The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1024 How about giving you a marriage?

He smiled warmly: "Every country has beautiful and ordinary people. Girl Dorya is also very beautiful~!"

Dorya smiled when she heard the words, her face innocent and innocent: "Really? But I think my skin is darker. Are all the women in the Central Plains as white as yours?"

Wen Nuan shook his head: "That's not true. Generally, the family conditions are good, and if you don't need to do farm work, the skin will be whiter. But some people have dark skin because they have to do farm work in the sun since childhood."

Duo Ya nodded when he heard the words: "Just like our Lanling country has a small population, so even women have to practice martial arts. Even if they don't practice martial arts, no one just stays at home. They're all darker. Are you women in Nalan really the ones who don't go out of their way?"

"No, Nalan's national style is open, and women often go out to play."

Dorya was like a curious baby: "Is it true that you heard that men in your Nalan country can have three wives and four concubines?"

Nodding warmly: "Well, so Lanling Kingdom is pretty good."

Dorya nodded: "Lanling country is good, but it also limits the development of the population. I have also read in books that after a woman in Nalan country gets married, if she becomes pregnant, she will also give Is it true that a woman whose husband arranges for her to sleep is a good wife and good mother?"

Her expression was curious, as if she was just too surprised.

He glanced at her warmly, her eyes were clear.

Nuan lowered his eyes, picked up the teacup and took a sip of water, and then said, "A good wife and good mother are not measured by this standard."

"Is there really someone who arranges other women for their husbands because they are pregnant and can't serve their husbands?"

He said warmly and lightly: "I don't know. After all, it's someone else's family business. I'm not a bum, and I don't like to gossip about other people's affairs. Anyway, there is no such thing in our family. The princess of Nalan Kingdom is a noble, I won't do it. Besides, if a man can't bear it when he is pregnant himself, it's fine for such a man!"

Dorya: "."

Why does she think there is something in the words of this Hui'an county master?

She seems to be insinuating that she is an eight-in-law?

Also, is she aware of her own mind?

Dorya looked embarrassed: "Of course I know that, I'm not talking about the princess, I'm just curious if what the book says is true. Don't get me wrong, Lord Hui'an, but what is the standard of a good wife and mother in Nalan country?"

Looking at her with a warm smile but not a smile, is this a place without three hundred taels of silver?

He smiled warmly and said, "The standard of a good wife and a good mother? I really haven't studied this. The benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. However, Miss Dorya is so curious about the customs of Nalan, it is better to marry a man from Nalan. In this way, you can know what is the standard of a good wife and good mother in Nalan Kingdom?

By the way, this time we escorted the eighth princess to marry the Lanling Kingdom. Our Nalan Kingdom has dispatched a group of exquisite guards, all of them are extraordinary in martial arts, outstanding talents, and have a bright future! There are also many descendants of noble families. How about I pick the best one and talk to the King of Lanling and ask him to give you a marriage? "

Nalan Jinnian suddenly said, "That's a good idea!"

When Dorya heard this, her bronzed skin turned pale!

She showed an awkward smile: "No, no need! I just asked out of curiosity! My parents and relatives are all in Lanling, and I love Lanling, but I can't bear to leave my hometown! Besides, I already have someone I like! Hehe. I'm sorry for disturbing Princess Hui'an!"

After speaking, Dorya left a little hasty.

She was really worried that Nuan would tell Brother Bull that she would be married to a soldier in Nalan.

How can a soldier be worthy of her?

Wen Nuan glanced at her fleeing back, and made up her mind to pay attention to this Dorya before leaving.

If she has thoughts that she shouldn't have, then she will solve it before leaving, lest the Eighth Princess be upset.


Early the next morning, Nuan Wen and Nalan Jinnian came to find the eighth princess.

Wen Nuan intends to plant the fruit trees and flowers that he brought over, as well as some seeds.

After all, if the wedding is not held for the time being, she and Nalan Jinnian will have to leave too. While the fruit trees are planted, she will use purple energy to support the land for a few days.

In the future, the Eighth Princess can also eat healthy vegetables and fruits, of course, at a discount, but it is better than ordinary ones.

Along the way, except for the few days of healing the soldiers, Nuan Nuan used purple energy to improve those fruit trees and seeds every day. After planting them, she continued to use purple energy to transform them for a few days. Nuan Nuan felt that she could definitely survive.

When Amber heard the maid reporting that they were coming, he said, "Please!"

"No!" The maid went out to invite Nuan and Nalan Jinnian.

Amber smiled and said to the Eighth Princess: "They came just in time, Yue'er, let's take the Seventeen Uncle and Hui'an County Master around to see! By the way, let you get acquainted with Lanling Kingdom."

The most important thing is that Amber wanted to take the eighth princess around to get acquainted with the environment of Lanling Kingdom.

But the eighth princess shook her head: "Not today, I have to plant the improved fruit trees and flowers and trees that Nuan Nuan gave me! Otherwise Nuan Nuan will leave in a few days, and I'm worried that no one will plant it! Just in time for Nuan Nuan Now, let her teach the people around me how to take care of those fruit trees."

In the future, whether she can eat or not depends on the fruit trees she brought!

When Amber heard the words, he said: "Then let's plant fruit trees first! Just find a place to plant them in the garden of the palace! This will bear fruit in the future. If you want to eat it, you can be picked at any time. It's still fresh! I'll be with you. kind."

Although Amber felt that if he planted it, he might not be able to live, but it was not good to dampen the interest of the Eighth Princess.

Of course, if you are lucky, if one can live, that is good too!

The eighth princess waved her hand: "No, you go to deal with state affairs first! I saw many people begging to see you early in the morning. When you're done, and we've planted trees, you can take us around! State affairs are important. It's never good to delay business."

As the king, Amber had been away from Lanling for so long. He had just returned, and he did have some urgent matters to deal with.

He thought about it, and dealt with the more urgent matters as soon as possible, so that he could spare time to accompany the eighth princess to walk around and said: "That's fine! You plant first, I will come back and plant with you when I'm done. This garden, do you want to be in the garden? You can plant it anywhere, you want to plant it there, and have those flowers removed."

After hearing this, the Eighth Princess said, "Is this fruit tree planted in the imperial garden? Why don't you find a place in the village for us to plant it?"

Amber is assured that the eighth princess runs around just to plant trees?

"No, all the land in this garden is good for planting flowers or it's a waste! Why don't you plant fruit trees! And this fruit tree will bear fruit in the future. You can eat it and pick it whenever you want, isn't it more convenient?"

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