The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1050 The host expresses that he is very tired

After Nalan Jinnian climbed over the wall and returned to Prince Jin's mansion, after thinking for a while, he took a piece of red paper from the cabinet, stuffed it into his arms, and then went to the stable and rode out of the city overnight.

Guofo Temple

The night was quiet, and the host and monks in the temple were all asleep.

This is the land of Buddhism, and generally no one will come to steal things, so no one will watch the night.

Nalan Jinnian sneaked in quietly, he came to the main hall, in front of a big Buddha, knelt down, bowed, then stood up, walked to the incense table, and reached out to pick up a beautiful one placed on it. wooden box.

Before Nalan Jinnian's hand touched the wooden box, a voice sounded outside: "His Royal Highness King Jin, you are here again."

Nalan Jinnian paused, turned around, and saw the host of Guofo Temple walking in from outside.

Nalan Jinnian folded his hands in a salute: "Host."

The host of Guofo Temple raised a palm: "Amitabha!"

Then he said a little helplessly: "Why doesn't His Highness King Jin give up? The auspicious day is chosen on this day, and it must be enshrined for a long time before it can be opened on the specified day! Only in this way can it be safe and smooth, and the national fortune will be prosperous!"

The host said that he was very tired!

As long as His Royal Highness King Jin is in the capital, he will sneak in once a month, and he will not let people sleep well?

God knows how happy he was when he heard that he was leaving the capital? !

I can finally sleep peacefully!

Didn't expect to be back so soon!

Nalan Jinnian complained in his heart, he didn't believe these things at all!

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "This king is just here to give incense, and then I saw dust on it, so I wiped it!"

After speaking, Nalan Jinnian wiped the dust that did not exist on the wooden box with his sleeve, and then bowed to the host as if nothing had happened: "Farewell!"

Then go!

The host looked at the big copper gilt incense burner, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Where's the incense?

Shaking his head, he went back to sleep.


the next day

Early in the morning, the Wu family specially sent someone to wake up the Nuan brothers and sisters.

I was worried that their brothers and sisters didn't know how to wake up and wanted the new sister-in-law to wait.

Although Wu Shi knew that several brothers and sisters got up early every day, they practiced qigong, and they read books.

But when it was so late yesterday, Mr. Wu was still worried that someone would sleep late.

As soon as the family arrived, Wen Chun and Liang Ziyun appeared.

Wen Chun had a warm smile on her face, her brows were beaming, and she was obviously in a good mood.

Liang Ziyun also had a small smile on her face, and she was a little shy.

The whole family was very happy to see the two of them like this.

Seeing them coming in, Mrs Wu said happily, "Are you tired yesterday? Why did you come so early? Don't you sleep a little longer?"

Although Mrs Wu woke up her child early to come and wait, she really didn't have this requirement for her daughter-in-law.

Wu is a person who is strict with himself, very tolerant of others, and understands the difficulties of others.

Wen Chun glanced at Liang Ziyun with tenderness in his eyes, then smiled and said, "Ziyun woke up early, and I can say it to my grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, and father and mother, you elders serving tea."

Wu Shi smiled and said, "Good boy, but I didn't tell you last night that we don't have the rules for getting up in the morning at home. Everyone wakes up and eats breakfast in their own yard. Ziyun, you will later You don't have to get up so early. Sleep a little longer, it's good for your health!"

This is because everyone in the family wakes up at a different time, and from morning to morning, reading to reading books, and practicing qigong, everyone has their own things to do when they wake up in the morning, and the time to complete them is also different. So breakfast is eaten in their own yard.

Liang Ziyun replied with a smile: "Xiang Gong told me, but today I have to get up early to serve tea to everyone."

"Then forget it today, and I really don't need it tomorrow!" Mrs. Wu was very happy to hear it. It's a good thing that her daughter-in-law is sensible, isn't it?

Wang Shi also smiled and said, "Good boy! It really doesn't have to be like this in the future."

Wen Jiarui also said at this time: "Okay, let's serve tea first! After serving Brother Cha Chun, take your daughter-in-law around and get acquainted with the house."

Liang Ziyun often comes to Anguo Gong's Mansion, but what she goes to most is the backyard and garden. The Anguo Gong's Mansion is very big, with a practice room, a pharmacy, a martial arts competition, a library, etc. She is also unfamiliar with many places.

"Yes." Wen Chun hurriedly responded.

Then Wen Chun and Liang Ziyun started to serve tea to the elders.

Because the grandfather's family, the second-family family, and the third-family family have all come, there are more elders and more juniors. After serving tea, half the morning has passed.

When the tea is served, the elders will give Liang Ziyun some remarks, and Liang Ziyun will give back to the elders. It is the clothes she made by herself. Everyone has prepared a set of clothes, shoes and socks. No one fell.

Even the gentle and warm ones are prepared, and they will be given to them when they come back another day.

In addition to preparing a set of hand-made clothes for the elders, Liang Ziyun also prepared warm and other juniors.

Even the younger generation of the grandfather's family, the second-bedroom, and the third-bedroom family did not fall behind.

It's all a set of clothes made by hand, but there are no shoes.

Wu shi can see that these clothes are all made by the same person, which shows that she really cares.

It is not easy to make so many clothes.

The wedding date of the two was set in a hurry, and Liang Ziyun estimated that it was done by rushing to work day and night.

She is so attentive, the family is naturally very satisfied with her.

After the tea was served, it was time for breakfast. Generally speaking, in aristocratic families, the new daughter-in-law had to make rules when she passed the door, but Mrs. Wu would not do such things that would make her daughter-in-law difficult, so the family gathered around a large round table to use it. Breakfast.

At this moment, Nuan said, "Brother, do you have to go back to work the day after tomorrow?"

Now the border situation in Nalan Kingdom is tense, and the county that Wen Chun governs originally belonged to Dongling Kingdom, so he originally had this month's marriage leave, but he no longer had it.

Wen Chun nodded: "Yes."

He glanced at Liang Ziyun and felt a little guilty. He had been with her for half a month.

However, now I can only accompany her back to the door, and then I have to leave immediately.

The two discussed it last night. Wen Chun wanted Liang Ziyun to join him in taking office, but he was very busy over there and didn't have time to accompany her. She would be bored if she stayed alone in the yamen's backyard. Moreover, Liang Ziyun said that she was the eldest daughter-in-law and had to stay in the capital to serve her parents-in-law, so after the two discussed it, they decided that Liang Ziyun should stay in the capital.

Looking at Liang Ziyun warmly: "sister-in-law, what about you? Are you going to take office with my elder brother? Have you discussed it?"

Liang Ziyun was still a little unaccustomed to Nuan calling her sister-in-law. She nodded with a blushing face: "I discussed it with Xianggong last night, and I still stay in the mansion to take care of my parents."

The two are newly married, and Liang Ziyun also wants to follow Wen Chun to take office.

She knew he would be busy and wanted to take care of him, which was the responsibility of the wife.

But being a daughter-in-law of another family also has the responsibility of a daughter-in-law, that is, to be filial to her husband by her parents-in-law.

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