After Amber dealt with some urgent matters, he hurried to the garden of the palace.

He also wanted to plant a fruit tree with his own hands, watch it grow day by day, then bloom and bear fruit, and then feed it to the Eighth Princess, as well as him and the Eighth Princess's children.

Amber had just turned a corner on the trail when he saw Dorya coming towards him.

Dorya saw him come forward anxiously: "Brother Bull."

Because Dorya is Ambron's cousin, Amber has only one cousin like Ambron, and Ambron only has Dorya's cousin. The three are of the same age and can be said to have grown up together.

Amber also regards Dorya as his sister.

That's why Dorya was allowed to call him brother Bull.

After all, he doesn't have a biological sister, and his cousin's cousin is also considered a sister.

Seeing Dorya's anxious face, Amber couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Brother Bull, the princess wants to plant fruit trees."

Amber's face changed, and he walked directly across Dorya and strode away.

Why did Yueer grow fruit trees by herself!

She fainted only once yesterday.

Dorya stared at Amber, who strode past him and left, and then quickly caught up.

Could it be that Brother Bull doesn't know about the princess planting fruit trees?

It's also good, so that if it comes out of her mouth, Brother Bull will feel that she is sowing discord.

Then let Brother Bull see with his own eyes how the princess who he had married all the way back and held dear in his palm had ruined his years of hard work.

Amber hurried to the garden with three steps and two steps.

Seeing the Eighth Princess sitting there, Aji and other gardeners were digging a pit.

Hui'an County Master and Nalan Jinnian were one supporting the sapling, and the other was burying soil in the tree pit.

Holding the sapling warmly is to pass some purple energy to the fruit tree and promote it to take root as soon as possible.

Only when it takes root can it be regarded as growing, and there will be vitality, and the endless formation of the five elements will operate.

Amber strode over and said with a smile: "Uncle Seventeen, Princess Hui'an, how do you do it yourself? Let the gardener do these tasks."

He smiled warmly: "It's okay, there are more people and more power, so it will be faster."

There is no way to be warm, because she wants to promote the rapid rooting of these fruit trees with purple energy, and she has to do it herself.

Nalan Jinnian is relatively innocent, she is just helping herself.

Of course, as an uncle, he probably also wanted to do something for his niece who was married far away.

Nalan Jinnian piled a shovel of mud on the roots of the tree, gave Amber a cold look, and then threw the shovel in his hand to him: "You come by yourself!"

Nalan Jinnian took a warm hand: "Let's go and sit."

Amber hurriedly caught the thrown shovel and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll come, I'll come!"

This tree, Nuan just happened to be spawned with purple energy, so she let Nalan Jinnian pull herself to the side to sit down and rest.

The rest will wait for Aji and the others to plant them. When they fix the saplings with brackets, she will go forward and use purple gas to induce them.

Dorya trotted to catch up, and saw that Amber actually took a shovel and went to plant a tree!


Didn't Brother Bull see the flowers and trees on the ground that he regarded as treasures?

Dorya couldn't help pointing to the flowers and trees that were dug up and thrown aside, and in the more inactive, reminded casually: "Princess, where do you want to plant these flowers and trees? Why don't I let someone plant them! This way You don't have to work so hard. Otherwise, after the princess has planted fruit trees, she will have to find a place to plant these flowers and trees later."

The eighth princess didn't know why this person was a little annoyed, and looked at Amber: "King, I heard that you like these flowers? Where do you think it's better to plant them?"


When Amber heard the words, he took a shovel and dredged the mud. He looked at the pile of flowers and trees on the ground and said indifferently: "I don't like it very much, I just think about trying to plant it and see if it can survive, just find one. You can plant it locally. It doesn’t matter if you plant it or not, it won’t survive anyway.”

This was originally planted for Yue'er, for her appreciation, but it's not good, there's nothing to say.

Warmly smiled: "Really? Miss Dorya didn't say that just now. It made the Eighth Princess feel uneasy, thinking that she had destroyed your favorite flowers and plants, and begged me to grow them alive."

Amber gave Dorya a surprised look, and then said: "I don't like it much, and even if I like it, it's because I want to grow and live them, so that Yue'er can marry and show her.

But it's always not good to grow, it's better to grow the fruit that Yue'er wants to grow!

And I also said that in the whole Lanling country, you can plant fruit trees wherever you want, as long as Yue'er can eat the fruit she likes in the future. Where is the need to worry about this little thing?

How could Dorya think I like those flowers? "

Dorya bit her lip, her face was a little pale, and she forced herself to show a smile: "It turns out that, I heard Brother Brown say that Brother Bull attaches great importance to these flowers, so I misunderstood."

Warmly smiled: "It's just a misunderstanding! But don't worry, the concubine, I'll let someone dig your flowers, and I'll be responsible for helping you grow them back, or even work. The eighth princess begged me!"


Amber is stupid if he hasn't seen the problem at this moment!

I can only ask later, don't tell me what Duo Erya said, making Princess Yue'er Hui'an and the others angry.

"Hui'an County Master is joking, it doesn't matter if you plant it or not, you can plant what Yueer likes."

Warm meaning means: "Let's plant it, lest the eighth princess be worried. It's better for people with this body to keep their body and mind happy. It's not good to be worried all day long. The king asked us to plant fruit trees at will, so that the eighth princess would be happy. In the same way, The eighth princess knows that you like these flowers, and asking me to grow them is also for you to be happier."

The warmth sounded the alarm for Amber, and gave Dorya a warning by the way.

When Amber heard it, he thought that it might be more serious than he thought, and he said solemnly: "I see. Then plant it all, I'll plant it!"

Amber smiled at the eighth princess: "Yue'er, I will plant fruit trees and flowers for you and your children, so that they will have fruit to eat and flowers to enjoy in the future!"

Amber rolled up his sleeves, picked up the shovel, and went to work.

Dorya gritted her teeth, when did she offend Princess Hui'an!

Too bad no one cares about him anymore.

Amber, Nuan and Nalan Jinnian directed Aji and other gardeners to work all day, and finally planted all the fruit trees.

Then the warmth begins to enter the purple gas at the position representing the wood.

Wood, the beginning of the five elements; water, the end of the five elements; earth, among the five elements. Wood produces fire, fire produces earth, earth produces gold, metal produces water, and water produces wood.

Ziqi revolved around this law, and began to operate in a way that only warmth could see. After it became a cycle, the warmth was withdrawn.

This is a small cycle of the five elements. The wood energy here is relatively strong, and wood is the beginning of the five elements. After the formation of the cycle through the layout of the formation, as long as no one deliberately destroys the formation here, the purple energy in the ground will also be Endless life.

With purple qi, anything grown on this land will grow better, and it will also have a little health-preserving effect.

Happy New Year, little cuties, 2021 is safe and happy, and you will get rich!

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