The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1036 Can't tell the emperor's wisdom!

When everyone heard the words, there was a silence again. Although the way that Hui'an County Master said about dealing with Beiming Kingdom was a bit shameless, it was indeed a way to drag Beiming Kingdom and weaken Beiming Kingdom.

As for her statement that Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom would not send troops, everyone did not have much sense of identity.

They felt that Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom would definitely take this opportunity to send troops.

Including the Minister of War, there is an absolute 80% chance that Dongling and Xihua will send troops. After all, such an opportunity is too rare.

The Nalan Kingdom is located in the center of the four countries. The four countries send troops at the same time, and each of them divides up several cities in the Nalan Kingdom. Then the strength of the country will not be improved a little bit.

After all, the country of Nalan is flat and has a lot of fertile fields, so he thinks that what they should discuss is how Nalan should respond if the four countries send troops at the same time, rather than discussing the situation that Xihua and Dongling will not send troops.

Fortunately, because Nalan Kingdom is surrounded by mountains and a small side faces the sea, this geographical location protects the entire Nalan Kingdom very well, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It is not easy for the four countries to capture the Nalan Kingdom for a while.

Therefore, the Minister of War believes that as long as you figure out how to deal with the battle of the four countries at the same time!

We can't expect Xihua Kingdom and Dongling Kingdom not to send troops!

Seeing that everyone did not speak, Nuan knew that they did not agree with their words.

The emperor looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Brother Seventeen, what do you think?"

Nalan Jinnian has heard Nuannan talk about her thoughts long ago. He thinks about the same thing as Nuannen, but Nalan Jinnian is more familiar with the four countries than Nuannen, especially he is particularly familiar with the terrain of Beiming Kingdom adjacent to Nalan Kingdom. Familiar, when he was young, he had already figured out how to deal with the chaos in the world one day.

Nuan is good at figuring out people's hearts. She arranged it so that Dongling and Xihua will not take action for a while, but Nalan Jinnian knows the emperor better than Nuan.

Brother Huang doesn't want to fight, and at this moment, he also hopes to just clean up the Southern Border Kingdom, let the Southern Border Kingdom surrender, cede the land and pay for it, and then that's it!

He is even more worried about sending a large army to suppress the four countries, and the four countries will start a war together to deal with the Nalan Kingdom. If the Nalan Kingdom falls on the emperor's brother, he absolutely does not want to see it!

So it is useless to say more now!

Nalan Jinnian only said: "My brother and Hui'an County Master said the same thing."


The emperor couldn't help thinking in his heart, is he really old and has no fighting spirit at all, why are Princess Hui'an and the seventeenth emperor so belligerent?

The emperor looked at the Minister of War: "What do you think, Aiqing?"

After hearing this, the Minister of War said: "Wei minister also thinks that we should secretly mobilize troops and horses to start protecting the borders of the four directions! 50,000 troops and horses are enough, these troops and horses are hidden, as long as the Beiming Kingdom, Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom do not have it. We don’t have to take action if they change. As long as they have a change, we will immediately take action, and we can catch them by surprise. Delay some time and let the reinforcements arrive. Then the court will have enough troops left to deal with the Southern Border Country.”

The emperor nodded: "This idea is not bad."

Hui'an County Lord said that the army suppressed the border, although she made a reasonable analysis, but who can guarantee that Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom will really not send troops?

The emperor was also worried that Dongling and Xihua would use this as an excuse to start a war.

At least now, Tanglin Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom have no excuse to send troops!

The emperor knew that it was absolutely impossible to resist the four countries with the current strength of Nalan Kingdom and the strength of one country!

The Nalan Kingdom must not be subjugated. After a few more years, the Nalan Kingdom will be strong enough. The Seventeenth Emperor’s younger brother is much smarter than himself in terms of governing the country and militarily. Then, let’s rule the world again!

Anyway, the four countries are eyeing Nalan, and the emperor also knows that this day will always come. The emperor only hopes to try to make this day a little late, and Nalan has time to prepare and improve his strength!

With Nalan's current national strength, he felt that he couldn't handle it after thinking about it.

The emperor looked at Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian: "Seventeenth brother, what does Princess Hui'an think of this?"

Hearing it warmly, he knew that the emperor did not want to take the next opportunity to win the Southern Border Country.

In other words, the emperor did not have the ambition to make achievements and to dominate the world. He just wanted to keep his own one-acre and three-point land, be the emperor of Nalan Kingdom, and be famous for the ages. I don't want to be called by future generations as a hegemon or something.

Wanting to understand the emperor's thoughts, Nuan did not say that sending tens of thousands of soldiers secretly was different from sending 100,000 troops openly and honestly.

This clearly tells the people of other countries that their Nalan country is not strong enough to dare to face the four countries at the same time.

But Wen Nuan knows that the emperor has something to worry about. He shoulders the safety and livelihood of all the people of Nalan. He cannot afford to lose the stability of the entire country!

Moreover, the emperor was kind by nature, not warlike, and even easy to satisfy. He will make Nalan country prosperous and the people live and work in peace and contentment as the ultimate goal of his life. You make him suddenly so powerful, to provoke the four countries at the same time and dominate the world, he can't do it unless he has to change his life goals. He won't move unless Shikoku really gets to the point of sabotaging his ultimate goal.

It's not just the emperor, Nuan found that many of the ministers of Nalan are like this. They are the kind of ambitious people who like to take care of their own three-thirds of an acre of land. Of course, others will rob him The land is not good, but they never want to provoke other countries to mine some land.

This probably started with Emperor Taizu! Otherwise, where did the three dependent countries come from? That's because Emperor Taizu was helpful! Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Alright, that's it!"

Nalan Jinnian had long known that this would be the outcome.

Nuan also nodded: "The emperor is really a good emperor who loves his people like a son!"

This time, the warmth cannot be said that the emperor is wise!

I can only praise him as a good emperor who loves his people like his son.

No one is perfect.

The emperor felt relieved when he saw the two of them saying this. He stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Hui'an county master is wrong. The seventeenth emperor secretly mobilized 50,000 troops to go to Beiming, Dongling, and the Three Kingdoms of Xihua. The border affairs will be handed over to you!"

Nalan Jinnian knew that the emperor would hand over this matter to him, so he did not argue with reason. 50,000, in his opinion, was barely enough to handle. He nodded: "My brother takes orders!"

After solving one thing, the emperor was in a good mood. He smiled and said, "Everyone have breakfast first! Breakfast is cold!"

As for taking the opportunity to win the Southern Border Country? Let's think about this after the battle situation in the southern border, the emperor thought to himself.

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