Another ten days passed smoothly. In the evening, the group finally got out of Beimenguan and came to the edge of the desert.

Tonight, they will stay here for one night and continue their journey tomorrow morning.

There is a small town here, which was built in just six short years.

The small town is not big, there are only two streets, one street is a cattle market, the other street, you can see strange things, people from all over the world, they are all caravans, not very lively, but now Just after the New Year, many caravans have just set off, so there are more people.

Warm them up to the largest horse and camel trading shop.

In addition to buying and selling this shop, you can also choose to store horses here, pay a certain storage fee, and then rent camels out of the desert.

It's just that the storage fee is a bit expensive, and a horse needs two coins a day.

Because the currencies of different countries are different, only silver and gold are accepted here.

Of course, you can also exchange a horse for a camel.

Some caravans take several months to come back once they go out, so two coins a day, one or two in ten days, and one hundred taels in three months.

One hundred taels can buy a horse, so most people replace the horse with a camel.

It is very fair to exchange an adult horse for an adult camel, and an old horse for an old camel. When the caravan came back, as long as the camels were not dead, sick or underweight, they could be exchanged for horses. Of course, each exchange of horses requires a handling fee of one dollar of silver.

But the caravan went back and forth and made more money. Although many caravans felt that they were black, they would not be stingy with the money.

Some people's BMWs are reluctant to sell, after all, BMWs are hard to find. Then you have to keep it here, and it will cost you two coins a day!

Add up to a lot, it's not enough to count!

Wen Nuan took a look around and asked, "Is the largest livestock exchange here opened by people from Beiming?"

Amber: "No."

no? Wen Nuan couldn't help sighing: "Good business!"

Amber was slightly surprised, did she see something?

Nalan Jinnian's mouth slightly raised, his girl is smart!

Nothing can hide from him!

Liu Kai had already gone to pay the money and exchanged the horse for a camel. He just heard the warm words when he came back, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's not a good business, and the exchange of horses and camels requires a fee of silver, and that The storage fee will really make money!"

The eighth princess snorted: "It's the black heart!"

The fees are so expensive!

The good business that Wennuan said does not mean that it makes a lot of money.

In fact, the money earned is not too much, and the horses have no grass and no fat. In this place, two dollars of silver is used to raise a horse for a day. It has to be labored and given food for the horse. The food for the horse has to come from Beiming Kingdom. Procurement and delivery, the cost is estimated to be almost a penny.

Earn half, this is the basics of doing business!

So it doesn't make much money!

After all, if the horse dies, they have to pay for it.

However, Wen Nuan felt that the purpose of the people who run this livestock exchange market was not to make money, but to focus on the Mongolian BMW of Beiming, or even the BMWs of various countries, right?

After all, isn't it easy to keep horses here and keep them alive?

The people behind it may be aiming to get a good horse breed!

Of course not necessarily, Nuan only thinks of her own business ideas.

If she did this business, she would definitely do it!

Hearing the eighth princess say that the black heart Amber bowed his head and smiled.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the eighth princess lightly: "This child has all, why is the mind so simple?

The child born by the emperor's brother is really not good!

This is a bad choice for the daughter-in-law!

Thinking about the women in the harem, Nalan Jinnian felt that the emperor's vision was really not good!

Seeing the reaction of Amber and Nalan Jinnian, Nuan guessed that this was probably a business that Nalan Jinnian got out of.

So she was sure that this business must be to obtain thoroughbred horses!

It's here for the Menghan BMW of Beiming!

Therefore, even if the Longevity Festival does not win those stallions in Beiming Kingdom, within ten years, Nalan Kingdom will have a large number of good warhorses!

Nuan couldn't help but ask: "How many years has this Maluo trading market existed?"

Nalan Jinnian: "Six years."

Six years!

He gave him a warm look.

In six years, Nalan has opened its trading ports and other countries have begun to trade for six years.

At that time, he had already thought of this method to borrow horses?

He was thirteen or fourteen years old then!


Warm thought of some weapon designs in his study.

It should have come from some overseas countries.

Suddenly, she felt that the man she came to look for in ancient times was very unusual!

In the next hundred years, the history of the world should be different!

Warm smiles, what are you thinking, everything has been different a long time ago!

Feeling someone's adoring gaze and joy, Nalan Jinnian raised the corner of his mouth.

He took her little hand: "Let's go! Let's go see the sunset in the desert!"

Nodding warmly: "Okay!"

"The desert is solitary and the smoke is straight, and the long river is setting the sun." The scenery of the desert is also unique!

She had seen it warmly in the past life, but in this life, she also wanted to see it.

The beautiful scenery is always unforgettable.

Amber also took the hand of the eighth princess: "Are you tired? Let's go take a look too?"

Who is the Eighth Princess? The Eighth Princess is a person who loves to play, of course, I won't miss it!

"Okay!" She has never seen a desert~!

Of course, the Eighth Princess is looking forward to it now. Soon after, she will get tired of it and miss the spring, summer, autumn and winter in the Central Plains, with green mountains and green waters.

The eighth princess lifted her skirt and ran in the warm direction.

Nalan Jinnian turned to look at the two of them at this time: "Stay away from us!"

The little girl's adoring eyes just now made him very useful!

It is true to take her to see the desert scenery, and it is also true to take her to a place with no one, and kiss her!

At this time, they naturally don't want others to disturb them.

Eighth Princess: "."

Amber quickly pulled the eighth princess: "Let's go there! It's even more beautiful there!"

The eighth princess glared at Nalan Jinnian!

Isn't Uncle Seventeen going too far, they will return to Nalan in a few days, and they will no longer see Nuan Nuan!

This way, the two face each other day to night, which is not enough!

Nalan Jinnian took the warm hand and continued to walk forward.

Nuan looked back and watched Amber pull the eighth princess to the other end. She couldn't help but say, "Why don't you let the eighth princess follow?! We are leaving soon! Wouldn't it be better to spend more time with the eighth princess?"

Nalan Jinnian replied solemnly: "Let her develop a relationship with Amber."


Now that we have children, do we still need to cultivate feelings all the time?

It wasn't until the two of them sat on the sand dunes with no one around, and the warmth was kissed by someone who almost couldn't breathe, did they realize that it was fake for the Eighth Princess and Amber to develop a relationship!

It's true that someone wants to develop a relationship with themselves!

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