Nuan took the phoenix-tailed hairpin in her hand and turned it around. She didn't take a close look just now, but now she looked at the phoenix-tailed hairpin inlaid with seven-color gems. There were some marks on the body of the hairpin that were deliberately erased.

It is estimated that it is a sign made by the former Ministry of the Interior.

Warm heart froze, but the surface is smiling.

Today all the dignitaries in the capital are here, even the emperor is here,

Although this method is inferior, if someone discovers this former court object, and then someone takes the opportunity to recognize it, then even if there is no evidence that she and Wang Xiaomei bought the silver of the former state treasury under Guo Jiamei, they will also It makes people believe that the rumor is definitely not groundless.

If a person is suspicious of you, then everything you do will be suspicious in his eyes.

Companion is like a tiger.

The heights are so cold!

The higher a person stands, the more careful every step they take.

In Nuan's opinion, the emperor is a wise man, not someone who is suspicious, but what kind of person the emperor is, whether he is a wise man, can't compare to his own behavior, standing upright, and not being calculated by others, it's good!

If you are framed and the evidence is conclusive, you can't pin all your hopes on the emperor being a wise man. I believe he will believe that all of you are loyal and loyal!

He is the emperor and the monarch, and he cares more about justice and strictness!

Warm has always believed that relying on others is worse than relying on yourself!

Thinking of this, she raised her head and looked at Xie Yunlin with a sweet smile: "This son, I probably don't know, my little white has a clever nose, and he will never make a mistake!"

Although the warm eyes are smiling, the blue-clothed scholar inexplicably dare not look directly, as if there is a power to explore people's hearts in those smart eyes, making him invisible!

He set his eyes on the phoenix-tailed hairpin, smiled and shook his head: "If such a valuable thing is mine, can I deny it? Besides, there are always times when an animal is mistaken, and the student's family background is average. How can there be such a precious golden hairpin? This golden hairpin is not mine."

This is absolutely unacceptable.

Xie Yunlin never imagined that this golden hairpin would be picked up by the dog of Hui'an County Lord, and then found him by Hui'an County Lord!

It should have been after he finished eating for a while, he went shopping in the garden with Zhang Shaoheng and others, and then discovered it by accident!

The plan was disrupted.

Of course, this time he also knew that he couldn't break down Hui'an County Master.

He just wanted to pick up the objects made by the former internal affairs office in the An Guogong's mansion in front of everyone, and then once again planted the seeds of doubt in the hearts of everyone and the emperor!

Really want the Hui'an County Master's family to be executed by the nine clans!

That has to be in the barracks, in the war.

Don't worry, take it one step at a time!

Fortunately, it was only picked up by a beast, and he insisted that he did not recognize it.

Zhang Shaoheng and Xie Yunlin are good friends, and Xie Yunlin was brought by him, and then he also said: "Hui'an county master, Xie brother is sincere and bright, he said this thing is not his, it should not be his, besides this is a hair The hairpin, a woman's thing, should have been accidentally dropped by the woman. Your dog must have identified the wrong person."

The warm smile grew wider, and she nodded: "My dog ​​can't be wrong! Since you said no, then I'll ask who this golden hairpin belongs to."

Wen Nuan raised the phoenix-tailed hairpin in his hand and looked at everyone: "Everyone here, did any of you lose this golden hairpin? Or does anyone recognize the owner of this golden hairpin?"

Everyone looked at the phoenix-tailed hairpin in the warm hands and shook their heads.

"This is a phoenix-tailed hairpin. It should be used by the royal family, right?"

"This is a woman's thing. The Hui'an County Lord should go to the backyard and ask the female family! We are all big men here, where would we carry such a thing with us!"

"Yes, this is a woman's jewelry, how can we big men recognize who it is!"

"No, my wife and girl, this jewelry is different every day! Even if my wife accidentally lost it, she wouldn't recognize it. Princess Hui'an, you should go to the backyard and ask! They must know!"

"Yes, you must know! If my wife and daughter belonged to them, they would have recognized them at a glance. The women in my house almost regard these jewelry and clothes as their lifeblood!"

Wen Wenyan smiled and said, "That's right, then I'll go to the backyard and ask."

Wen Nuan handed the phoenix-tailed hairpin in his hand to Ziwan: "Go to your wife with this phoenix-tailed hairpin, and tell her that this phoenix-tailed hairpin was found by Xiaobai in the garden, and ask her to ask which house's wife it is. Or the lady accidentally fell while walking in the garden!"

"Yes." Aster took the phoenix-tail hairpin, blessed and went to the backyard.

At this time, Nuan went to the governor of Shuntian Prefecture: "Sir, you also know the skills of my little white. However, today is a running water banquet, which is a bit cannibal. The owner of the phoenix-tailed hairpin, then I can only go to you to report to the official and ask you to help find the owner of the phoenix-tailed hairpin. After all, that thing is very valuable! If someone wrongs us in the future for stealing from the man of Anguo Gongfu It's not good!"

The governor of Shuntian was still thinking about the phoenix-tailed hairpin, but he felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Suddenly he thought of something and his eyes widened!

That is

Forward Objects!

When he was tracing the money of the former treasury, he looked through the account books of the former treasury, as well as the books of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He had seen it on it, no wonder he felt familiar!

Now it actually appeared in the Anguo Gongfu.

The matter was of great importance, and the governor of Shuntian nodded solemnly when he heard the words: "Xiaguan knows! Xiaguan will issue a notice to find the owner of this phoenix-tailed hairpin."

After the warm explanation, he greeted everyone with a few words of courtesy, and then went back to the backyard.

She had to go back to get the phoenix-tailed hairpin and give it to the governor of Shuntian Prefecture.

Nalan Jinnian had already returned to his seat and sat down, thinking about it without looking for warmth.

After the governor of Shuntian Prefecture waited for Nuan to leave, he continued to bow his head to eat.

When everyone was enjoying their meal again, when he was talking to his colleagues at the same table, he glanced at Xie Yunlin inadvertently.

He did know the ability of Xiao Bai, who was raised by the Lord Hui'an. After all, he had borrowed Xiao Bai several times to help find the owner of the objects left by the murderer.

Never got it wrong!

Xie Yunlin looked over as if he had noticed.

I saw the governor of Shuntian pick up the wine glass and toast his colleague across from him with a smile, without looking at himself.

His heart froze.

Did he look at that beast too little?

Xie Yunlin sat for a while longer, said a few words to Zhang Heng beside him, then stood up and left.

Nalan Jinnian was listening to the words of Senior Han, when he saw him leave from the corner of his eyes, and a coldness flashed in the bottom of his eyes.

He hooked his lips, but didn't move.

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