The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1027 Don't think that being an uncle is great!

Dorya was angry, but she also knew that the palace was not hers, and she was not the mistress of the palace.

Although she put a lot of thought into these flowers and trees, they are not hers!

Besides, she felt that Princess Hui'an and King Jin were not easy to mess with.

In particular, Princess Hui'an's mind seems to be too delicate.

She said with a look of regret: "Of course there is no problem with planting fruit trees, and I have a lot of things to do. It is because our king bought these flowers at a high price from many countries. I heard that each tree is expensive. Some It can even be said to be invaluable! Now that they are all dug up, I am afraid that the king’s hard work will be wasted again, the king especially likes these flowers!”

Hearing the words, the eighth princess said: "Really? He didn't say it! He said that in this palace, I can plant wherever I want! If necessary, I can dismantle the palace and plant it!"

Dorya couldn't help but think that the princess of Nalan Kingdom was really simple, of course Brother Bull said so, he has always been generous in dealing with people.

He is also almost responsive to his people!

But as his princess, when she was shoveling out these flowers, she didn't ask if the flowers and trees were famous or not, and was it okay to shovel them out?

If you don't take Brother Bull to heart, it is estimated that the relationship between the two of them will not be very good in the future.

The relationship between this husband and wife is mutual, and only one party keeps giving for years and months, but the other party doesn't care much, and that person's heart will also be tired and cold.

In this way, when the eighth princess of the Nalan Kingdom withers, his brother Bull won't be too sad, and he will soon be able to accept another relationship.

Dorya didn't bother to remind, so that's fine!

Let her be so ignorant!

Dorya smiled: "It turns out that the king really loves the princess."

Ambran said at this time, "Most men in Lanling Kingdom love their wives and children."

Warm few people did not answer this.

It doesn't matter whether the men of Lanling country love their wives and children.

As long as Amber loves the Eighth Princess, it is enough.

Dorya looked at the flowers and trees that were piled aside and said, "Since fruit trees are to be planted here, these flowers and trees will be wasted if they are lost. Can I take them back, princess, to try them out?"

The eighth princess shook her head: "Didn't you say that these are the king's favorite flowers and trees? This princess can't give them to you! I'll just find a place to replant them later."

Dorya: "."

Feeling like smacking yourself?

This princess of Nalan doesn't seem to be too stupid!

"But these flowers and trees are difficult to grow and live. I am interested in flowers and plants, so I have studied them for a long time, but I have some experience. If I take them back and plant them, maybe I will be able to grow them alive! The princess doesn't know anything about them. already."

The eighth princess waved her hand: "Don't worry, no! Nuan Nuan is very good at planting flowers, she can grow alive even if she is dead! Is Nuan Nuan right? Can you grow these flowers alive?"

She knew that Nuan Nuan and Lin Tingya's flower field, many flowers were picked up from the dying flowers thrown out of other people's flower fields and cultivated again.

He took a warm look: "Well, yes!"

Dorya lowered her eyes upon hearing the words, and sarcasm flashed in her eyes.

A person who came to Lanling for the first time and did not understand the climate of Lanling, even if he could grow these flowers alive?

Did she think she was a flower fairy?

What flowers listen to her?

Dorya was too lazy to say anything.

Let them go to toss!

It's better to let Brother Bull get sick of them all!

She smiled: "Then I'm relieved! The king will be very happy to know."

Ambronn asked curiously, "The Princess Hui'an still grows flowers?"

Nodding warmly: "I understand a little bit."

"Do you girls from Nalan country like to play with flowers and plants on weekdays?" Ambrose asked enthusiastically.

He felt that he finally found a topic to chat with Princess Hui'an.

"It's time to plant trees!" Nalan Jinnian bent down and picked up a thong that was on the ground, inserted one into the soil, and then digged hard, digging up the mud full of thorns, aiming at someone from the corner of his eye. In one direction, splash hard to the side.

Ambrose's shoes were buried in a pile of dirt!

Ambrose couldn't help but jumped up: "King Jin, how did you shovel the mud onto my shoes?"

Nalan Jin didn't look up and replied: "Sorry, I want to dig a hole and plant a tree, but I didn't see it for a while."

Ann Brown: "."

Does his attitude mean a little sorry?

Nalan Jinnian shoveled another shovel of soil and poured it out.

Dorya's shoes were also buried!

She couldn't help but let out a low sigh.

Only then did Nalan Jinnian raise his head: "How do you all stand where the dirt is piled up?"

Two people: "."

What does it mean to go to the place where the dirt is piled up?

He digs a hole to plant trees, shouldn't the soil he dug be piled up next to the hole?

The eighth princess almost laughed, and she hurriedly said: "I'm really sorry for the two of you, this princess' seventeenth uncle has never planted fruit trees. I don't know how to dig a hole! I buried you all by accident! Don't take offense!"

Two people: "."

What does it mean to bury them?

The eighth princess continued to explain: "This princess's seventeenth uncle also wants to plant a fruit tree for this princess to eat. In the future, as long as this princess misses her hometown, her father and her uncle, it can be solved by eating fruit. Homesickness, isn't it? You didn't leave your hometown, you don't understand."

Having said that, he beckoned to Qingmei again: "Qingmei, take the two of you down to change your shoes!"

Qingmei was blessed with a blessing: "Yes! Whoever you two please invite me to come!"

Dorya was about to get dizzy, she kicked the dirt off her feet with all her might, but she couldn't kick it all off.

The shoes are all dirty.

This is her favorite pair of shoes!

It took a lot of thought to do it!

She couldn't stay here anymore, she said with a stiff smile: "It's okay, I'll just go back and change it myself."

The eighth princess looked at Ambrose: "What about the prince? Why don't the princess ask you to find the right pair of the king's shoes for you to change?"

Ambron waved his hand: "No need! I'll just go back and change."

The two hurried back to change their shoes.

After the two left, Nalan Jinnian put down the railroad.

The eighth princess smiled at him and said, "Uncle Seventeen, aren't you going to plant fruit trees for me?"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at her lightly: "Are you sure?"

Stinky girl, don't think that getting married will make your wings hard?

Let one of his elders plant fruit trees for her?

snort! Beautiful her!

If he wants to plant, he will only plant it for his little princess!

The eighth princess shook her head: "I'm joking, where dare to trouble the seventeenth uncle to plant fruit trees for me by himself."

After the eighth princess finished speaking, her head turned to Wen Nuan: "Nuan Nuan, can you plant a few fruit trees for me? In this way, as long as I miss you in the future, I can pick two fruits to eat, and it won't be so uncomfortable! "

Nodding warmly: "Yes!"

Coincidentally, she used purple gas to plant by the way, which is easier to survive.

As a result, Nuan Wen did it himself, could Nalan Jinnian not do it?

The Eighth Princess smiled and watched Nuan hold the fruit tree sapling while Nalan Jinnian buried the soil in the pit.

Beautiful mood!

Don't think that being an uncle is a great thing!

With Nuan Nuan, she still can't cure him, who is the emperor's uncle?

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