Nalan Jinnian looked at the warm hair tied up with purple ribbons, and the beautifully curved neck was completely exposed. He raised his hand, twisted and pulled directly, and the blue silk like a waterfall spread out instantly, pulling her neck away. covered.


At the moment when her hair was scattered, Nalan Jinnian stared at the warmth in a daze, forgetting to breathe!

He thought that over the years, he had seen all kinds of beauty in her.

After all, he watched her grow from a yellow-haired girl to such a slim body.

But every time she has an inadvertent moment, he is so beautiful that he can't find an adjective to describe it.

I just feel that he has seen the most beautiful flowers, the most dazzling jewelry, the most magnificent colors, and the most beautiful scenery in the world, and it is not as good as her smile!

It's no wonder that women comb their hair after getting married. The moment when the hair is dissolved is so beautiful and moving!

Nalan Jinnian looked back, didn't the pervert see it?

The warmth is completely ignorant!

What are you doing?

It's getting hotter with loose hair!

"What are you doing?" Nuan glared at Nalan Jinnian.

"If you wear less clothes, let your hair down to keep you warmer!" Nalan Jinnian said nonsense in a serious manner.

The Eighth Princess also felt that Uncle Seventeen was acting strangely: "Uncle Seventeen, where is the wind? The leaves on the tree didn't even move! I'm almost dizzy!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at her: "Your palace maid fanned so hard that the wind was blowing!"

Eighth Princess: "."

Have it?

She also thinks the wind is too small!

Qingmei was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "Damn this slave, this slave doesn't dare!"

Why didn't she know she was so powerful?

The wind that is fanned out with a round fan will also turn a corner and blow to the Hui'an County Lord who is a battle away.

Nuan rolled his eyes at Nalan Jinnian, and then said to Qingmei: "It's okay, I don't feel the wind at all. If your hands are not tired, give me some wind too!"

Warmly looked up at the sun hanging high in the sky, emitting a dazzling light, making people unable to open their eyes!

She was also looking forward to some wind, it was really hot!

The eighth princess also felt that it was too hot: "Ling Ning, you are fanning the Lord of Hui'an County, the weather is really too hot! It's only April, when will it end!"

Wen Nuan put down the pen, reached out and rolled up his sleeves again, so as to be cooler.

Nalan Jinnian immediately held her hand, preventing her from rolling up her sleeves: "It's okay, I'll help you hold your sleeves, it won't get dirty!"

Saying that, Nalan Jinnian took a step forward, got close to the warm body, grabbed the warm sleeves, and pulled it slightly, so as not to let the fabric touch the ink.

With such a movement, his body just blocked the warmth of the whole person, so that someone could not see.

It was warm, but because Nalan Jinnian was too close, she could feel the heat radiating from him!

The whole person instantly felt hotter.

Nuan pushed him and said disgustedly, "No, stay away from me! It's so hot!"

Nalan Jinnian took out the folding fan that was inserted in his waist, opened it with a "pop", and fanned at the warmth:

"I'll give you a fan."


Well, just bear with it!

I always felt like he suddenly became neurotic.

At this time, Ambrose and Dorya had already approached.

The two first said hello to the eighth princess. The eighth princess nodded and smiled without courtesy.

Then Ambrang wanted to walk up to Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian to say hello to them.

As soon as he took a step, Nalan Jinnian took a step, and he took another step, and Nalan Jinnian continued to take a step.

Just blocked his sight!

The Eighth Princess sat on the side, watching Uncle Seventeen's actions, stunned for a moment, then blinked, she thought of something, and laughed.

Uncle Seventeen is overturning the vinegar jar!

Ambrang walked around without seeing the warm front. He glanced at Nalan Jinnian and felt that he was blocking him on purpose!

Ambrose touched his nose, this beautiful flower will always make people take a second look, right?

Beautiful people are the same, can't help but make people want to take a second look.

He really appreciates it!

Ambrose could only greet the two of them directly: "King Jin, Princess Hui'an, what are you doing? Are you planting flowers?"

And Dorya looked at the flowers and trees that were dug up and put aside, her eyes widened, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak for a long time!

Ambrose's voice woke her up. She was so angry that she raised her voice unconsciously: "Who shoveled all these flowers!"

Do they know how precious these flowers are!

How rare!

These were bought by Brother Bull from many countries at a high price!

And not once, but several times, the gardener tried many times to grow it alive!

There is also a snow lotus in it. It is the best in snow lotus, and it is a life-saving medicine. I heard that it can bring the dead back to life, and the value is priceless!

The most important thing is these flowers and trees, with her hard work, she knows that brother Bull wants to grow them alive, and she spends a lot of thought on how to grow them!

Everyone was stunned by her overreaction.

The eighth princess was a little worried.

He raised his eyebrows warmly and glanced at her.

It was Nalan Jinnian who made a sound, and he said indifferently: "This king wants to shovel it out. What? Is this flower yours? Or is this palace yours?"

Ambrose pulled Radorya: "What's the matter with you?"

But the prince told him that the princess and the princess of Hui'an were planting fruit trees in the garden of the palace.

And it's a fruit tree, so he came to have a look.

She met Dorya halfway, and she heard that she was looking for the princess, so she followed.

It's just that Ambrose doesn't understand why Dorya is so excited?

Dorya had recovered, she was shocked by her gaffe, and quickly apologized: "Princess, King Jin, Princess Hui'an, I'm really sorry, I lost my composure! But this flower is growing well, why did King Jin shovel it out? what?"

The eighth princess glanced at the half-dead flowers and said in surprise: "This is still called good-looking? Miss Dorya, do you have any misunderstanding about good-looking?"

Dorya looked at those flowers and trees with great heartache: "The princess doesn't know anything, this has been the most successful planting of these flowers and trees for so many years! Now that you have all dug them up, it is estimated that they will not survive! However, What do you want to plant? Why do you need to shovel these flowers and trees? Although the land in Lanling is barren, there are still many places where you can grow things. If you need it, I can show you a place to plant it."

Nalan Jinnian spit out a few words coldly: "No need, just plant it here."

Wen Nuan crossed Nalan Jinnian and stuck out his head: "Your princess likes to eat fruit, so you plan to plant a few fruit trees in this garden, what? Is there any problem?"

Dorya was even more angry when she heard this!

Plant fruit trees? !

Is it a fruit tree in Nalan?

Has anyone planted fruit trees in the garden?

Besides, even if the fruit trees of Nalan country are planted alive in Lanling country, can they bear fruit?

How much is a fruit tree worth?

For the sake of a few worthless fruit trees, these rare flowers and trees from all over the world were shoveled!

Do they have any knowledge!

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