Although Nuan said that there would be no accident with her, but can you guarantee this kind of thing?

Amber didn't dare to risk the life of the eighth princess and the child's life, he nodded after hearing this: "Then let's wait for the child to be born! After the child is born and the confinement is finished, it is almost spring, and the weather is like that. Exactly!"

"Okay!" The Eighth Princess responded cheerfully, she was really tired, and now she can be as light as she can be made! Don't ask her to be a kiss again!

The eighth princess held her warm arm: "Nuan Nuan, will you come to see me after I give birth? By the way, take part in my canonization ceremony?"

Nuan glanced at Nalan Jinnian. They didn't even know when they got married. If it was during that time, they would not be able to come over, so they said, "If I am free at that time, I will definitely come!"

The eighth princess also thought about it, and she said: "If you don't come, then I will go back to participate in the marriage between you and the seventeenth emperor!"

He smiled warmly: "You just gave birth to a child, and the child is still young. Are you willing to leave him? Or do you want to take him? With him, he can bear it all the way?"

Eighth Princess: "."

Having kids or something is really troublesome!

"Nuannuan, you must not have children so early!"

Warm nodded in agreement, she didn't want to.

Nalan Jinnian also thought so in his heart, what a child, it's really too troublesome!

Amber thought gloomily in his heart, he didn't expect it to happen so soon!

The more I think about it, the more I regret it!

At this time, a maid came in and said, "King, the prince sent someone to ask the princess how her health is. Is the banquet going to be cancelled?"

Amber glanced at the eighth princess, and then said: "No need to cancel, the princess's body is fine, I'll go out in a while."


After the maid left, Amber said to the eighth princess: "Yue'er, since you are too tired, you should have a good rest. I will go out and explain to everyone, and then come back."

The eighth princess shook her head: "It's alright, I'll go out and meet everyone! It's not good if I don't show up. Nuan Nuan, it's okay if I go out for a while, right?"

Nodding warmly: "It doesn't matter, the banquet is also seated. If you are new here, if there is no serious health problem, it is better to meet."

When she took her pulse just now, she had already given the Eighth Princess a little wisp of purple energy, so there was absolutely no problem in attending the banquet.

As a newcomer, since there is no physical problem, I naturally have to attend it. After all, this is also a banquet specially to welcome her.

If she didn't even show up, the people of Lanling Kingdom would probably think that she, the princess of Nalan Kingdom, was too weak, maybe some people would have some thoughts, or looked down on her!

Amber thought about it and said, "Then attend."

He made up his mind to end the banquet early so that Yue'er could have a good rest.

So they all went out together.

When the people in the hall saw Amber helping the Eighth Princess come out, they slumped on the ground and saluted.

After Amber helped the eighth princess to sit down, he also sat down, and then let everyone get up.

Dorya looked at the eighth princess sitting beside Amber, slightly surprised, didn't she say she fainted?

After everyone got up, Amber said: "I made everyone wait for a long time! Because the princess was pregnant, she was overworked all the way. I felt uncomfortable just now, so I wasted some time."

Everyone was very surprised when they heard the words, and then they all congratulated: "Congratulations to His Majesty the King!"

"Congratulations to His Majesty the King!"

Dorya was shocked!

Have a child?

The two have children so soon?

Is it so easy to conceive a child?

How many people have been married for two or three years without getting pregnant?

Angelon smiled and raised his glass: "This is really a double happiness! Congratulations! I toast the king and princess!"

Ambrose also smiled and raised his glass: "Congratulations to the king, bless the king for three years to hold two children, and have a son!"

The whole hall raised their glasses to bless.

In Lanling Country, the fertility rate is relatively low and the population is too small, so everyone attaches great importance to children!

And the royal bloodline of Lanling Kingdom is even thinner. The kings of all dynasties are either only sons or only one brother, which is really too thin!

Everyone hopes that the royal family can have more members, so I am really happy to hear that the princess is pregnant!

Ann Brown even thought that the women in the Central Plains may look petite, but they are really good!

He had heard that many women in the Central Plains, even those poor families who could not eat enough, had at least three or four children.

There are more than seven or eight.

I don't know if it's because of the geographical environment, there are very few families in Lanling Kingdom with more than three children.

Ambrose wanted to marry a Central Plains woman even more in his heart.

Amber said with a smile: "The princess is pregnant and is not suitable for drinking, so she served the wine with juice and toasted everyone!"

The eighth princess picked up the juice and said to everyone with a smile, "It's rude to treat the wine with juice this time. I owe this cup first. When this princess can drink, I will toast everyone!"

Everyone should be ok!

After toasting, Amber said again: "I was thinking of holding a wedding in the next few days, but because our group was assassinated on the road, the princess was shocked, and then the journey was exhausted, and the princess was too tired! The fetus is not yet. Steady, I was worried that holding the wedding would tire the princess and hurt the child, so I decided to postpone the wedding!"

Angelon immediately said: "This is natural, children are the most important!"

Everyone nodded.

In Lanling Country, women who have children are always cared for.

Especially the children of the royal family, even more precious!

After all, the king's eldest son will be the king of all peoples!

Dorya's face paled.

I don't understand how weak people can have children so easily.

After that, the atmosphere became more lively. After all, the future king of their Lanling Kingdom appeared, and everyone was very happy.

After seeing that the eighth princess was full, Amber left the table early on the grounds that the princess was pregnant and was too tired to travel and needed to rest.

Of course the banquet continues!

Warm and Nalan Jinnian, Liu Kai and others are still at the banquet, watching the singing and dancing, feeling the culture and enthusiasm of this Lanling country.

People from Lanling Kingdom stepped forward to toast them one by one and invited them to dance.

The wine Nalan Jinnian drank, but he didn't let Wen Nuan drink it, but Dan Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian refused on the grounds that they didn't understand.

Ambronn wanted to know about the situation of the women in the Central Plains, but he didn't dare to ask Nuannen, so he asked Dorya to talk to Nuanen: "Hui'an County Master has come here for thousands of miles, and he can't understand our words. You know the Central Plains words, you Go talk to her!"

"Yes!" Dorya couldn't find a chance to talk to Wennuan, when Ambronn said so, she fell in love with her!

Dorya came to the warm side:

"The Lord of Hui'an County, Nalan, I am Dorya. Ambrose's cousin. Cousin Brown asked me to speak with the Lord of the County."

He smiled warmly: "Miss Dorya."

Dorya smiled and said, "Master Hui'an, do all the girls in your Nalan country look as beautiful as you and the Eighth Princess?"

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