The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1047 Is this old man such a person?

No accident, Nuan quickly took the phoenix-tailed hairpin back to the front yard and gave it to the governor of Shuntian: "Sir, the ladies and young ladies in the backyard also said that the phoenix-tailed hairpin did not belong to them, so I have to trouble the adults to send it out. Official newspaper, look for the owner of this phoenix-tailed hairpin."

The governor of Shuntian took it over and nodded, "Okay! I'll send someone an official newspaper tomorrow."

Because Nuan Nuan had already asked everyone if the phoenix-tailed hairpin was theirs, so everyone was a little surprised to hear Nuannuan's words. No one would admit that such a precious phoenix-tailed hairpin?

The Minister of the Household asked Wen Nuan, "Master Hui'an, the owner of this phoenix-tailed hairpin has not been found?"

Warmly smiled: "Probably the master has already left! The ladies and young ladies in the backyard said they didn't belong to them."

The Minister of the Household said with a look of regret when he heard the words: "This precious phoenix-tailed hairpin can't find its owner! If I knew it earlier, I just said it was mine!"

The Minister of Industry gave him a blank look: "Then why didn't you say it just now?"

If you can't destroy Princess Hui'an, it's good to destroy you!

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing gave him a roll of eyes: "Is this old man such a person?"

Then he said to Nuan again: "Hui An County Master, don't take it for granted, just kidding, I'm not such a person!"

The Ministry of Industry Minister's mouth twitched, he is!


Poor man!

He smiled warmly: "How come, I know that Mr. Fang is a very principled person. He can do something, and he can't do anything! What is yours is yours, and you will not be greedy for a little bit more if it is not yours!"

Hearing this, the Minister of the Ministry of Housing couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Nuan Nuan, and said as if he had met a bosom friend: "It's still the Princess Hui'an who knows this old man!"

Wen Nuan spoke politely to Shangshu of the Ministry of Housing again, and then went back to the backyard.

And because the governor of Shuntian had a guess in his heart and wanted to confirm his guess, he hurriedly took a few bites, then said goodbye and left.

The Minister of Industry also quickly left.

Shortly after the Minister of Industry left, the third prince also left.

Of course, there were also other guests who were full and had something to do.

Nalan Jinnian sat there, watching the people leaving.

These people who left did not know that after they walked out of Anguo Gong's mansion, they were secretly followed.

After the Minister of Industry left the Anguo Gongfu, he went directly to the teahouse.

"Boss, didn't you say last time that there was new tea coming back today?"

"Go back to the adults, yes! It's already back! Let the little ones brew a pot and give the adults a taste, the adults please!"

After the third prince left the mansion of Anguo, he went to an antique shop next to the study and asked the shopkeeper if he had any new items.

The shopkeeper took out a few things for him to choose from, but he didn't like it, so he left the antique shop and went to the study next to it.

"Shopkeeper, have the ink sticks I ordered a few days ago arrived?"

"It's already here. Young Master, please go to the private room and wait for a while. I'll have someone pick it up for you. The ink sticks this time are very good. You can see if you are satisfied."

"Yeah." The third prince nodded when he heard the words, and then went to the private room with the shopkeeper.


The Minister of Industry gave a salute to the third prince: "Xiaguan has seen the third prince!"

The third prince said to the Minister of Industry: "Isn't this prince said, don't continue this matter for the time being? You are too impulsive this time! Maybe you have already shocked the snake! Recently, you should not do anything, let alone contact in any way. Xie Yunlin! Uncle Seventeen and Princess Hui'an are very smart and cautious people! Be careful if they get on board, it will ruin the prince's plan!"

With what he knew about Uncle Seventeen, it was impossible for him to see the phoenix tail hairpin indifferent!

Then there is only one reason, he wants to find out who is behind it.

The third prince didn't think Nalan Jinnian didn't recognize what the phoenix-tailed hairpin was!

Nalan Jinnian is someone who has the ability to never forget, and he admires this.

In front of his people, the third prince showed a gentle temper, even if he said such words, his tone was gentle.

But it has the power not to be rejected by others!

This is also the reason why the Minister of Industry admires him.

The Minister of Industry did not want to say that Xie Yunlin was so unreliable in his work. He wanted to hide the phoenix-tailed hairpin. Anyway, he hid it more securely, and he was let a dog find it at once!

But he also knew that this time, it was estimated to be a shock to the snake, and the next time he wanted to hide something in the An Guogong's mansion, it would be difficult!

Even if Princess Hui'an didn't know the origin of the phoenix-tailed hairpin, it was impossible for King Jin to not know, and it is even more impossible for the governor of Shuntian to not know!

After all, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture is still in charge of finding the whereabouts of the silver in the former treasury!

"Xiaguan knows, this time it's Xiaguan who is reckless! It's not an example!"

The third prince didn't say much. The Minister of Industry was a big help for him, and he was also an elder. On the surface, he always respected him, and naturally he would not say too many heavy words. The topic said: "This prince recommended your grandson to Lin Shanchang, and then let your grandson take this prince's post to Lushan Academy to apprentice!"

Mr. Lin Shan from Lushan Academy?

Isn't that Lin Honghao, one of the great scholars in the world?

Lin Honghao is known as the master of champions!

How many Jinshi have been trained for the imperial court over the years? Even taught a few champions!

His disciples are officials in the imperial court, and it can be said that they are all over the country of Nalan.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry's eyes lit up, and he asked Lin Honghao to be a teacher?

If my grandson can worship him as a teacher.

In a few years, they may have a champion in their family!

The Minister of Works bowed his hands excitedly and said: "Xiaguan, thank you the third prince! The lower official will definitely do everything for the third prince, and then he will die!"

The third prince stood up and helped him up: "Okay, it's just an effort! It's nothing to worry about! This prince has to leave too! We won't meet again if we have nothing to do in the near future, lest the seventeenth prince be suspicious."

"Yes! It's the ignorance of the lower official! After the lower official, I will definitely no longer act rashly." The minister of the Ministry of Industry regretted at this moment. He didn't listen to the third prince. Don't act rashly. The grandson planned.

The third prince waved his hand, and then he pushed open the door and left.

After a while, the third prince held a box with ink sticks in his hand, was respectfully sent out of the study by the shopkeeper, and then returned directly to the third prince's mansion.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce left after the time for a cup of tea with two bags of new tea. After leaving, he went to the porcelain shop next to him and bought a set of purple sand tea sets worth one thousand taels.

"Didn't your lord just get a first-class tea set a few years ago? Why did you buy it again this time? Is it for a gift?"

Tea sets also need tea to maintain, and most people are reluctant to replace tea sets that have been used for a long time.

"Well, it's for gift-giving, I'm going to give it to my grandson as a teacher's ceremony!"

Hearing this, the owner of the porcelain shop smiled and said, "It's best to use a tea set as a teacher's ceremony!"

The boss carefully put the tea set in a wooden box, and then handed it to the Minister of Industry.

The Minister of Industry happily left with two burdens.

His grandson had a talent for reading, if he could take Lin Honghao as his teacher.

Lin Honghao has so many disciples, and he will be the help of his grandson in the future!

My grandson will enter the officialdom in the future. With the help of these senior brothers and my own grandfather, I will definitely achieve great things in the future!


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