Wang Xiao stood up and cupped his hands: "The last general is a soldier whose duty is to protect the family and the country. The court needs the last general, and the last general will go there. There is no such thing as overkill, the country's safety is in the eyes of the last general. It's all very important! The last will follow the emperor's arrangement!"

The emperor was very happy when he heard this: "Haha. What Aiqing said is very true! In this case, the Dongling side will be handed over to you! Cao Zihao, the youngest son of the Minister of War, will go and guard you! His martial arts are good, Still waiting to block the sword."

Wang Xiao cupped his hands and replied, "The minister obeys the order!"

The minister of the Ministry of Industry sank in his heart. The emperor has listened to his opinions recently, which is not a good thing.

The Minister of Industry did not understand why the emperor placed so much trust in the An Guogongfu family.

At least this Wang Xiao was under the command of King Huainan back then, and he was also the son-in-law of King Huainan. King Huainan colluded with Dongling State in those days. Maybe this Wang Xiao also colluded with Dongling State. How could the emperor trust him to send him there?

Then he didn't know what to think, and he was overjoyed.

If Wang Xiao colluded with the people of Dongling Kingdom, wouldn't it be better to send him to Dongjiang this time?

And it's not a bad thing for Wang Xiao to leave the capital with his troops. Wouldn't it be easier for him to forge the evidence that he had swindled the money from the previous state treasury?

He still felt that the sooner he buried this kind of evidence, the better. Although the third prince said he wanted them to open up remote areas for the Nalan Kingdom, some things had to be done in advance.

The Minister of Industry thought of standing here with a stern face and silent. He secretly laughed in his heart, planning what to do next.

Then the emperor asked Lin Feng, Liu Kai and others to lead the troops to the northwest. Both of them were already fourth-rank generals, so it was no problem to lead troops together.

Next, there were other courtiers who had something to report. After the court discussed a solution and found a solution, they withdrew from the court.

After retreating from the dynasty, the emperor called Nalan Jinnian, Nuan Nuan, Wang Xiao, Lin Feng, Liu Kai and others to discuss matters in the imperial study.

Mainly it was the matter of secretly deploying troops and food.


After the court, the third prince and the Minister of Industry avoided people and met.

The third prince said straight to the point: "Sending troops to the border of the Three Kingdoms this time is of great importance. I want to arrange a few people to go in. Including the southern border front line, I have to arrange a few brave people to enter."

The Minister of Works immediately bowed his hands and said respectfully: "The third prince is wise! The old man thinks so too! I don't know who is the candidate for the third prince?"

"Is there a candidate for your lord?" The third prince refused to let the Minister of Trade and Industry go.

If there are capable people on his side, that's fine.

And more stable.

The Minister of Industry and Commerce said two people: "Lin Ziqiang, the youngest son of Lin Ziqiang, the Minister of Officials, is in the military camp, and Zhang Jinpeng, the nephew of Guozijian's sacrificial wine, is also in the military camp. If you can give them a chance and sell a favor, We can be regarded as someone who can talk in the Ministry of Personnel and Guozijian.”

The third prince nodded: "Okay! Your lord is thoughtful! I will let someone arrange it!"

Just two is not enough, the third prince thought of Shi Bo and Deng Qingtao, just four!

After the two negotiated, the third prince left first.

The third prince took a book out of the study, got into the carriage, and returned to the third prince's mansion.

The Minister of Works waited for a stick of incense before standing up. They all reached the door opposite the door where the third prince left just now, pushed open the door, and walked in.

After a while, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry walked out of the teahouse with two bags of tea leaves and returned to the yamen where the Ministry of Works was located.

One came out of the study and the other left in the teahouse on the other street. No one would have thought that the two had met.

Even from above, the two shops connected to the backyard are separated by a high wall.

This kind of situation is not without such a shop in the capital. After all, the capital is a place where every inch of gold is inch of land.


In the following days, Nalan Jinnian and Nuan Nuan were busy discussing matters with the leading generals, mainly discussing with them how to march, and how to deal with possible emergencies at the border, how to fight against them, How to arrange troops and the like, and then choose elite soldiers to go to the border of the Three Kingdoms.

They both leave early and return late every day.

In addition to these political affairs, Nuan is also busy with Wen Chun's marriage, such as designing dishes, choosing a change of mouth for her family to serve tea the next day, and posting messages to those who go to the bride's house to welcome relatives. Invite everyone to have a meal in advance, and also receive relatives and friends from Ningyuan County.

Sometimes, she has to take time to prepare some wound medicines with Wen Ran and Feng Nianchen, and send them to the front line of the southern border, and then the business of the shop and the construction of the new city are all busy anyway!

After leaving early and returning late for a few days, the 150,000 troops sent to the borders of the three countries were finally selected.

in the evening


In Nalan Jinnian's study.

Nuan and Nalan Jinnian sat there looking at the list.

This list was selected by General Tang.

General Tang was standing by the side, waiting for Nalan Jinnian to finish the review.

Nalan Jinnian looked at each name by name. He read it very quickly, but when he saw a name in the middle, he paused and looked at General Tang: "This Lin Ziqiang seems to be good at archery?"

When General Tang heard Lin Ziqiang's name, his heart skipped a beat. He thought that Nalan Jinnian knew that the minister of officials had given him a gift, and begged him to let his son in.

Hearing that Nalan Jinnian was only asking about his archery skills at this moment, he secretly sighed with relief and said with a smile: "It's really good! In the army, his archery skills can be ranked before ten thousand! The lower officials have to pick some. People with good archery skills should go, what does King Jin think?"

"Yeah." Nalan Jinnian nodded and responded lightly, so that people couldn't see his emotions.

General Tang couldn't figure out whether Nalan Jinnian was satisfied or dissatisfied.

Nuan Nuan also paused when he saw Zhang Jinpeng's name, and then continued to read.

Zhang Jinpeng's overall strength among the soldiers is not too strong, but he is good at hiding, and he is more careful. It is good for such a person to be sent to burn the enemy's forage.

However, Nuan Nuan knew him not because of Zhang Jinpeng's abilities, but because he was the cousin of Zhu Huale (who had been engaged to Liang Ziyun before), and she had seen the two of them walk together.

Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian quickly read the long three-point list.

Nalan Jinnian handed the three lists to General Tang: "Just these soldiers! Just hand over their lists to their generals, and let them prepare to leave at any time tonight!"

"Yes." General Tang took it respectfully, bowed and then retreated.

After going out, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he accepted some favors and arranged for a few people to enter, fortunately those few people were not weak, otherwise, he would not dare to accept it.

King Jin didn't see anything.

General Tang took the list and hurriedly arranged it.

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