"Then I'm going to write a letter."

"Yeah." Warm replied casually.

Nalan Jinnian strode out, returned to his room, and wrote a letter to the emperor.

After the warm reaction, why didn't he write like this directly?

This year has passed by in a flash, I didn't think much about it and continued to write.

Nuan blew the letter dry, and Nalan Jinnian had already come over.

"It's finished so soon? Let me see." Wen Nuan stretched out his hand to him.

Nalan Jinnian gave her the letter in his hand.

Nuan took a look, but just asked Qintian to choose the auspicious day and asked the emperor to give Wen Chun a holiday to get married. She rolled up the letter paper and what she wrote, and planned to tie it under Xiao Hei's wings and send it back.

"I'm coming! You go to freshen up and go to bed early." Nalan Jinnian took the letter from Wennuan's hand.

Warm nodded and went to clean up the pen and ink.

Nalan Jinnian took a few steps, put an extra piece of paper with his back to the warm and invisible, rolled it together, tied it under Xiaohei's wings, touched its head, and let it fly away.

They had only traveled for two days and walked hundreds of miles, and it wouldn't take too long for Xiao Hei to fly back. This matter will be settled by the emperor tomorrow!

The next day, Lin Tingxuan sent the news to the emperor and the Duke of Anguo before the early court.

After the emperor came to court, he left Liang Huanzhang directly.

in the imperial study

The emperor smiled and said, "Aiqing, what do you think of Duke An's eldest son, Wen Chun?\

,"Hearing this, Liang Huanzhang thought that the emperor wanted to arrange for Wen Chun to be transferred back to the capital, so he said: "Sir Wen is naturally good, although he is young, he is smooth and wise, and he is a great help for the people of Xinyang City to settle down so quickly! He must be the backbone of the Nalan Kingdom!"

This is the truth!

Liang Huanzhang admired Wen Chun very much. He was mature and stable at a young age. If it wasn't for his daughter who had retired from relatives and was older than Wen Chun, he would have wanted to marry his daughter to him!

After hearing this, the emperor smiled and said, "Haha. Liang Aiqing thinks Wen Chun is good! I heard that Liang Aiqing's eldest daughter is not married yet? It happens that Wen Chun has reached the age of marrying a wife. Would it be good for me to marry them?"

Liang Huanzhang was stunned on the spot.

He didn't expect that the emperor asked Wen Chun to be a matchmaker!

Although he felt in his heart that marriage was of course a blessing!

But now Wen Chun is the eldest son of Duke Anguo, and he is the champion himself. He has already ruled two counties at a young age, and is considered half a prefect. Looking at the entire capital, he is the most promising young man!

But now the families of the two families are different, and their daughter has retired from the family again, which is considered a high climb!

He really only dared to think about this matter, and dared not respond.

Liang Huanzhang cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, it's true, Lord Wen Chun is a talented person, and it's not an exaggeration to say that he is a quick son-in-law. How many people in the capital send matchmakers to come to the door, but the Duke of Anguo's manor does not tell the truth. Wei Chen really wanted to agree, but the little girl once Retired from relatives, and he is three years older than Wen Chun, this is something that Wei Chen really dare not think about. Master Wen, he can have a better choice."

Hui'an County Lord saved his wife's life, and left his wife Lin'er. After leaving him, she is very kind to his family. He knows that his daughter is very good in his eyes. Who will marry him? It's all worth it, but it's different in the eyes of others.

So he can't take revenge for kindness!

The emperor smiled and said, "Haha. A slender lady, a gentleman is so arrogant, but Wen Xiaoaiqing has admired Lingyuan for a long time, and wants me to marry her. If you agree, I will decree a marriage, okay?"

Of course Wen Chun did not dare to tell the emperor that, because the emperor read Nalan Jinnian's letter and asked him.

The emperor deliberately said this, only to appear warm and sincere!

Hey, look at how caring he is as an emperor, the courtier's marriage matters are all worried about him!

When he turned around, he asked the Seventeenth Emperor to get some matchmaker money!

Not much, just 100,000 taels, no, 200,000 taels is enough!

At this time, the emperor said to the person behind the screen: "Wen Xiaoaiqing, you can come out and fight for yourself! After all, this is your wife, not my wife!"

In order to clear the obstacles for Nalan Jinnian's marriage, so that he and Wennuan can get married as soon as possible, he can become the emperor as soon as possible, go out every day to spend money and play with landscapes, the emperor is more active than Nalan Jinnian.

Wen Chun blushed and walked out, bowing to Liang Huanzhang: "Wen Chun admires Miss Liang, and please ask Mrs. Liang to fulfill her! If she can marry Miss Liang, Wen Chun will only be one wife in this life, and she will definitely live up to her! The emperor can testify. !"

The emperor nodded: "I can testify that if Wen Xiaoaiqing dares to let Miss Liang down in the future, I will demote him to a commoner."

Liang Huanzhang was really dumbfounded!

After all, he thought that his daughter was going to marry lowly, but even if it was lowly married, the wife could not find satisfaction by picking and choosing.

Those people are not easy to get along with the mother-in-law, or the sister-in-law is difficult to deal with, and there is always something that is not satisfied.

For the sake of their daughter's marriage, they have big heads, so they are worried that they will pick the wrong one and the daughter will be wronged in the future.

After all, the first engagement has made her daughter the laughing stock of the entire capital!

Don't go wrong this time!

Seeing that Liang Huanzhang was dumbfounded, the emperor smiled and said, "How about Liang Aiqing? Yes or no, you must be accurate!"

Liang Huanzhang came back to his senses and hurriedly said, "It is a blessing for the little girl that the emperor can bestow the marriage! But on this matter, Wei Chen has to go back and ask the wife and the little girl for their opinions."

Liang Huanzhang wanted to agree, but he couldn't help asking his daughter if she was willing or not. After all, it was about her daughter's happiness in her life.

The emperor was not angry. He also had a princess himself. The eighth princess was married. The emperor also asked her twice if she was willing.

The emperor doesn't like those fathers who disregard the wishes of their children for their own future. Such people are too selfish. He smiled and said, "Liang Aiqing is not only a pillar of the court, but also a good father, then after you ask , then went to the palace to answer me, and I would decree the marriage."

Liang Huanzhang: "."

Go to the palace after asking? Does the emperor want to settle this matter today?

Liang Huanzhang was a little suspicious whether it was the emperor marrying a daughter, or was he marrying his own daughter?

Why is he so anxious?


Anguo Gongfu

When Wu received the news from Lin Tingxuan, he immediately invited a matchmaker to go to Liang's house to propose marriage.

After all, the warm family are all familiar with Liang Ziyun, and they all think Liang Ziyun is very good. It is really good that Wen Chun can marry her as the eldest daughter-in-law!

The Liang family had a matchmaker come to the door, and the Chang family was surprised to know that the eldest son Wen Chun was proposed by the Anguo Gongfu.

She suspected that she had heard it wrong, and couldn't help but confirm with the matchmaker three times before she believed that she had heard it right.

Wen Chun's child, apart from being a son-in-law two or three years younger than his daughter, is impeccable in other respects!

Although she is young, the children of the poor have long been in charge. The first time she saw Wen Chun, she felt that this child was really mature and stable. Now she is a county magistrate. She said she was a county magistrate, but the magistrates in charge of two counties were considered to be magistrates. A prefect level!

Such a son-in-law cannot be found even with a lantern!

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