The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1025 You can tear it down wherever you want!

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian walked in at this time.

Hearing Amber's words, Wen Nuan said: "Eighth princess, I also think it's better to find a place to plant in the garden of this palace! Fruits are the best when they are freshly picked. And the fruit trees I plant are cloth Those who have formed the formation should not be moved casually, otherwise the formation will be destroyed, and the health preservation effect may be greatly reduced. Planting it in the palace, in front of the Eighth Princess, is the safest."

When Amber heard this, he immediately said: "Just plant it in the garden of the palace. Lord Hui'an, if you see which piece of land is most suitable for planting, plant it on that piece of land! If there is a palace there, demolish the palace. That's fine too."

Amber knew that health food had the effect of strengthening the body, and he was worried that the body of the Eighth Princess would not adapt to the environment of Lanling Kingdom.

But if he can grow healthy vegetables or healthy fruits, then he can rest assured.

Even if only one fruit tree can survive, it is lucky!

What if the palace was demolished?

The palace is demolished and can be built!

Besides, there are not many members of their royal family, and they can't live in so many palaces.

In the future, when he and the eighth princess have more children, it will be fine under construction.

Eighth Princess: "."

Is it okay to demolish the palace to plant?

Does he want to be so exaggerated!

Nalan Jinnian raised his eyebrows: "Then let's demolish this palace!"

Amber said without hesitation: "Okay! Yue'er, let's move to the side hall first, and then I'll build a bigger palace as a bedroom."

The eighth princess covers her face!

Uncle Seventeen did it on purpose, okay?

Wen Nuan laughed: "Then you don't need to demolish the palace, just find a convenient place in the garden. Don't listen to his nonsense. But it may need to be planted in several corners of the garden. The concubine can think about it and there is no suitable place nearby. Zhuangzi."

Amber said proudly: "It doesn't matter, just plant it in the palace, it's convenient! If there is not enough space, you can find a Zhuangzi outside to plant the rest. You can plant any place that Hui'an County wants! Don't be polite. The whole You can tear down Lanling Kingdom wherever you want!"

Healthy fruit trees!

This is placed in any country. If Hui'an County Master is willing to grow healthy fruits there, it is estimated that every monarch's dragon bed is willing to move it!

The eighth princess pushed him: "Okay, we know, go and do your business!"

Simply shameful!

Amber smiled: "Then I'll go to work first, and after I'm done, I'll take King Jin and Princess Hui'an around."

The eighth princess waved her hand: "Go! Go!"

Amber left with a smile, but he was reluctant to part with it. He also wanted to plant fruit trees with the eighth princess.

But in the end he has a lot of things waiting to be dealt with.

Before he left, he explained to the people in the palace that the princess wanted to plant fruit trees in the garden, and she could plant them wherever she wanted. Ask Aggie, the gardener in charge of the garden, to cooperate with them as much as possible.

After Amber left to deal with political affairs, the eighth princess and Wennuan, under the leadership of the palace maid, found a place to plant fruit trees in the garden.

A few people walked around the garden, and Nuan and Nalan Jinnian both took a fancy to a piece of land in the southeast corner of the garden.

According to the layout of the garden and the plants planted, there must be the layout of the house of the palace, and this corner is exactly the center of the eye.

After arranging the formation here, she then enters the purple qi, and the purple qi grows endlessly according to the five-element formation method.

Wen Nuan pointed to the field and said to Aji, "Let's plant it here! Remove all these flowers!"

Aji saw that all the rare flowers and plants that the king found in various countries in the world were planted here, and it took a lot of thought to survive. On weekdays, he took care of it, and he was more careful than caring for people.

This is easy to remove, but if you take care of the local planting, I am afraid it will not survive.

Aggie looked at Rena, the maid next to Amber.

Rena replied in Lanling Kingdom's words: "The king said that the Hui'an County Lord of Nalan Kingdom liked that piece of land and planted it there, even if the king's bedroom could be demolished so that Hui'an of Nalan Kingdom could be demolished. The princess planted fruit trees for the princess."

Aggie: "."

It seems that the king really likes this princess who married from Nalan!

"I'll remove these flowers and plants now." Aji immediately called out to several gardeners to start moving these flowers and trees away.

Here, the gardeners are digging up these precious flowers and trees from various countries, while Wennuan and Nalan Jinnian are studying how to use those fruit trees.

The eighth princess has already brought some desks out, and Nuan is drawing design drawings.

In terms of Qimen Dunjia's formation, the warmth is far less than that of Nalan Jinnian, so she usually asks Nalan Jinnian if it is good to do so.

"Brother Seventeen, is it okay to plant a peach tree here?"

"Pear trees are planted here, peach trees are planted here." Nalan Jinnian's slender fingers tapped on the paper.

Nuan thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and he looked at him with a smile and said, "Okay! You should think more thoughtfully."

Nalan Jinnian smiled back.

The eighth princess was sitting on the side, a palace maid was holding an umbrella for her to cover the increasingly hot sun, and Qingmei was behind her with a fan to fan her.

While eating the fruit, the eighth princess watched the interaction between Wennuan and Nalan Jinnian, and only felt that she could see the word beauty in them.

At this time, Ambron and Dorya walked over together.

As soon as Am Brown wore it today, he could see the warmth of a light purple gauze dress from a distance.

He happened to be wearing purple clothes today. He has always liked purple, but he rarely sees women wearing purple that is noble, mysterious, and dreamy.

Most women wore purple, and he just thought it looked tacky.

Princess Hui'an is so beautiful, and her skin is so white, like a high-quality suet white jade, I don't know how to wear purple?

Ambron couldn't help speeding up his pace, and he arrived before anyone could make a sound: "It's so lively here, what's the fun in it?"

Nalan Jinnian turned his head and gave him a cold look, don't think that if he was far away, he didn't see his eyes change when he looked at the little girl!

Nalan Jinnian looked at his clothes and frowned in disgust, then he turned to look at Wen Wen again.

Warm because she was painting, so her sleeves were rolled up halfway, revealing a small section of white and slender arms, her wrists were clean, and she didn't wear any accessories, but such an empty, flawless little hand was beautiful. You can't take your eyes off it.

Nalan Jinnian stretched out her hand to help Nuan pull down her sleeves, directly covering her hand, revealing only the fingertips holding the brush.

The warmth that was painting was stunned for a moment by his sudden action, and turned to look at him in surprise: "What's wrong? It will stain the clothes."

"It's okay, it's windy, don't catch a cold!

The satyr is here! Of course you have to cover it well.


Did he speak human words?

Why can't she understand?

Eighth Princess: "."


Where is the wind coming from?

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