The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1035 What is the Princess Hui'an kidding?

Seeing that the emperor was frightened and coughed by her own words, she did not continue to speak.

Several other people were stunned when they heard this!

Directly attack Beiming Kingdom?

What are you joking about, Princess Hui'an?

There are already 700,000 troops on the surface of the Beiming Kingdom, so what about the hidden troops?

To send 100,000 elite soldiers to attack Beiming Kingdom, wouldn't that be hitting a stone with an egg?

But several people also knew that Nuan would not be such an ignorant person, and they frowned and began to think about the motivation and role of Nuan's strategy.

This should be the first to do the best, to contain the Beiming Kingdom, so that the Beiming Kingdom will not be free to help the Southern Border Kingdom!

The emperor regained his strength and wanted to understand: "Does the Hui'an county master want to strike first? Let the Beiming country be too busy to help the southern border country?"

Warmly clasped his fists: "Your Majesty is wise! If we take the initiative to attack Beiming Kingdom, then the monarchs of various countries will have to weigh our Nalan Kingdom's national strength again! Don't dare to take action lightly. Beiming Kingdom will also worry about capsize in the gutter! Help Nan The border country will only be on food, grass and weapons, and the troops will not be mobilized!"

It is a war with the Southern Border Kingdom, but at the same time it is fighting with the Beiming Kingdom. This is a big taboo in the military!

Unless the strength is very strong, but the strength of the Nalan Kingdom, the four countries feel that it has declined and is no longer as strong as it used to be.

Nuan believed that even the monarch of Beiming Kingdom would not dare to go to war with the two countries at the same time. Their Beiming Kingdom would only choose to provoke other countries to fight each other.

But the Nalan Kingdom did something that the Beiming Kingdom dared not do, and attacked the two countries at the same time, they would doubt whether their assessment of the strength of the Nalan Kingdom was too low.

The Minister of War frowned: "But the teacher is unknown, so it is natural for other countries to attack us in the future."

At this time, Nuan took out a dragon-shaped jade pendant with a character of virtuous engraved on the jade pendant.

"Is this the jade pendant of Emperor Junxian, the seventh prince of Beiming?"

The monarch of Beiming Kingdom presented each prince with a jade pendant representing their identity, with their name engraved on it.

Nalan Jinnian snorted coldly: "Well, when we escorted Xiaoba to Lanling Kingdom, we rushed to the mountain. In the territory of Beiming Kingdom, Emperor Junxian brought people to assassinate us."

The Secretary of the Ministry of War was overjoyed: "This is a famous teacher!"

But after he was happy, he frowned again: "It's just that the Beiming country is rich and strong, and our Nalan country is going to fight the southern border country again, and we will fight with Beiming. If the Beiming country is full of strength to deal with us, I am afraid Can't stand it!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Finance touched his beard and nodded.

There is still a big gap between Nalan Kingdom and Beiming Kingdom. They have a lot of land and resources, and they have been powerful countries for many years.

"If Xihua Kingdom and Dongling Kingdom come to join in the fun at this time, it will be bad!"

He smiled warmly: "Everyone, please listen to Hui'an."

The emperor immediately said: "Everyone first listen to what the Princess Hui'an has to say."

Nuan continued: "We will send 100,000 troops to the borders of Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom, and make a posture that as long as they change, our Nalan Kingdom will definitely be crushed by the army!"


Several people are silent again!

Beiming Kingdom sent 200,000 soldiers and horses, and Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom each sent 100,000 soldiers. Ma Lin Tingxuan has already led 100,000 soldiers to the southern border, a total of 500,000 soldiers, so Nalan Kingdom has almost dispatched all its troops. !

There are only 100,000 troops left in the capital!

Is it time to save that direction?

Beiming Kingdom has at least 700,000 soldiers and horses, Dongling, Nanjiang, and Xihua Kingdom are estimated to have more than 200,000.

It's just that everyone didn't make a sound, waiting for the warm text below.

"I have been on a mission to Dongling, and I have been in contact with the monarch of Dongling. I found that the lord of Dongling is suspicious and cautious by nature. He has ambitions, but he is not brave enough! I can't let go of things! Our Nalan country team gave them a severe blow. When facing the Southern Border Kingdom and Beiming Kingdom at the same time, we mobilized so many soldiers and horses on the border between Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom, and Dongling Kingdom After the Lord knows, he will never dare to act rashly!"

Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy is a hundred battles and a hundred victories. In addition to fighting a battle, you must have strength and provisions, but also have a plan!

It is even said that the most important thing is to plan, and this plan requires to understand the military habits of the other generals, as well as the character of the helm of the country.

"I heard that the monarch of Xihua is a person who is very good at figuring out people's hearts, so he must have guessed that the monarch of Dongling does not dare to send troops, and that Nalan has developed rapidly in the past two years, and he has lost his grip on us! This approach broke his previous understanding of Nalan Kingdom. After all, the emperor has always loved the people like a son, and he certainly would not want to see wars appear and the people would be displaced!

But this time, we sent a large army to suppress the borders of the four countries at the same time, and we did not stop talking about the immortality of the southern border, and we dared to provoke the Beiming Kingdom, which is contrary to the humble attitude of the past!

The monarch of Xihuaguo can't guess our strength, so Xihuaguo will certainly not rashly take action! However, he will suspect that our Nalan Kingdom is just bluffing, but the monarch of Xihua Kingdom considers himself a smart person, so he will definitely try it! We sent war posts to them and shouted in front of them before he tempted us! Said that there are too many people in the Southern Border Kingdom and Beiming Kingdom this time, we Nalan Kingdom will definitely clean up them and show our prestige! If Xihua Kingdom dared to send troops to help, it would be an unending enemy, and so on! Then as long as Xihuaguo posts war posts, our people will definitely respond! With a posture that is not at all afraid of fighting with Xihua, the monarch of Xihua will definitely not dare to send troops! "

"Are we really fighting with Beiming Kingdom?" Hubu Shangshu asked fearfully!

This money is not enough, there is not enough food and grass, and there are not enough soldiers and horses. Even if the other three countries do not take action, the disparity in strength is too great, how to fight?

And the generals of Beiming Kingdom are all brave and good at fighting!

Nodding warmly: "If you want to win the Southern Border Country, you must really fight! But it's not the kind of direct attack, but dragging them to death!

Although Beiming Kingdom has a strong army, a large number of people and great strength, but at the border between Beiming Kingdom and Nalan Kingdom, many terrains here in Nalan Kingdom are easy to defend and difficult to attack! This is also the reason why the Beiming Kingdom wanted to dominate the world a hundred years ago, but could not take our Nalan Kingdom no matter what, and eventually dragged down their treasury.

It is very difficult for Beiming Kingdom to capture our Nalan Kingdom! However, it is very easy for us to attack Beiming Kingdom. If we can't beat it, we can just retreat to the terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack! If they dare to fight over, they will catch the turtle in the urn and wipe out part of their troops! The people of Beiming Kingdom are naturally belligerent. They consider themselves to be the most powerful country in the mainland. They feel that they are superior to others. As long as our soldiers provoke them more, they will definitely not be able to stand it and send troops to attack us directly! We will have the opportunity to weaken the strength of Beiming Kingdom again and again, and buy some time to win the Southern Border Kingdom! "


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