With warmth, Xiaobai ran all the way to the front yard.

When you meet guests on the way, they greet you with a smile.

Concubine Ning, Concubine An, as well as several concubines, concubines, concubines and the like in the royal clan have been strolling around the garden just now, and now they are preparing to go back to the backyard for dinner. I saw them warmly, not far away. He stopped nearby and gave a salute: "Huian has seen several concubines, princesses, and princesses."

Xiaobai sees the warm salute, and the playful he also learns to warmly salute, but the action of his salute is to raise his two front legs, stand upright, put his two front legs together, and say goodbye!

Some time ago, during the New Year's Eve, Da Hui paid New Year's greetings to the warm family and received red envelopes, and Xiaobai also learned it!

Several royal ladies were amazed when they saw it:

"Whoops, is this dog salute us? It's really smart!"

"Oh my God! So cute! What kind of dog is this? It's such a beautiful coat! I want one too!"

"That's right! This is the first time this palace has seen a dog so smart! It makes me want to have one too." said a concubine.

She was the concubine of the previous emperor and did not give birth to any children. After the current emperor ascended the throne, she went out of the palace to be raised and did not stay in the palace.

Now that I am lonely in my later years, I think it would be good to keep some cats and dogs to accompany me.

Princess Ning looked at Xiao Bai with a look of surprise: "Master Hui'an, is this your dog? This dog is really beautiful, is it from overseas?"

Nodding with a warm smile: "Yes! It's an overseas breed."

Princess An also likes small animals, but she does not have a dog, only a cat, and she lazily basks in the sun all day long. Now that she sees this Persian dog is so smart, she wants to keep it too, she smiled and said: "The color of this dog's coat Prettier than my Persian cat! Lord Hui'an, is your dog a male or a female?"

If there are any puppies left, you can ask the Lord Hui'an for one to be raised!

Everyone looked at the warmth when they heard the words.

They also want to keep it!


How did these two get the attention of their sons who were so angry when they saw each other?

Warmly smiled: "Xiao Bai is a bitch, but her husband is a wolf."


Princess Hui'an really knows how to use adjectives!

But how could such a beautiful dog find a wolf for breeding!

Isn't this a flower on cow dung?

Everyone is accusing warmth with cruel eyes!

The concubine even said: "You find a wolf for such a beautiful dog, don't you want to scare it to death? My mother-in-law's sister-in-law also has a dog of an overseas breed, and that dog is so handsome! I will bring it here. , breed this dog!"

"Oh, the dog that Mrs. Liang raised is really beautiful, and it's just right to hold it! The puppy that will be born at that time will definitely be the same!"

"Yes, yes, yes, that one is really beautiful! If this puppy is born in the future, I will also take one back to raise it."

Nuan Nuan was almost scared to death by the thoughts of these concubines and clansmen. They saw Wen Ran and Wu Jingmei as matchmakers just now, and now they don't even let a dog go?

But they are not afraid that Da Hui will destroy them, and they dare to give Da Hui a green hat!

Nuan Nuan quickly took out the hairpin in his hand and diverted the attention of several people: "Hehe, my dog's husband is very careful, and he is very loyal, so he likes that wolf! You don't have to be busy! By the way! , have you seen anyone wearing this hairpin? My little white picked it up. I look very precious, maybe someone lost it accidentally, and I was going to ask around. "

Because of this phoenix-tailed hairpin, Nuan originally suspected that they were accidentally dropped by them.

Princess An glanced at the phoenix tail hairpin in Nuan's hand, and felt a little familiar, but she never thought of seeing it there for a while, she shook her head: "It's not mine. It's familiar, but I forgot who wore it. But I haven't seen anyone wearing it today, maybe I've seen it before! But I can't remember who it was."

Princess Ning: "It's not mine either! But this phoenix-tail hairpin is so beautiful, it's a rare gem! I've never seen anyone wearing it! If you have seen it, you must remember it!"

Others have also said that it is not themselves, and they do not know who it is.

Seeing this, Nuan Wen said: "Then I have to find the owner of this phoenix hairpin quickly, otherwise the other party should be anxious. Go back to the banquet first! The banquet has already begun! I will let everyone lead the way."

Wen Nuan said to a maid who was on the edge of the promenade to take care of the guests: "Xixin, you show the way to the concubine and the princesses."

Princess An waved her hand: "No, I know the way! I'll lead the way. Princess Hui'an, please go and do your work first! Don't worry about us! We still want to continue strolling the garden!"

Princess Ning also said: "Yes, I recognize it too, we can lead the way! Princess Hui'an, you are busy!"

Princess An and Princess Ning, the two would occasionally follow Prince An, and King Ning came over for dinner, so they were already very familiar with the An Guogong's mansion.

Others also said: "Yes! The scenery of this garden is so beautiful! We haven't seen enough! This palace thinks that he has entered the fairyland by mistake!"

"Yes, there is no hurry to eat, let's continue to see."

Several people found that the scenery in the garden became more beautiful as the sun moved westward, and they all felt that they could not see enough!

Warmly smiled: "Well, the scenery in the east is the most beautiful at this time. You can go and see it! Hui'an is sorry, I can't say hello, I hope you don't take offense!"

"No, no, Princess Hui'an, go get busy! Let's continue to look around."

Princess An and Princess Ning took everyone to the east, planning to go around and go back to the flower hall for dinner.

With a warm smile, he blessed a few people, and after they left, he said to Xiao Bai, "Xiao Bai, let's continue to find the owner of this hairpin."

Xiaobai nodded and continued to run forward.

The speed is not fast, just the warmth can keep up.

Front yard banquet room

There are a lot of guests here, and the smell is a little cloudy. Xiaobai couldn't smell the person's breath for a while, so he stopped there to look around.

It also recognizes that person.

Warm stood by the side and waited.

Nalan Jinnian's eyes were sharp, he had already seen Nuan bring Xiaobai to the front yard, he had already stood up and walked towards Nuan.

Nalan Jinnian came to Wen Nuan and asked, "What's wrong?"

At this time, Xiaobai saw the man, he glanced at the warmth, and then ran to the man.

Wen Nuan said to Nalan Jinnian: "Xiaobai found a hairpin, and it brought me back to the original owner."

Warmth dropped the words and followed.

Hearing this, Nalan Jinnian looked down at the hairpin in Wen's hands.

this hairpin


Nalan Jinnian's brows furrowed slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he raised his heels.

Xiaobai walked through the tables and seats and came to the corner of the flower hall.

There are several tables and seats here, all of them are Wen Chun, Wen Hou and Wen Luo's classmates.

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