The Eighth Princess took a look at the room. The furniture here is all high-quality mahogany furniture, and the things placed are excellent!

Definitely not a station!

"Isn't this an inn?"

Amber said with a smile: "No, it's our mansion. I bought a few mansions on the way back, and we don't need to live in the inn on the way. Later, when you come back to Nalan to save relatives, you don't need to live in the inn. The inn does not have its own. Home is comfortable!"

In fact, he sent someone to set up this place as a new house, and it was also selfish.

This year is their wedding night, and he just wants to quickly turn the eighth princess into his wife, so that he can feel at ease.

In a place like the post station, he felt that the Eighth Princess would be wronged, so he ordered people to arrange it in advance.

The eighth princess did not expect that when he came, she had already thought about the situation of going home to save her relatives in the future.

It's bound to be a little emotional.

Amber stood up: "I'll have someone bring you something to eat. You eat first, and I'll be back at night."

The eighth princess nodded.

Amber also knew the customs of Nalan, and in Nalan, he did things according to the customs of Nalan.

After he went out, he had someone bring food to the Eighth Princess, and he planned to accompany Nalan Jinnian and others.

Who knows, after he went out, he found that Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan were eating in the house.

Liu Kaizheng was having dinner with the accompanying Guards, and when he saw Amber come out, he smiled and said, "Consort, don't say hello to us! Spring night is worth a thousand dollars! Hurry up and accompany the eighth princess!"

The other Imperial Guards also smiled and echoed: "Consort, go back to accompany the Eighth Princess! Don't make the Eighth Princess wait too long."

Amber still walked over, toasted everyone with a glass of wine, and then hurried back to the new house.

The eighth princess took the first bite just now, and Amber came back.

She froze for a moment, then became a little nervous: "Why are you back so soon?"

The Eighth Princess only realized what was going to happen tonight after he went out.

She also thought about going to bed quickly after eating, but she didn't expect him to come back so soon.

"Uncle Seventeen and Princess Hui'an are eating together in the house, let me come back to eat with you." Amber sat down.

The maid next to the eighth princess clothed him with a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

"Oh." The Eighth Princess could only respond, then lowered her head and started eating absentmindedly.

She eats slowly.

Amber ate quickly, and when he finished eating, he patiently sat there and waited for the eighth princess to finish eating.

The eighth princess was a little nervous, and if he was there later.

Do you want to refuse?

But they are already married, as it should be!

But she didn't want to.

The eighth princess was very tangled in her heart.

Half an hour later, Amber took the Eighth Princess's unease into his eyes.

The eighth princess can't eat anymore at this moment.

Amber was full of expectations, but at this moment, he was inevitably a little disappointed.

But he didn't want to force her, so he said warmly, "Eighth princess, don't be nervous. If you don't want to marry me, I won't force you, you know? You don't have to force it."

After hearing this, the eighth princess felt even more guilty. She subconsciously blurted out: "No! I didn't want to! I'm just scared."

After the eighth princess finished speaking, she wanted to bite off her own stone.

Amber's disappointment disappeared instantly, he couldn't help laughing, he knew!


Eighth Princess: "."

Is it okay for her to regret it now?

But looking at Amber's full of joy, she couldn't hide it, the eighth princess gritted her teeth, forget it, get married, there will always be a day, isn't it?


It was late at night, Amber glanced at the eighth princess beside him who had fallen asleep from exhaustion, and he reached out and held her hand quietly.

In fact, after what happened last time, he realized that the Eighth Princess is a kind-hearted person who is easily soft-hearted.

If you treat her well and tolerate her, she can't bear to make you wrong, and she is willing to wrong herself.

He deliberately showed weakness tonight, and of course there was a bit of sincerity in those words. He would not force her, but he deliberately pretended to be lost and pitiful.

He knew that the eighth princess didn't like him, so he was also a little uneasy, he just wanted to let her become his own person as soon as possible, and let her like him as soon as possible, would he show weakness?

The eighth princess is really soft-hearted~

Really a lovely person!

Amber leaned in and kissed her cheek before closing his eyes.

The eighth princess should fall in love with her soon, right?

He will keep trying!


The next day, Nuan saw the eighth princess blushing, and Amber walked out with a contented face.

know what happened.

Seeing the eighth princess like this, Nuan also knew that she was not unhappy, and was relieved.

She is happy for the eighth princess.

My second brother is gone!

But a woman like the Eighth Princess really deserves a better man for her!

Seeing Nuan Nuan, the eighth princess immediately ran to Nuan Nuan's side, "Nuan Nuan, I am in a carriage with you!"

They were like that last night, and Amber was like that again this morning. She was a little embarrassed to face him.

Looking warmly at Amber.

Amber gave the warm a look for help!

He still wants to have a good relationship with the eighth princess!

This is the first step!

Warm but smiled and said, "Okay!"

Amber's face collapsed all of a sudden, he looked at Nalan Jinnian begging for help: Brother, help!

He finally made a little progress!

Nalan Jinnian only wanted to have a carriage with Wennuan, Xiaoba was here, it was too much of a hindrance!

He said, "No! Nuan Nuan will get motion sickness. She recognized the bed last night and didn't sleep well. She has to make up for her sleep in the carriage. Don't disturb her!"

The eighth princess looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Uncle Seventeen, how do you know Nuan Nuan hasn't slept well? Oh~ I see!"

The eighth princess glanced at the two of them ambiguous, the two must have been a nest of snakes and rats last night, and they had turned the dragon into a phoenix!

Warm and speechless, what was the eighth princess thinking?

In this respect, Nalan Jinnian is more conservative than himself.

At least he never overstepped the line.

Passionate, only polite.

Fairly decent.

Nalan Jinnian rolled her eyes at her: "Didn't you see the dark shadow in her eyes?"

After saying that, Nalan Jinnian pulled Wennuan and walked towards the carriage.

The carriage outside was already ready, and everyone was waiting outside.

Amber quickly stepped forward and grabbed Princess Eight's hand: "Princess, let's get on the carriage too! Don't disturb Uncle Seventeen and Nuan Nuan!"

The eighth princess blushed again and wanted to withdraw her hand, but she didn't, so she could only let him go.

On this day's journey, the Eighth Princess slept for most of the day, all because she was tired.

Amber felt a little distressed when he saw this, and he didn't want her anymore.

After all, it was too hard to travel, and I was worried that she would be exhausted.

There is still a long way to go. He is afraid that the eighth princess will not adapt to it, and his body will not be able to bear it if he does not rest well.

This night, I also settled in the mansion that Amber bought.

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