The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1051 It's like a thousand arrows piercing the heart!

But for Liang Ziyun, she will not be unhappy if she stays in the capital. After all, everyone in the Wen family is easy to get along with, and she has a friend like warmth, and her parents are also in the capital now, that day should be It will be about the same as before the marriage.

So Liang Ziyun thought about both, but she couldn't have the best of both worlds. Of course, she still wanted to go to office with Wen Chun.

Wu Shi never thought that the two husband and wife had discussed it, and decided to let Liang Ziyun stay in the capital to serve Wen Chun's filial piety!

She heard the words and said, "We are still young, we don't need someone to take care of us. Besides, there are many servants in the house, so it's enough to have them. Ziyun, if you want to follow Wen Chun to take office, you don't have to worry about your father and me. If you want to stay in the capital, then stay, if you want to follow Brother Chun to take office, then follow. This matter depends on your heart and your own plans. "

Wen Jiarui also nodded: "Yes, your filial parents know! But you don't need it yet! When you need it, I will tell you. Brother Chun, daughter-in-law, you can do what you want. "

In Wen Jiarui's mind, how could the newly-married Yan'er couple not want to stay together?

This is the time to be like glue.

Besides, the husband and wife are separated as soon as they get married. When will he be able to hold his grandson?

Although both Wu Shi and Wen Jiarui wanted Liang Ziyun to follow Wen Chun to take the post, so that they could hold their grandson as soon as possible, they would not force her to let her go, but respect Liang Ziyun's choice.

In fact, following Wen Chun to take office, it was natural that they didn't stay in the capital that day. Before Liang Ziyun got married, she was also a child who was held in their hands and loved by others, so Wu Shi and Wen Jiarui would not force her, but sincerely let her think what to do. how.

Wang Shi also said: "Yes, the two of you have discussed what you want. Don't worry about us. When we need you to be filial, we will tell you! Now, hurry up and give birth to a child and give us a hug. , we will be happy! But this matter can't be rushed, grandma just wants to hug the great-grandson as soon as possible, but it's fate! It's fate!"

Afraid that his words would put pressure on them, Mr. Wang added another sentence at the end.

Liang Ziyun felt their family's respect and love for her, moved her heart, and nodded with a smile: "Thank you dad, mom, I understand, we'll discuss it later."

With a warm smile, he said, "Sister-in-law, are my parents and grandma the best in-laws in the world? They are profoundly righteous and considerate!"

Hearing this, Liang Ziyun smiled and said, "Yes! The best! I am blessed to be the daughter-in-law of my parents!"

The whole family laughed.

Mrs Wu, Mrs Wang, and Mrs Wen Jiarui were embarrassed.

Wu Shi gave a warm look: "Eat your food! Why are you talking so much?"

Nuan continued: "What about my eldest brother? Is he the best husband in the world?"

Wen Chun heard the words and also looked at Liang Ziyun.

Liang Ziyun blushed directly, how could she answer this!

Fortunately, it was not the first time Nuan Nuan had joked with her. She responded quickly, blinked her eyes, and said mischievously, "It seems to be good now, but it has to be verified in the future!"

Nuan immediately said, "Brother, do you hear me? You have to keep working hard!"

Wen Chun nodded seriously: "I will always work hard!"

The family laughed again.

After the meal, Wen Chun walked around the mansion with Liang Ziyun.

Wen Nuan returned to his yard and continued to organize those paintings.


Imperial Palace Study Room

It was rare for Nalan Jinnian to go to the morning court today. After the morning court, the emperor left him.

The emperor looked at Nalan Jinnian who was sitting slumped on the armchair, and said angrily: "Did you go to the Guofo Temple again last night? I heard from the host that this is the sixth time? Do you have to roam at night once a month?"

Nalan Jinnian replied indifferently: "Is there a rule that you can't go?"


The emperor was choked for a moment, and said angrily: "The host is writing the memorial, and let me tell you that he is very busy, don't let him do calculations every day, will you go to peek at that day at night! Three months left, what are you in a hurry?"

Nalan Jinnian was too lazy to discuss this matter with the emperor, and said directly: "Brother Huang has no beloved woman waiting to marry. Of course he is not in a hurry!"

Don't think that he didn't see what the emperor's brother was fighting for?

Is this thinking that after he gets married, he will be the emperor?

Don't even think about it!

So when you get married, and when you choose a date, everything is done according to the emperor's etiquette!

Even if he hadn't figured it out before, Nalan Jinnian could see it now.

He also wants to live a life like a fairy couple with the little girl!

Who is going to be trapped in this palace?


I'm worried!

No, it's just a thousand arrows piercing the heart!


I just don't want this prince!

Nalan Jinnian still had something to say to the emperor: "Yesterday, when the eldest son of Duke Anguo's mansion got married, the dog raised by Hui'an County keeper picked up a phoenix-tailed hairpin of a former imperial concubine. The dog found the phoenix-tailed hairpin. Master, but the other party did not admit it, the Hui'an County Master has handed over this matter to the Shuntian Governor to find the owner."

Nalan Jinnian said this to tell the emperor that Nuan Nuan knew the origin of the phoenix tail hairpin and had avoided suspicion.

In this matter, yesterday, the governor of Shuntian returned to the yamen, checked the information and confirmed that the phoenix-tailed hairpin was a thing in the palace of the previous dynasty, and immediately wrote a memorial to the emperor.

After all, this matter is related to the treasury of the previous dynasty, and it is finally a clue.

"I already know about this! When the governor of Shuntian sent someone to arrest someone, I heard that the person had already run away overnight?"

The emperor has already understood the whole story, and he also sighed that Princess Hui'an is really smart and knows how to measure.

In front of everyone's eyes, he found the owner of the phoenix-tailed hairpin, and everyone knew about it. Then he generously gave it to the governor of Shuntian to find the owner. In the future, everyone would not believe that rumor so much.

The emperor also knew the ability of the dog that Wennuan raised. I heard that it was Lang Aiqing's daughter-in-law, and he learned his skills from Lang Aiqing.

He also helped Shuntian Governor to solve several cases!

It's really good, the emperor thought about whether to give Xiaobai an official position, and by the way, give him an official appointment, so that he can serve the court in the future.

Let those in the DPRK who only have the title of official appointment, but can't do any serious business, feel ashamed.

Nalan Jinnian: "The people are in the hands of the emperor's younger brother."

The emperor was not surprised: "What happened during the interrogation?"

This emperor brother is as affectionate as himself, but he is single-minded, but he is not.

No, if you marry the woman you love, you can be single-minded! The emperor thought.

"I don't know, didn't the emperor ask the younger brother to come to the morning court?"

Now that you know that he went to the Guofo Temple last night and disturbed people's dreams early in the morning, he sent someone to let him go to the court, and let no one sleep?



"My brother retire. It just so happened that the Hui'an County Master should have someone bring breakfast to Prince Jin's mansion!" Nalan Jinnian really stood up this time, bowed, and then left.


The emperor almost smashed the tea bowl in his hand at him!

Once again, I feel like the arrow pierces my heart!

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