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum! He also sent out the jade mines, and used the excuse of eating and treating his hands to pester Nuan Nuan every day.

"They? It's because"

Speaking of the two people she admires and admires the most in this world, the Eighth Princess has a lot to say!

Amber also seemed to have found a way to get along with the eighth princess. After she finished speaking, he threw another question.

Such an afternoon has passed.

When the sky just turned dark, the group finally arrived at the Concubine's Mansion.

This is a mansion that Amber bought when he came to Nalan Kingdom, and it has been cleaned up long ago.

He came all the way and bought mansions all over Nalan.

Just to marry the eighth princess and go back, there is a place to stay on the road.

The distance between each mansion is exactly one day's journey.

Tonight is the wedding night for the two of them. Amber has already arranged for someone to come here, set up the place, and prepare a banquet to greet the team.

At this moment, the mansion was surrounded by lanterns.

The steward of the mansion, with a dozen servants, knelt down and saluted outside the door: "The servant welcomes the eighth princess, consort! The table is ready!"

Amber got off the carriage with the Eighth Princess on his back, and said, "Get up! Don't be too polite."

Amber said to his subordinates: "Alang, you greet King Jin and County Master Hui'an, General Deng and others for dinner. I'll be there later!"

Amber said to the warm and Nalan Jinnian behind him: "Uncle Seventeen, Princess Hui'an, General Liu, you all have dinner first!"

Nodding warmly: "Got it."

Nalan Jinnian: "Don't worry about us, we can just eat by ourselves."

The eighth princess had already put on the phoenix crown and red hijab at this moment. She couldn't see the situation outside, she just thought she was at the station.

Amber carried the Eighth Princess directly to their new house.

Amber carried the eighth princess to the bridal room and put it on the bed, then lifted off the hijab at the suggestion of Xi Niang, drank the wine, completed the rest of the etiquette, and then withdrew.

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