That night they settled in Beifeng County. Beifeng County is located in the northernmost part of Nalan Kingdom, adjacent to Anfeng City, a small border town in Beiming Kingdom.

After dinner, everyone sat together to discuss tomorrow's route.

Amber pointed to a place on the map and said: "Starting from Beifeng County tomorrow, passing through Anfeng City in Beiming Kingdom, then going northwest, out of Beiming Kingdom's Beimenguan, and crossing the Kesala Desert From the northern edge, you can reach Lanling Kingdom. This is the shortest way! But it is a bit dangerous, but we have a lot of people with us, and we are very skilled, so we are not afraid."

The Eighth Princess has never traveled for such a long time. Except for the first few days, the following days can be said to be day and night. The Eighth Princess felt very tired and fell asleep almost as soon as it touched the bed. Now Hearing that Amber said it was the nearest way, he couldn't help but ask, "How long will it take to get there?"

The eighth princess asked this question almost every day for the past two weeks.

Amber also knew that she was tired, and he felt distressed when he saw it. He couldn't bear to reply the truth: "If you hurry, it will be here in half a month."

However, the next road is not easy to walk, the eighth princess is delicate, and he is reluctant to travel day and night. It is estimated that it will take more than half a month, not necessarily a month!

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Then let's go like this! The next road is not easy to walk, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Take a rest early and leave on time tomorrow."

"it is good!"

After everyone discussed the departure time for tomorrow, they went back to their own rooms to sleep.


This way, Emperor Junxian followed secretly. Wherever they settled, he settled there.

He really didn't expect Amber to be so generous, buying a house all the way, one mansion a day, and rushing thirty-two days, thirty-two mansions!

Simply insane!

Tomorrow, they will leave the border of Nalan Kingdom and pass through Anfeng Mountain in Beiming Kingdom. Emperor Junxian takes out a map.

Anfeng County is the border city of Beiming. Because it is adjacent to the desert and is an important business road, there are many people coming and going.

They will definitely settle in Anfeng County tomorrow, and Amber probably bought a mansion in Anfeng County as well.

After leaving Anfeng County, they will go to Beimenguan.

From Anfeng County to Beimenguan, there is a place with steep terrain, where bandits are often haunted, specializing in robbing the property of passing caravans for a living.

Because he personally led the army to suppress the bandits a few years ago, and destroyed the North Wind cottage, which was the king of the mountain, and the remaining bandits were not very good, and generally did not dare to rob large caravans.

The emperors in that area are familiar.

Di Junxian clicked on a certain position on the map and decided to rob Hui'an County Master at Chongling.

Then he clicked a few locations on the map, all to avoid Nalan Jinnian's tracking after he kidnapped Princess Hui'an.

After setting the route, Di Junxian thought about whether there were any omissions, what the odds were, and if Nalan Jinnian's people caught up, how should he get rid of it.

Di Junxian just wanted to rob Hui'an County Master. Although he wanted to kill Nalan Jinnian, he was not in a hurry. He wanted to see that after he robbed Hui'an County Master, Nalan Jinnian could see with his own eyes that Hui'an County Master became himself. The woman after his reaction!

Must be wonderful!

After thinking about several countermeasures over and over again, Di Junxian felt that he was infallible. It was almost dawn at this time, and he went to sleep.

From tomorrow onwards, he won't have to follow them, go directly to the Chongling layout, and wait for them to be delivered to the door.

After another three days of driving, they finally reached Anfeng County in Beiming Kingdom.

Because Anfeng County is a small border county and a traffic fortress, it is crowded with people and can be seen by people from all over the world.

It was already dark when they arrived in Anfeng County, but it was not too late, and the group hadn't eaten dinner yet.

Amber had already sent someone to prepare dinner for the people in the house.

Everyone was hungry, so they got off the carriage to wash up and sat down for dinner.

Warm, Nalan Jin and the eighth princess, Amber is at the table.

Knowing that the eighth princess likes to eat fish, Amber picked out the tenderest piece of fish maw and put it in her bowl: "This fish is very delicious, only Anfeng County can eat it, Yue'er, you can try it."

These days, the two have gotten along a lot, and Amber's name has changed from Eighth Princess to Yue'er.

Nalan Jinnian also gave Wennuan a chopstick of fish for the first time.

Warm loves to eat the meat of the back of the fish, and dislikes the meat of the fish maw being too fatty, so he picks nearly half of the meat from the back of the fish into a warm bowl with one chopstick.

The eighth princess was already hungry, and after saying thank you, she lowered her head and started to eat.

It's just that as soon as the fish was put into her mouth, she felt a fishy smell filling her taste buds, and then her stomach turned upside down, and she quickly ran away with her mouth covered.

Amber was about to pick another piece of fish for the Eighth Princess, when he was startled, he quickly put down his chopsticks and chased after him: "Yue'er."

The eighth princess' personal maid, Qingmei, had already given her a copper basin, and the eighth princess vomited directly while holding the copper basin.

Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian also put down their chopsticks, and they glanced at each other.

Nuan stood up: "I'll go take a look."

Nuan is worried that the Eighth Princess will not be acclimatized. Although there is no acclimatization along the way, every place is different, isn't it?

What's more, the continuous hurry and physical fatigue will make people's resistance worse.

Nalan Jinnian nodded knowingly of warmth.

Nuan quickly walked towards the Eighth Princess.

Nalan Jinnian took out the silver needle, inserted it into the fish, and tried the poison, but the silver needle did not change color.

He took a pair of chopsticks and tasted it again. The fish was delicious and had no peculiar smell.

This is a unique red-eyed fish in this area. It is very rare, and after it is salvaged and brought ashore, it cannot be raised, and fresh can not be eaten in Beijing.

It seems that Xiao Ba must be unaccustomed to the soil and water.

Amber was beside the Eighth Princess and nervously helped her to smooth her back. After watching the Eighth Princess spit out the fish meat, she retched there and regretted for a while: "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have given you fish meat, how about it?"

The eighth princess finally vomited.

The warm result was that the teacup in Qingmei's hand was handed to the Eighth Princess: "Eighth Princess, rinse your mouth."

The eighth princess took the teacup, rinsed her mouth, and breathed softly: "It's okay, what kind of fish is that fish, it's too fishy!"


I just took a bite of it, it's delicious!

"No! It's quite fresh! Eighth Princess, you may be unaccustomed to the soil and water. I'll help you take the pulse." The warm hand directly placed on the Eighth Princess's pulse.

"It's okay, I just think that fish is much more unpalatable than what I usually eat. I really can't stand the fishy smell."

When Amber heard the words, he said to Qingmei: "Remove the fish."


The eighth princess hurriedly said: "No, Nuan Nuan also likes to eat fish! Since Nuan Nuan thinks it is delicious, let's keep Nuan Nuan and eat it! I don't want to eat it. Isn't this fish only edible in Anfeng County? Don't withdraw! You can just eat."

Amber laughed: "Listen to you!"

Yue'er has a good temperament, and she finally thinks of others.

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