The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1018 I fell asleep for four days

Nalan Jinnian looked at the six people on the ground, their bodies were covered in wounds, Nuan and Nalan Jinnian bowed deeply to the sacrificed guards on the ground.

At this time, the eighth princess was also supported by Amber and came over.

The Eighth Princess and Amber also bowed to them.

If it wasn't to escort them to marry the Lanling Kingdom, they would not have sacrificed.

The other guards also lined up in groups of ten to bow.

When it was over, Nalan Jinnian said to Lin Feng:

"Send a few people to take them back to comfort their families."

"Yes!" Lin Feng immediately responded,

He was also injured, and the injury was similar to Nalan Jinnian, but he had to deal with it first.

Seeing this, Liu Kai said: "General Lin, stop the bleeding first, I'll arrange this! I have already bandaged the wound."

Nalan Jinnian said: "Then let General Liu arrange it! After making arrangements, continue to set off."

Amber also ordered that the fallen soldiers of Lanling Kingdom should be sent back first, and they could not be with the wedding party.

The eighth princess glanced at the sky, the sky was as black as ink, she couldn't see anything, and she didn't know if it would rain, but it should be almost dawn at this time, she said: "How about everyone rest in place tonight, it's dawn Continue on your way!"

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "Leave right away, lest those people come back again."

Nalan Jinnian knew that there was a Beiming army camp near Chongling Mountain, but of course he didn't know where it was.

Amber looked at the eighth princess: "Is Yue'er uncomfortable?"

He has asked this question no less than ten times.

But he heard the eighth princess say to rest in place for a night, and he couldn't help asking again.

Worried that she was not feeling well, she didn't say anything.

The eighth princess shook her head: "No!"

Amber looked at Wennuan: "Can County Master Hui'an help Yue'er check her pulse?"

Nodding warmly: "Of course!"

She had planned to do so.

The eighth princess smiled helplessly at the warmth.

With warm fingertips on the pulse of the eighth princess, she leaned into the eighth princess' ear and whispered: "The concubine cares so much about the princess, it's really envious of others!"

But the eighth princess felt that he was too nervous!

Kind of annoying!

But the heart is always sweet.

She couldn't help but said loudly to Nalan Jinnian: "Uncle Seventeen, you can't do it! Nuan Nuan envy that the concubine is so good to me! You have to think about it when you see it!"

Nalan Jinnian took a warm look after hearing the words, and nodded solemnly: "Okay!"

Nalan Jinnian's gaze fell on the warm belly, and he glanced at the warmth again, and said solemnly: "On that day, this king will definitely surpass it!"


Originally meant to make fun of the Eighth Princess, but I didn't expect to make fun of myself!

At this time, Lin Feng came and said, "Master, everyone has been rectified! It's time to go!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at it, and the long queue was already standing neatly.

"Are the seriously wounded soldiers in the carriage?"

"Yes! The soldiers who walked were lightly wounded."

"Let's go over there!"

Therefore, the group continued on their way, and did not leave the Chongling until noon the next day.

Lived in a county town, rested for a long time, let the soldiers recuperate well, and went on their way tomorrow.


Di Junxian also woke up at noon on the fourth day.

His injuries were so severe that he developed a high fever that night, and it took two days and three nights in a row before he woke up.

Fortunately, there are people with good medical skills around him.

In addition, Jia Jingxuan's medical skills in this area are still good.

Leng is to save him back!

Di Junxian opened his eyes, and Feng Di said immediately, "Seventh prince, are you awake?"

Di Junxian thought of something, and immediately asked, "Where has the Lanling Kingdom's wedding team gone?"

The voice was hoarse, almost inaudible.

Feng Di hurriedly poured him a glass of water: "Seventh Prince, drink some water."

Di Junxian lowered his head and took a gulp of water.

The ones guarding him these days are Feng Di and Zhang Yu, the bodyguard beside him.

Zhang Yu knew that he would definitely ask when he woke up, and he had already sent someone to find out.

"Back to the master, last night I was still the magistrate of Guanshan, and it took about two days to travel to Beimenguan."

Di Junxian was shocked: "So fast?"

Feng Di already knew that Di Junxian was injured so badly this time because he went to rob Hui'an County Master, and she also knew that Di Junxian was injured so badly because he was hurt by Hui'an County Master.

With his unparalleled martial arts, there are not many people in this world who can hurt him so badly!

But he was hurt so badly by Hui'an County Master, and he was absolutely reluctant to hurt her, so he kept his hands!

Now Feng Di heard that he was concerned about this matter as soon as he woke up, and his heart sank.

This Hui'an County Lord is a disaster, and it can't be kept!

The Seventh Prince really had all his heart on her.

The Seventh Prince is hers, she will never allow anyone to take it away!

Zhang Yu replied, "His Royal Highness, you are already in a coma!"

The martial arts of the Hui'an County Master did not expect to be so powerful, and he actually injured His Highness so badly!

In the previous fight against King Jin of Nalan, he was not hurt so badly!

Just been in a coma for three days.

Di Junxian: "."

I fell asleep for four days!

He also thought about grabbing it again at Tianmenguan.

Feng Di seemed to see what he was thinking and immediately said: "Seventh prince, you have been injured very badly this time, and you have injured your five organs and six internal organs! You must rest well! You are not in a hurry for what you are planning, you have not taken good care of your body, and then How can it be possible? Right!"

Feng Di is not stupid either, so naturally he will not directly persuade him not to rob Hui'an County Master, but remind him that it is important to recuperate, and to rob him again.

Di Junxian felt pain all over his body when he moved!

Just think about it!

He closed his eyes and calculated how good his injuries were when they came back!

Mainly because they don't know how long they will stay in Lanling Kingdom.

And how to rob it next time?

Zhang Yu glanced at Feng Di and said, "Your Highness, Miss Feng has been taking care of you for a few days these days."

When Di Junxian heard the words, he opened his eyes and glanced at her: "Thank you for your hard work. Don't worry, I'm fine. You can also go back and rest. Lord Shoufu should be worried."

Feng Di felt a pain in her heart and nodded, "I'll go and decoct the Seventh Prince."

Saying that, she went out.

Di Junxian waited for her to go out and said, "Is there any movement in the Southern Border Country?"

This time, Nalan Jinnian personally escorted the eighth princess to marry. After Zhu Qinghua knew about it, he would definitely take action.

He did such a scene at the beginning, just to have an excuse to send troops!

That Zhu Qinghua would do this this time was secretly reminded by his people. It was because he gave them an excuse to send troops to the Southern Border Country!

"Back to the master, the people from the Southern Border Country sent a letter saying that after the Sixth Prince of the Southern Border returned, the next day the Southern Border King asked Zhang Zhonghao of the Southern Border Country to transfer troops! And there are also some merchants from the Southern Border Country with us. Beiming Kingdom is looking at purchasing food! It is estimated that soon, the southern border of Nalan Kingdom will soon have a large army pressing the border!"

Di Junxian hooked his lips when he heard the words, very good!

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