Dorya asked Ambron next to her: "Cousin, why do you think the princess of Nalan country fainted?"

Ambronn retracted his gaze from the warm back and looked at her: "What princess of Nalan, should be called a princess!"

Dorya pursed her lips: "Isn't there a wedding yet? It's not too late to shout. Cousin, do you think she fainted because she was too weak?"

Ambronn thought of the petite appearance of the eighth princess, maybe it really is: "It should be! The women in the Central Plains are different from ours. They always stay at home and do embroidery. Yes, they definitely don't practice martial arts, so they are all relatively weak."

Ambrose thought, weak women are good too! It's good to be a wife~

Dorya heard the words and looked at the figure who was leaving warmly, and slightly raised the corner of her mouth.


Although the women in Nalan look very delicate, they can be too weak!

The eighth princess actually fainted as soon as she came to Lanling Country.

This kind of weak woman is beautiful, but it is not suitable for survival in the desert.

Don't say that such a woman will kill the enemy with a knife, she needs to be supported when she walks, and she can't even drink wine!

How could such a woman survive in Lanling Kingdom?

She will also be like those peonies and peony, and they will soon wither when they come here!

The people of Lanling Kingdom have always been loyal, and they pay attention to monogamy. If they cheat after marriage, they will be punished by the law.

But Brother Bull's princess was not chosen by him when he grew up.

He has no choice!

It was chosen by the previous king for his help, and it was also an exotic princess.

But Brother Brown has the loyalty of Lanling men, so he has turned a blind eye to his own thoughts all these years.

But such a weak princess will not be able to adapt to marrying into Lanling Kingdom, and her scruples will soon wither like that peony!

In this way, you also have a chance.

After all, Lan Lingguo is a monogamous husband and wife, but it is not that one party is gone, and the other party cannot remarry or remarry.

the other end

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian hurried to Amber's bedroom.

The eighth princess had already woken up at this time.

Amber was feeding her water.

The Eighth Princess took a few sips and pushed his hand away: "Enough, I'm not thirsty anymore."

Seeing the warmth coming, Amber immediately put down the bowl and stood up: "Hui'an County Master, please help me to see how Yue'er is doing."

Back then, neither the doctors from Lanling Kingdom nor the imperial physicians accompanying Nalan Kingdom could see that Yue'er was pregnant, but Wennuan saw it.

Therefore, he felt that warm medical skills were the most reliable!

Seeing that Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian were also here, the eighth princess hurriedly said, "It's okay, it's just hot! That wedding dress is too thick! I'm dizzy. Don't look at it!"

The people who made the room did not know that the weather in Lanling Kingdom was so hot, and the capital in April was still quite cool!

Therefore, the wedding dress is layered layer by layer, with a total of ten layers, which directly stunned the eighth princess!

Amber disagreed: "Let's take a look."

He stood up and made room for a warm pulse.

Nodding warmly: "The concubine is right, let's take a look!"

Wen Nuan sat in the position that Amber let out, and put his hand on the pulse of the eighth princess.

After a while, the warmth put away his hand.

"What's the matter? Yue'er's body is fine, right? The child is fine, right?"

Wen Nuan shook his head: "It's not a big problem, it's a little heatstroke and I'm too tired, but it's not a big problem, don't worry! Probably after so many days, I stopped for a while to relax, plus the weather here It's hot, and the eighth princess is not used to it. Just take a rest! Pregnant women are afraid of heat. But the mung bean soup is too cold, which is not good for the fetus. Drink more water and eat some fruit, and take a good rest! "

Amber breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the fruits of Lanling Kingdom are rare, they can still be bought with money.

But. Should the wedding be postponed?

Now the weather will only get hotter day by day. Weddings are very tedious. Kneeling and worshiping all day, and then cruising around Lanling to accept the worship of all the people, it takes two days and one night to hold a wedding. I don’t know Yue Can your body take it?

Amber began to regret it again. He had known that Yue'er would be pregnant at the first touch. He should have endured it in the first place. After all, she would have to wait for her to adapt to the life of Lanling before having a child.

Amber expressed his worries.

"Two days and one night?" The Eighth Princess couldn't help but cried out.

Nalan Kingdom is only one day and one night!

Amber nodded and said with a guilty conscience: "And I have to kneel and worship all day long, and I have to walk all the way. I have to kneel and worship at every shrine. I can only get up after reading the scriptures silently. I have to kneel for about half an hour each time, a total of There are six towers of the gods. Each one is about an hour's journey away."

Eighth Princess: "."

At this time, the imperial physician accompanying Nalan Guo said, "Although the princess's health is good, but it is not yet three months old, and the fetus is still unstable, so Wei Chen suggested that it is best to keep it simple!"

The doctor of Lanlingguo also said, "I think it's better to wait until the prince is born before holding the wedding, otherwise it won't be good to hurt the child. Besides, this is an accident at the wedding, which is unlucky."

The king's wedding is very grand and grand, and you have to pray to the gods. How can a pregnant woman bear it?

The eighth princess was scared when she heard it!

On the day she got married in Nalan, she was too tired to take it anymore, and it sounded more complicated now. She wanted to say whether or not to hold the wedding, but it seemed inappropriate to think about it!

How can a king get married and not hold a wedding!

But she was very tired now, so she looked at Amber: "How about delaying it for three months?"

The Eighth Princess thought that she could push it, because to her, they were officially married.

Amber naturally responded: "Then postpone it."

He was worried that the wedding would be postponed, and Yue'er would feel that she didn't value her and only cared about her children. Now that she brought it up herself, Amber was really relieved.

Warm frown: "It was even hotter at that time, and you have a big belly, so how do you kneel? Now that your belly is still small, you can move easily. With me here, the Eighth Princess will definitely be safe. Three months later, when I am not here, I will It feels even worse!"

The eighth princess hooked her warm hand: "Then let's wait until the child is born! I'm so tired, I really can't move!"

In the eyes of the eighth princess, that is the ceremony of conferring the queen.

Don't worry, when she is in the mood, just pick a day and hold it again.

Nalan Jinnian felt the same way in his heart. After all, when the elder brother ascended the throne, he already had a concubine, and the queen was conferred later.

He then said: "The body is the most important thing. If you hurt the child, the child is not good, and it is not good for your body. You should wait until the child is born before holding it!"

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