The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1038 What does this have to do with his ancestral home by the sea?


"none of your business?"

People from the Ministry of Industry manage the affairs of the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of War? !

Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian spoke at the same time, and the two looked at the minister of the Ministry of Industry with a light look and a cold look.

Minister of Industry: "."


Everyone: "."

Everyone was stunned by the synchronization of the two of them. The emperor was the fastest to recover. He felt that Princess Hui'an and the seventeenth emperor were really more and more compatible!

So he blurted out what was in his heart: "The Princess Hui'an and the Seventeenth Emperor are getting more and more married! Not bad! Not bad!"

Minister of Industry: "."

The emperor said yes, in the end

what's good?

Is "why" good?

Or is "none of your business" good?

Still all good?

The heart of the Minister of Industry is even more congested!

When everyone heard the words, the corners of their mouths twitched.

When the emperor is so serious, are you right?

In this world, it is estimated that there is no second brother who can praise his younger brother all the time like the emperor.

Even King Jin made a foul language, and the emperor could praise it!

The hall suddenly became silent, and the emperor said, "Why don't you all talk?"

Everyone: "."

They are thinking "why", "it's none of their business".

The minister of the Ministry of Industry blushed with anger: "Don't dare, Wei Chen is not qualified."

The third prince wanted the Minister of Industry not to stop him, but this was the courtroom, and he knew that Nalan Jinnian was an elite person, so he did not dare to give him any hints.

After all, in order to prevent the relationship between the two of them from being discovered, the political opinions of the two of them in the court are often inconsistent in the court.

The emperor listened, this is resentful! He waved his hand to reassure him: "It's okay, that kid at Seventeen has always been unforgiving, and I know Aiqing's intentions."

Seventeen that kid?

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched again, who would dare to treat King Jin as a child?

When he was eight years old, no one treated him like a child!

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry felt sour, his eyes were red, and he almost burst into tears. He was also thinking of Nalan Kingdom!


What's his business?

Isn't he the minister of Nalan?

In Nalan Kingdom, how high is the status of the six ministers of the highest rank? !

The Minister of Industry said with red eyes: "Your Majesty is wise, this minister is only thinking of Nalan Kingdom. Although I don't know how to march and fight, how do so many people hide their whereabouts? This can't be hidden from those spies from other countries! Your Majesty, please think twice!"

The Minister of War also spoke at this time: "Master Huang doesn't understand the matter of marching and fighting, and it's not about the Ministry of Industry. How to mobilize it, Master Huang doesn't need to worry about it. Although Master Huang's ancestral home is by the sea."

Minister of Industry: "???"

What does this have to do with his ancestral home by the sea?

The minister of households nodded: "That's right! This is a military secret, and Mr. Huang has overstepped the rules. You should take care of your Ministry of Industry affairs! Qinghe County has another flood this year. A lot of money has been allocated to repair the dams and water conservancy in Qinghe County! Why is there still a flood? Has the hundreds of thousands of taels invested by the imperial court gone to waste?"

The Minister of Works was choked for a moment, and he said angrily: "Master Fang is right! Master Fang is in charge of the Ministry of Household, and if you ask you to spend some money to build water conservancy, he will say no, let alone marching to fight? This is a bottomless pit, the imperial court. Do you have the money to go to war with the Shikoku? You should save the people of Qinghe County from the dire situation and talk about it!"

The Minister of the Household sneered: "There are priorities, money is spent on the blade, the country will be in danger, of course, we must first take care of it! Qinghe County's dams are repaired every year, and the court spends a lot of money every year, but I haven't seen you. Repair it, today, if Mr. Huang does not come up with a once and for all plan, I will not be able to get any money from my side! Anyway, if the money is released, there will be floods every year! The money will be washed away by the flood!"

The Minister of Industry was so angry that he fell to his knees, pointed to the Minister of Household and said, "You are ignoring the life and death of the people of Qinghe County!"

The Minister of the Household gave him a blank look: "It's you who are useless and waste the people's taxes!"


Seeing the two quarreling, the emperor only felt a pain in his brain, and he immediately said: "Okay! I have made up my mind about sending troops to the border of the five countries. I just want to know what good way everyone can secretly mobilize troops and horses. And other better countermeasures, if there is no need to say more! If there is a secret book that can be played, what else do you love to play now?!"

The Minister of Industry immediately said: "Your Majesty, the water level in Qinghe County is getting higher and higher, no more."

The emperor raised his hand to stop him from continuing: "Fang Aiqing is right on this matter, Qinghe County has already allocated hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, if Huang Aiqing does not come up with a once and for all plan, the money will not be given! Also, you should quickly find a way to settle the people of Qinghe County and solve this flood! If some people are killed by the flood and the fertile fields are flooded, I only ask you!"

How much did it cost him?

Why can't the dams in Qinghe County be repaired?

Minister of Industry: "."

If the emperor does not give silver to cure the flood, the embankment will definitely burst! If the embankment breaks, it will definitely destroy the fertile fields, and even cause people to die. The emperor is too unreasonable.

At this time, the Minister of War said, "Your Majesty, Wei Chen wants to ask for orders for my boy. Please send your Majesty to the front line to kill the enemy! Follow General Lin to kill the dog thieves in the southern border without leaving behind!"

Wucheng Soldier Ma Si also opened his mouth and said: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen also wants to ask for my boy's life! Let him go to the front line and get some practical experience!"

The emperor heard the words and looked at Nalan Jinnian: "The Seventeenth Emperor, who do you recommend for the generals sent to the Three Kingdoms this time?"

When the third prince heard the words, he could also take the opportunity to arrange a few people to go in. Most of the forces of the seventeenth emperor were in the military camp. If his people made military achievements and entered the eyes of the seventeenth emperor, they would treat themselves in the future. Controlling the strength of Uncle Seventeen also helps.

Nalan Jinnian knew that the emperor would let him call the shots, and he had already thought about who to send, so he heard the words and said: "My brother thinks that the Dongling Kingdom will send General Wang to lead the troops, and Cao Zihao, the son of Lord Cao, can follow General Wang. As a guard by your side, Xihua can send Lin Feng and Lieutenant General Liu Kai to go with him."

Lin Xing had been staying on the northwest frontier, he and Lin Feng were united with two swords, and with Liu Kai, Xihuaguo was not afraid for a while.

The Minister of War was overjoyed when he heard it. It was not bad for his son to study with Wang Xiao. Although he was a guard, this was also what Nalan Jinnian meant to help him.

Not everyone can follow the main general as an escort. It is said that it is an escort, but it is actually an opportunity to learn, and there are many things that can be learned.

When the Minister of Industry heard that Wang Xiao led the troops, he subconsciously stopped him: "Your Majesty, General Wang is a general, but secretly sent troops to the border of Dongling, is it overkill?"

The emperor looked at Wang Xiao: "What do you think, Aiqing?"

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