After thinking about it for a while, Chang asked the matchmaker to come back in the afternoon, saying that he would wait for her husband to go to the office and ask his opinion before replying.

The matchmaker smiled and left.

After the matchmaker left, Chang hurriedly went to Liang Ziyun's house to ask if she would like it.

Liang Ziyun blushed and said, "It's good for parents to make decisions!"

What else did Chang Shi not understand when he saw this?

She still likes Wen Chun very much.

The people in the Anguo Gongfu are kind and capable!

The most important thing is that the family is upright, and the family is a kind family.

She often talks to the Wu family and knows that the family of Anguogong has set family rules, and the descendants cannot take concubines or have intercourse.

Moreover, she saw that Wen Chun would never take a second glance at a beautiful woman.

Chang said happily: "Then when your father comes back, mother asks his opinion. I will go back to the matchmaker in the afternoon."

Liang Ziyun hummed softly.

Chang held her daughter's hand and said happily: "Sai Weng loses his horse and knows it's not a blessing, Wen Chun is good, and after going out to practice for two years, he is mature and stable! He is the champion at a young age, not to mention his appearance. The elegant young man is as gentle as jade! The Wen family is a kind family, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Wang are easy to get along with, and they will not embarrass their daughter-in-law! You can see the relationship between Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wu! And you and Hui'an County Master and the others can get along well. As for the brothers, they are also good-natured! Many people in the capital are staring at this marriage, and there are many people who ask me to ask, but because Wen Chun was not in the capital, Wu Wu I don’t dare to make decisions on my own. If this marriage can happen, you can enjoy it in the future! It’s not that my mother didn’t think about it before, but she didn’t dare to say this! It’s good now! It’s really great!”

Chang's eyes reddened as she spoke, she was happy, her daughter's marriage was the thing she was most worried about! Now that it's settled, how can she be unhappy when such a good person comes to ask for relatives!

Liang Ziyun hugged Chang Shi: "Don't worry, mother, I will be fine! No matter who I marry, I will be fine!"

At this time, Liang Huanzhang walked in in a hurry. The weather in early spring was not hot at all, but a fine look appeared on his forehead, showing how fast he ran.

"Madam, Ziyun, the emperor wants to give you a marriage!"

Liang Ziyun's face turned pale when she heard this.

Who does the emperor want to give her to?

Shouldn't it be the great grandson?

Chang Shi also stood up in shock: "What?"

"The emperor wants to give Ziyun a marriage! Liang Huanzhang wiped his forehead and said breathlessly.

Looking at Liang Huanzhang's anxious appearance, Chang's also thought of the great grandson. She was anxious, she knew that she had promised the matchmaker directly just now! Looking for a matchmaker now, don't know if it's too late?

The matchmaker should not go far!

"Master's daughter is already engaged, and I have already agreed to the marriage proposal of the Duke of Anguo! I don't know what marriage is given!"

After speaking, Mr. Chang ran directly over Liang Huanzhang!

She don't want to listen, she doesn't know that the emperor wants to give marriage!

Liang Huanzhang: "."

Anguo Gongfu sent someone to propose marriage?

That's right, An Guogong's family is a family with knowledge and etiquette, how can they ask the emperor to marry him without sending someone to propose marriage!

Thinking of this, Liang Huanzhang is even more satisfied with this marriage!

Liang Ziyun said with a pale face at this time: "Dad, does the emperor want to give me to the first emperor's grandson?"

Liang Huanzhang was stunned: "What great grandson?"

Liang Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and asked with concern, "Who does the emperor want to marry me to?"

Only then did he understand why the lady ran away!

He said to Liang Ziyun's maidservant, "Quick, call the madam back, the emperor wants to betroth the girl to the eldest son of Duke An Guo!"

He also had to ask his daughter and his wife's opinion before entering the palace to answer the emperor!


In the afternoon, the imperial decree for marriage was sent to the two families!

The two families happily accepted the decree.

The emperor also said that the Qin Tianjian would personally choose a good day for them.

The emperor originally wanted to choose a day in March and prepare them for a month, but Jin Tianjian asked, King Jin and Hui'an County Master went to see the marriage, the eldest brother of Hui'an County Master's marriage, don't you have to wait for Hui'an County Master? came back?

It was only then that the emperor thought that for such an important matter, he had to wait for the return of Princess Hui'an!

He wants to be the emperor quickly, and wants to go crazy, no, it should be the seventeenth emperor's brother who wants to marry Hui'an County Lord quickly!

What to say to let the two get married as soon as possible, the sooner the better!

Say what is best to marry Wenhou as soon as possible, no, marry as soon as possible.

Hui'an County Lord is not here, marry a fart!

No matter how anxious, the two families will definitely not want to marry Hui'an County Master before he returns!

The emperor asked them to choose a date in June.

In June, they should be back.


In the evening, Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian received a letter from Xiao Hei. Nuan Nuan saw that the emperor not only conferred the marriage, but even chose the date!

She asked in surprise: "Why is this speed so fast?"

The two of them just finished playing the chess pieces, and Nalan Jinnian calmly said, "Probably Wen Chun has to rush back to his post as soon as possible."

After thinking about it warmly, yes, the Longevity Festival is over, the princess is married, and the eldest brother is indeed going back to Xinyang County.

However, they got married in June, and he had to go back to Beijing in a month.

This backward ancient means of transport!

If only there were planes.

It's a pity that when she was in modern times, she didn't learn to build airplanes.

If she knew that one day she would travel to ancient times, she would definitely learn everything!


Days passed, a month passed, and after tomorrow, they officially left the border of Nalan and entered the border of Beiming.

Every night along the way, he lived in the mansion that Amber bought in Naland.

Nuan couldn't help but ask, "Master Consort, do you have a house in Beiming Kingdom?"

When Liu Kai heard the words, he also looked at Amber.

Lin Feng is calm, what's the matter, their master has a house in five countries, including overseas!

Amber nodded: "Yes!"

"So we don't have to stay in an inn all the way, and we don't have to sleep in the wilderness?"

Amber shook his head: "You don't need to stay in an inn, you don't need to sleep in the wilderness, but you have to sleep in the desert for a night or two. There is a road through the desert, where there is no house to buy."

Liu Kai: "."

So, it's because there is no house to buy there, it's not because you don't want to buy it!

There is not even a house, and Liu Kai, who still lives in his ancestors, has low self-esteem!

Nuan couldn't help giving him a thumbs up: "The local tyrant! Eighth princess, you married a local tyrant! You don't have to worry about it in this life!"

In the last life, their families were all over the country, and they had houses all over the world. That was only achieved by the wealth created by the Wen family for several generations!

In this life, she has houses all over Nalan, but she has not done it yet!

Amber said with a smile: "Hui An County Master does not need to be envious, the Seventeenth Emperor has houses and shops in various countries, only more than me, not less than me!"

Liu Kai: "."

Is it so popular now to buy a house in various countries?

It seems that he has to find a way to make more money and buy more houses.

Otherwise, you won't be able to marry a wife, right?

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