The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1037 It's definitely a disaster for the country

After breakfast, the emperor left with the Minister of War and others.

Nalan Jinnian was also called away by the emperor.

After the emperor left, Wen Nuan said to Chen Huan: "Chen Huan, what happened to the rumor about the uncle's ignorance of the money from the former state treasury?"

Chen Huan also knew that Nuan would ask her when she came back, so she said: "The county master asked me to pay attention to that teahouse, and I arranged for someone to pay attention. Sure enough, every day there is a person there, intentionally or unintentionally, to spread the wealth of our Anguo Gongfu. But the enemy country said that our money came so quickly, and then slowly said that it might be because the uncle betrayed the King of Huainan, cooperated with the court, destroyed the King of Huainan and the Guo family, and then got King Huainan and the silver of the former state treasury under Guo Jiamei. When he said this, the imperial censor and the vice-president of the Tai Hospital happened to come to the teahouse to drink tea, and they also heard it. Second God, Lord Censor took part in a copy of Uncle and Uncle in the courtroom, and these rumors became known to everyone."

"Have you found out who the person who spread the rumors in the restaurant was?" After listening to Nuannuan, he understood that the rumors this time were aimed at them.

Wang Xiao's identity has not yet been confirmed, which is a hidden danger.

Nuan also wants to know who else wants to deal with them now.

"I found out that the person was a distant relative of the Guo family in the past."

The people who stayed from the Queen's faction?

After all, although the eldest prince was sentenced to guard the imperial mausoleum, as the eldest son, there are still some people who are more old-fashioned to support.

Moreover, the Guo family tree has deep roots, and although the family has been exterminated, there will always be some fish that slip through the net.

"Have you checked who the person has been in contact with recently?"

"That man is a businessman, known by all the people of the three religions and nine classes. He often goes in and out of the teahouse, casino and Chunlou, and sometimes he goes to the painting boat that the literati and literati love to go to. He eats and drinks with many friends every day. There was a Peach Blossom Festival a while ago, and the sons and grandsons of several important officials of the imperial court have been in contact with them, but the servants are incompetent and have not found who is behind him. It’s just that he went to Jianghuai Mansion some time ago and passed the imperial mausoleum!”

She found that some time ago, this person had contact with the grandson of the Minister of the Ministry of Housing, the son-in-law of the Minister of War, the son of the Dali Siqing, the son of the governor of Shuntian, and the brother-in-law of the Wucheng Bingma Division.

But Nuan didn't want to miss any clues, so he said: "You found out who he has been in contact with? Copy the list to me if you don't reveal it."

Chen Huan nodded: "Yes!"

Nuan asked again: "Is there anything unusual during the time I left? Including my eldest brother and second brother, and my father's side."

Nuan was worried that that person would start with Wen Chun and others. After all, grandma and mother-in-law at home usually rarely go out, and those people rarely have the opportunity to start.

And the big brother is about to get married soon, which is also a good opportunity.

Chen Huan shook his head: "The slave did not find anything unusual."

Nodding warmly: "It's good over there, thank you for your hard work, please send someone to pay more attention to my elder brother, second elder brother, and the people around my father."

"The slaves obey!"


morning the next day

The emperor told the result of their discussion yesterday.

"What do you think about this matter?"

The Minister of War immediately said, "Your Majesty is wise!"

The Minister of the Household said: "Your Majesty is wise, so we in Nalan don't have to worry about the danger of the Three Kingdoms taking advantage of people!"

Wucheng soldiers and Ma Si and others also agreed: "The emperor is wise!"

Hearing this, the third prince glanced at Nalan Jinnian. Seeing his calm expression, he obviously knew about it for a long time. His mind changed. Could it be that the Seventeenth Emperor wanted to take this opportunity to take the southern border and even rule the world in one fell swoop?

No, the strength to dominate Nalan is not enough, but if you send troops and horses to prevent the other three countries from taking action, there is absolutely no problem in winning the southern border.

The third prince does not know the true strength of Nalan Kingdom now, but he still understands Nalan Jinnian. As long as he makes a move, then it is just around the corner to win the Southern Border Kingdom!

So good!

After winning the Southern Border Kingdom, the strength of the Nalan Kingdom will be greatly increased. In the future, there will be food, wound medicine, and a few more iron mines, so why not be afraid of the Beiming Kingdom?

His requirements are not high, and when he ascends the throne, it is enough to have won the Southern Border Kingdom and the Beiming Kingdom.

Leave the rest of Xihua Kingdom and Dongling Kingdom to yourself!

Otherwise, in the history books, he will have no achievements.

Of course, Xihua Kingdom and Dongling Kingdom are nothing to be afraid of, and Uncle Seventeen may not exist at that time.

Thinking of this, the third prince agreed: "Father is wise!"

After hearing this, the Minister of Punishment stood up: "The emperor thinks twice, Wei Chen thinks it is absolutely necessary! At this moment, we are already fighting against the Southern Border Kingdom. If we send another 50,000 elite soldiers to the border of the Three Kingdoms, it will cause misunderstanding among the other three countries and annoy them. They will take the opportunity to confront us. If the Nalan Kingdom sends troops, then our Nalan Kingdom will be in danger!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry also stood up: "The emperor thinks twice! Wei Chen thinks what the Minister of Punishment has said is right! This must be absolutely impossible!"

Then the Minister of Rites, the Minister of Personnel, the Imperial Censor, and some ministers such as Shi Lang raised objections.

It is said that Nalan's current strength is not enough to compete with the four countries at the same time, so they should not send troops to worry about giving the other three countries an excuse to send troops to attack Nalan, causing chaos in the world.

The emperor nodded: "I know the worries of all the Aiqings, but the ambitions of the four countries have already been revealed. Sending troops out is just in case. We don't know how to send troops and secretly mobilize. Otherwise, if the other three countries take the opportunity to fall into the trap, our Nalan country will be in a situation. Passive. Brother Seventeen, Princess Hui'an, are you right?"

The emperor wanted Nalan Jinnian to convince everyone that as long as he said something, with his title of God of War, everyone would not object.

Nalan Jinnian: "What the emperor said is very true."

He was too lazy to speak out to convince everyone!

Wen Nuan also came to the early court today. The emperor called her name, and she could only reply: "The emperor is wise! It's time to send troops to guard, just in case, there is also a response."

The Minister of Industry gave a warm look: "I am afraid that Hui'an County Master still doesn't know much about the current strength of Nalan Kingdom and the other four countries! If the four countries attack Nalan Kingdom in unison, the consequences will be disastrous. Please think twice when Hui'an County Master speaks!"

The Minister of Works has a big opinion on Wennuan at this moment, because this woman actually made the third prince fall in love with her, protect her, and tell him not to take action against Wang Xiao for the time being, this woman is simply a fox!

It will definitely be a disaster for the country in the future!

After finishing speaking, the Minister of War no longer looked at the warmth, and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the army of fifty thousand, not five people, how can we secretly mobilize it so as not to be discovered by neighboring countries? There are spies from all countries in our Nalan country, this is simply impossible, The emperor thinks twice!"

Then he looked at Wen Nuan again: "Or does the Lord Hui'an have a solution? After all, the Lord Hui'an has great powers and is omnipotent! The Lord Hui'an might as well speak and listen, if he can mobilize hundreds of thousands of soldiers without knowing it. If you don’t let people know about the horse, Wei Chen has nothing to say!”

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