The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1034 What is the best solution for Princess Hui'an?

The emperor suddenly thought that every time Nalan Jinnian salutes him, it must be a bad thing. Nine times out of ten, he is asking for money!

Always say how much money you spend in this place and that place, and let yourself pay him the money!

But his money was spent on the country of Nalan, why should he pay for it himself?

This world surnamed Nalan is not alone!

"No gift!" The emperor sat down and glanced at Nalan Jinnian vigilantly, "Brother Seventeen, I have no more money! Don't think that you can ask for money from me just by paying a courtesy! There is a war on the southern border now. , I'm about to die of a headache!"

Brother Huang thought in his heart, is it going to cost a lot to send a relative?

Well, he gave 10,000 wen for travel expenses, and he has already used 10,000 yuan as a unit, which is generous enough!

It's not enough, it's also because the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother is too big-handed, anyway, he won't make more.

And this idiot, the expenses on the road won't let Amber out?

Following the emperor came the Minister of War, the Minister of Household, Wang Xiao and others, and the corners of their mouths twitched when they heard this.

Only the Minister of the Household nodded, the treasury is too poor, don't ask him for money!

Several people bowed to Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan.

Nalan Jinnian's face darkened, he had long known that he should not salute. He just saw a lot of people and gave the emperor a little face. After all, he was away these days, and he was busy with a few more gray hairs, which made him feel a little distressed. He is the emperor's brother, so he gave a salute, but it was obviously unnecessary: ​​"Imperial brother thinks too much, who dares to ask you to take the silver? Why are you two here?"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at a few people with bad eyes.

I don't know if so many people come, will it disturb him and the little girl?

These people obviously came after the court, and the emperor brought them here, and it is estimated that there is something to discuss.

But discussing things is just an excuse, it is true that the emperor wants to come to eat and drink for free!

After all, after discussing things, you can invite him and the little girl into the palace.

Wennuan smiled, and then called Aster to ask her to bring some more tableware and some breakfast.

When the emperor heard that he didn't want money, he was relieved. He looked at the food on the table and said with a smile: "I came to you and Hui'an County Master to discuss the issue of the southern border war. Hui'an County Master has not answered my question just now."

The emperor has not eaten the warm and healthy food that he sent to the palace in the past few months, and he is greedy.

Originally, the emperor didn't think of it, but the minister of the household said that it would be better to invite King Jin and the princess of Hui'an to enter the palace to discuss together, and then he thought of it.

The Minister of War and others sat down one after another.

The stone table in the yard is big enough to seat six or seven people with absolutely no problem.

Wen Nuan poured a cup of tea for the emperor: "It is of course difficult to win the southern border country now, but it is not impossible."

Chen Huan and Chen Xi also came to wait after receiving the news.

The two of them served tea to the others.

The emperor picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea: "What chance does the Lord Hui'an think there is? If he wins the southern border country, the current balance will be destroyed, and the world may be in chaos. When the four countries invade, the Lord Hui'an feels that the Nalan country is capable. Cope?"

Last night, the Seventeenth Emperor had already discussed with him, taking this opportunity to destroy the Southern Border and expand the strength of Nalan Kingdom, so that he could have the capital to compete with Beiming Kingdom.

But he knew that this time the Southern Border Kingdom sent troops, and there was Beiming Kingdom's handwriting in it, and the Nalan Kingdom would have to deal with two countries at the same time!

And one of them is Beiming Kingdom, the most powerful country in the mainland.

It is actually not easy to take Nalan Kingdom.

Moreover, the whole body can be moved with one hair, and the Nalan Kingdom, the Southern Border Kingdom, and the Beiming Kingdom will fight, then the Nalan Kingdom, which is located in the center of the four countries, will be attacked on both sides.

It is impossible for Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom on the left and right to not take the opportunity to take action. In this way, if the forces of the four countries deal with Nalan Kingdom, Nalan Kingdom will have no chance of winning.

Accidentally perished!

In fact, the emperor did not really want to take this opportunity to win the Southern Border Country.

He loves peace by nature, and only wants to see the people of Nalan live and work in peace and contentment during his reign.

So the emperor did not agree with Nalan Jinnian's proposal last night, he just said to think about it.

However, Nalan Jinnian left a few pamphlets for him, which were the taxes paid by Dongling and Xihua in the past few years, the state of grain inventory, and the mining of iron ore.

From this, it can be inferred how many troops the two countries have and how many weapons they have built.

He estimated the amount and ate it!

Just this morning, the Minister of War of the Ministry of War also told the court that the world might be in chaos, and suggested to be prepared.

Although the emperor hopes that the world will be peaceful and there will be no wars, he also knows that this kind of thing is not something he can do.

The current situation is

It is estimated that he had to think more about what to do.

Only by being prepared can he protect the people he wants to protect.

So after the court, the emperor still called several ministers to discuss the worst plan together.

The Minister of War looked at Wennuan, and also wanted to hear what Wennuan had to say.

If the four countries deal with the Nalan Kingdom at the same time, then based on the current national strength of the Nalan Kingdom, he has estimated that 90% cannot be dealt with!

After all, the national strength of the four countries can be said to be not weak now. On the contrary, the Nalan Kingdom has been in decline for several years because of the inaction when the late emperor was in power.

Nuan has long thought about the current situation of Nalan Kingdom. If the four countries attack together, how will they face it.

So she said without hesitation: "Something depends on the person, the ministers and daughters think that the Nalan Kingdom is at the moment when its troops are strong and strong. Our 500,000 troops stationed in the capital have been trained for these years, and they are all brave and good at fighting! If we plan well Well, we can successfully take the southern border country and increase the national strength of the Nalan country! As for the invasion of the four countries, this can be avoided. There is absolutely no absolute trust between countries, and the temperament of each monarch is different! As long as If you plan well, you can prevent the four countries from attacking our Nalan country at the same time."

"Does Hui'an County Master have a way to take the Southern Border Country without letting the other three countries attack our Nalan Country?" Hu Bu Shangshu was overjoyed when he heard the words, he had already scolded the ancestors of the other four countries for eighteen generations along the way. once again.

Why is it that when he became the Minister of the Household, the world will be in chaos, the Nalan Kingdom has entered a lot of money in the treasury in the past two years, but it has also consumed a lot of money, and the state treasury is really very small. Shake the country!

The Minister of Tobe feels that that time has not yet come!

Give him another two or three years, and in two or three years, the treasury will be full,

The emperor also asked curiously, "What is the best solution for Princess Hui'an?"

Warm: "At this moment, arrange a general to lead 100,000 elite soldiers to be secretly transferred to the border of Beiming Kingdom, and first attack Beiming Kingdom directly with 100,000 troops. Hit Beiming Kingdom by surprise!"

When the emperor heard the words, he almost sprayed the tea in his mouth, but he choked himself without spraying: "cough."

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