After the third prince sat down, he asked with a smile, "Mr. Xu was so happy just now, what are you talking about?"

Elder Xu said lightly, "I didn't say anything, just talk about it."

Originally, Han Da Shi, Lin Lao, and Xu Lao were talking about their apprentices. Xu Lao was bragging about how good his apprentices were in painting and calligraphy under his guidance. Even his group of untalented apprentices and grandchildren, as well as just full The first-year-old disciples and grandchildren have this strong interest in calligraphy and painting.

Now that the third prince is here, he has no interest in going any further.

Mr. Xu was from the Queen Mother's family, and the third prince was not happy at all, and he didn't ask any further questions. He said to Han Dashi, "How is Mr. Han recently?"

Han Da Shi was very old and his hair was all white. He hadn't gone out to attend banquets for several years, and he didn't even attend palace banquets very often.

Could it be that Uncle Seventeen invited him?

Han Dashu is a great Confucian in the world and has a very high status in various countries. Some of his poems and articles have been used as teaching materials by various academies.

Although he has gray hair, he looks good in spirit. He looks elegant and kind, and after listening to the words of the third prince, he smiled and said, "Hong Hao and Tingzhi brought me here."

There are several reasons why Han Dashu came to attend Wen Chun's wedding banquet this time.

First, he wanted to see Xu Tingzhi's apprentice.

It just so happened that the three sons of Duke Ang were also Hong Hao's apprentices. Hong Hao praised these three apprentices a lot in his letters, and the words were full of admiration. He was really curious!

Moreover, Nalan Jinnian has always sent people to give him some healthy vegetables regularly. After eating healthy vegetables for a few years, he feels that his body is much tougher than in previous years. He also knows that these healthy vegetables are grown by the master of Hui'an County. He also sent a post to himself, and he also wanted to thank them in person, so he came.

After hearing this, the third prince said hello to Mr. Lin and Mr. Xu: "How are Mr. Lin and Mr. Xu recently?"

Lin Lao smiled and replied: "Thanks to the third prince, the old man is very good!"

Xu Lao: "Thanks to the emperor, the queen mother and the king of Jin, the old man is very good!"

The apprentice is so outstanding, the works handed over to him every month are beyond his imagination and satisfaction. The apprentice and grandson are obedient and cute. When they saw him painting, they ran over and quietly lay on the table and watched. He is now I have already started teaching my apprentice grandson how to draw!

We must train a painter who is even more powerful than his apprentice!

Eat well and sleep well in Ningyuan County every day, Mr. Xu feels that his life is complete!

Third Prince: "."

This Elder Xu and Elder Lin all know to say something for his own good. Did he deliberately say this to make things difficult for him?

The third prince ignored him, but said to Old Lin: "I heard that the three sons of the Anguo Gongfu are all Mr. Lin's students? Mr. Lin is worthy of being a great scholar in the world, and has cultivated one pillar after another for Nalan Kingdom. Talent!"

Old Lin waved his hand humbly: "This old man is just a teacher who teaches and confuses me, not a pillar of training to go abroad. It is said that the three brothers have good knowledge, but they are still far from being the pillar of the country."

The first-term woman of Hui'an County Master, that knowledge and knowledge, after seeing it, Lin Lao is also ashamed!

His three apprentices are really incomparable.

"Sir is humble. Wen Chun and Wen Hou are the champion and the second flower. The two are officials in the court. They have achieved many achievements in just one year, and their father has praised them. There are also several champions who have been taught by the teacher. There are countless jinshi, and it is not too much to say that they support half of the sky in Nalan! All of your students are the pillars of the country!"

"No, they are really not the pillars of the country. The difference is too far. So many people add up and they are not as good as Mr. Xu's apprentice! Mr. Xu's apprentice is the worthy pillar of the country!"

It's a pity that Hui'an County Master is a woman. Women don't go to the academy to study, nor do they take the imperial examinations. Otherwise, Hui'an County Master is also his student!

Every day I listen to Mr. Xu boast there, Mr. Lin has soured the lemon tree!

When Xu Lao heard this, he felt a sense of pride. He just had to be humble, even if it was false modesty, right?

He waved his hand: "Lin Lao is exaggerating! Exaggerating! She can still draw eye-catching! Your apprentices are not bad, let them learn more from my apprentices, the pillar of the country, it will be soon! And Don't praise her like that, I'm worried she's proud! Be humble!"

The corner of Old Lin's mouth twitched. The Princess Hui'an didn't know how modest he was, and he respected teachers and friends.

What he is proud of is that he is a master who is not as skilled as his apprentice!

"Don't worry, she won't."

Elder Xu nodded proudly: "That's right!"

Elder Lin: "."

The third prince was surprised when he heard this, Elder Xu's apprentice? Is it that great?

Lin Lao usually doesn't praise people very much. He only praised the seventeenth emperor.

Who is Mr. Xu's apprentice? How could Elder Lin be so full of praise?

Who are the most powerful people in the DPRK, who are good at painting?

The third prince could not think of who it was.

"Elder Xu, have you accepted an apprentice? Who is your apprentice?"

Elder Xu: "Accepted."

Then stop talking.

Does his apprentice deserve to know who it is?

The third prince was even more displeased in his heart, but he also knew that Old Xu was extremely arrogant because he was from the Queen Mother's family.

What an amazing thing!

Later, after he ascended the throne, he knew who was Xu Lao's apprentice in the court, and he was the first to find an excuse to deal with him!

The third prince thought that there were two children in his staff who had good knowledge. If they could introduce their children to Lin Honghao, they would naturally be more grateful to themselves, and be more loyal to themselves in the future, and make suggestions for themselves.

And their sons will be able to help themselves when they become talents.

Lin Honghao's students are all over the world, many of them are capable, and there are also many officials in important positions in various places. This is a lot of forces. Those two became Lin Honghao's students, and they were considered integrated. In that circle, my help will be even greater in the future.

Today, Lin Honghao, who has been staying in Ningyuan County for a long time, came back and sat at the same table. Naturally, the third prince would not miss such a good opportunity, so he asked, "Mr. Lin, I know two students who are both knowledgeable and knowledgeable. It's good, I want to ask Mr. Lin to give some pointers on their knowledge, I wonder if Mr. Lin is willing to accept two more students?"

Old Lin stroked his beard and said with a smile, "The third prince is indeed a person who loves and cherishes talent. Unfortunately, the old man is old and lacks energy. He has already said that he will no longer accept apprentices, the youngest one I am teaching now. The younger apprentice sometimes feels powerless. Besides, there is still an academy to manage. The old man sometimes has to teach the students of the academy. Our academy recruits new students every year, and the gentlemen in the academy are also very knowledgeable. Students who the third prince knows can go to the academy to sign up for the entrance exam. If they can enter the academy to study, the old man will always have the opportunity to give some pointers."

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