Wen Nuan stretched out on the bed, then got up to get dressed and freshen up.

Wen Nuan told Aster to put breakfast in the yard.

May is the season of spring flowers, the temperature is just right, and it is very comfortable to eat in the yard.

Warm has just finished washing, and Aster has already set up breakfast.

After Nuan sat down, he asked, "I'm away while I'm away, is there anything in the mansion?"

Aster shook her head: "It's nothing major, but there are rumors outside that my uncle stole money from the former state treasury."

Wen Wenyan frowned and frowned: "Why didn't anyone tell me about this?"

Xiao Hei also sent letters several times, but he never mentioned it once in the letter.

"My uncle said it was a trivial matter, it was just a rumor, and it didn't hurt him. The emperor also said that he believed that uncle was not such a person, and Chen Huan had already caught the person who spread the rumor, so this matter can be considered a solution. So he said he didn't have to tell the girl, lest the girl be upset."

"Is my uncle in the mansion?"

There is indeed no evidence for such a rumor. Because it is not a fact, the other party naturally cannot produce evidence, but is there no way for the other party to spread such rumors?

First of all, this rumor can plant a thorn in the emperor's heart. Wang Xiao was once the general of the king of Huainan, and Wang Xiao was also the son-in-law of the king of Huainan. The list of the first emperor has not been found yet!

If the person behind it deliberately creates some evidence and then exposes it, the consequences will be disastrous.

Anyway, in Nuan's opinion, this kind of rumor that is equivalent to conspiracy must not be taken lightly.

"There has been a war on the southern border recently, and my uncle has stayed in the barracks for several days and hasn't come back."

There is war on the border, as a general, it is natural to stay in the barracks and train troops as soon as possible.

If the border war changes, he has to be ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

Nuan also knew that Aster was just a housemaid, and she didn't necessarily know many things clearly, so she didn't ask any more questions.

After breakfast, Wen Nuan decided to ask Chen Huan about the rumor.

Before she left, she felt that something was wrong, so the two sisters Chen Huan sent people to watch the teahouse.

"Is my father at home?"

"Master Guo has been out early these days and returning late. He came here early this morning to see that the girl hadn't woken up yet, so he left in a hurry to go to the morning."

Wen Jiarui was in the Ministry of Housing, and now there was a war on the southern border, and he had to prepare food and grass. Naturally, he was busy leaving early and returning late.

"Did King Jin come to see me last night?"

Nuan also wants to know how the war on the southern border is now.

Yesterday, Nalan Jinnian should get more information when he entered the palace.

Aster was about to answer when Nalan Jinnian walked in: "Come on, I saw you fall asleep last night, so I didn't wake you up."

Nalan Jinnian walked over to Wen Nuan, lifted the hem of her clothes, and sat down.

It was already dark when I came out of the palace yesterday. Nalan Jinnian did come to look for Nuan once, but when she saw Nuan was asleep, she didn't go in to quarrel with her, and went back to Prince Jin's mansion.

Seeing that Nalan Jin had come, Aster walked out of the yard with interest, leaving the space for the two of them.

When the two were together, they usually discussed political affairs, and she didn't listen well, so she stayed outside the yard every time to prevent anyone from approaching.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Nalan Jinnian knew that she slept well when she saw that the dark shadow in her warm eyes had disappeared, but she still couldn't help but want to ask.

He picked up his chopsticks and took a crystal shrimp dumpling into a warm bowl.

The little girl likes to eat shrimp dumplings the most.

"Well, I slept until dawn. What's going on in Nanjiang?" Wen Nuan picked up the chopsticks and picked up the shrimp dumplings. After speaking, he took a bite.

"The battle report came back yesterday. Zhu Qinghua personally led an army of 200,000 people and has already captured Runan City. He has declared war on Xinyuan City. The 100,000-strong army led by Ting Xuan will arrive soon, and they will surely be able to seize Runan City by then. return."

Runan City was once the city of the Southern Border Kingdom, but it lost to the Nalan Kingdom.

Therefore, there are definitely many nails from Nanjiang in Runan City, and as the city of Nanjiang Kingdom, the people of Nanjiang Kingdom are more familiar with the situation of Runan City than their people from Nalan Kingdom. It is not surprising to capture Runan City.

Nalan Kingdom has won so many cities in the past two years, and each city has to send troops, so the troops are a bit insufficient, so Runan City only has 10,000 troops.

10,000 to 200,000, no chance of winning.

"What about the 100,000 army led by the second brother-in-law?"

An army of 100,000 is not a small number, so the journey will naturally be slower.

Nalan Jinnian: "It is estimated that we can reach Xinyuan City today."

No news came back yet, and Nalan Jinnian didn't know if Lin Tingxuan had sent someone to rob the food that Beiming Kingdom secretly sold to Southern Border Kingdom through a caravan.

"I hope to recapture Runan City as soon as possible. Drive the southern border dog thief back to the southern border!"

What is this all about?

Wen Wen and Lin Tingxuan had just gotten married, and they were about to set off on an expedition.

Wen Nuan saw that there were also faint shadows in Wen Wen's eyes yesterday, and knew that she must not sleep well at night.

During the day, she was busy with her eldest brother's marriage at home, of course, but in the dead of night, she would be worried about Lin Tingxuan too!

After all, swords have no eyes on the battlefield.

Nalan Jinnian said coldly while giving Nuan the dessert she likes to eat: "It's too cheap for them to rush back!"

This time, he is going to step on the southern border country to set an example!

Who doesn't have the ambition to rule the world?

He has it too!

But he never bullied anyone who didn't offend him.

So he won't take the initiative to bully people, but whoever bullies him, he will definitely pay back a hundredfold!

Let the opponent have absolutely no chance to turn over.

Hearing the words, Wen Nuan made a move, glanced at him, and nodded: "That's right!"

The four kingdoms are now in such a state, the Beiming kingdom is dominating the world, and the ambition to be the only one is undisguised. Sooner or later, the world will be in chaos.

In other words, the southern border country's dispatch of troops this time is the beginning of the chaos.

Do not want to be beaten, do not want to be swallowed up, resistance is inevitable!

Since the Southern Border Country does not hesitate to play a show, it has to find an excuse to start a war, so they don't have to be polite to the Nalan Country.

"It's time for the reunification of the Central Plains." He sighed warmly.

Nalan Jinnian showed no expression and nodded lightly: "Yes."

Indeed, it is time to unify if we do not want to be unified.

There will be chaos in a few years.

"Hui'an County Master doesn't think that with the current national strength of Nalan Kingdom, it will be a little difficult to win the southern border now?" The emperor in plain clothes came over at this time.

Wen Nuan hurriedly stood up and saluted: "The minister sees the emperor!"

Nalan Jinnian also stood up and saluted, "I have seen the emperor brother."

The emperor glanced at the west subconsciously. Did the sun rise in the west today?

When did the Seventeenth Emperor become so polite?

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