The governor of Shuntian looked ashamed: "The lower official is incompetent, and I still haven't found anything."

Nalan Jinnian was not surprised: "Who is the person who sent arrows to spread the message, Lord Xie Yunlin?"

Lord Yin of Shuntian Prefecture shook his head: "There is no evidence for this, that arrow and that letter, Xie Yunlin has been destroyed again, it is difficult to find out who is behind it. It's just that the lower official guessed that the money from the former state treasury might be hidden in the capital. Inside, or in several counties near the capital, not too far from the capital."

The governor of Shuntian had already guessed it after reading Xie Yunlin's confession just now, but he needed to make sure that all the things in the bag belonged to the treasury of the previous dynasty.

If so, then the three girls from the Guo family should have secretly dropped some of them when the Guo family was transporting the items from the previous state treasury.

It's a pity that Miss Guo San has already been beheaded, otherwise she might know something.

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Your Excellency, please send someone to find out who the third girl from the Guo family is serving, who are the relatives of the person who serves her, what position did they hold in the general's mansion, and those who were under the leadership of the general's family. Where have everyone gone?"

When the Guo family executed the nine clans that day, not all of them were really beheaded. Many people who were not children of the family and those who had a low status in the mansion were sold.

Shuntian Governor's eyes lit up: "Jin Wang Yingming!"

General Guo Lao Da and General Guo attach great importance to the distinction between direct descendants and descendants. Women from the Guo family can be said to have no status in the general's mansion. They are all used to marry some soldiers and win over some generals.

Since the three girls who were born from the concubine can get so many valuable things from the former state treasury, according to the style of the Guo family, it must not be given to her by the elders, but she probably took it secretly.

And if she could get it, she was definitely guarding the silver in secret, or the person who transported it helped her.

At this time, the master directed the two arresters and carried a large wooden box out.

The Guo family deserves to be a century-old family, and there are also a whole box of brochures for those industry registrations.

"King Huijin, my lord, the Guo family's property registration ledger has been here for a hundred years."

Saying that, he opened the wooden box.

A stale breath came out.

"Pick out the industrial registration books of the capital and the counties near the capital. These booklets and ledgers will be sorted out from near to far with the capital as the center." Nalan Jinnian instructed.

"Yes!" The master and the catcher immediately began to organize.

Fortunately, these ledgers and pamphlets are registered according to the industries of various places, and they are organized very well, and it is not too difficult for them to organize.

Soon they sorted out several books from the capital city and the neighboring counties of the capital city, and one of them was from a Zhuangzi in Qinghe County.

Nalan Jinnian picked it up and looked at it.

The governor of Shuntian also picked up a copy and read it.

At this time, the Dali Temple Minister and the Minister of Punishment were also ordered by the emperor to come to investigate the issue of the money from the former state treasury together with the governor of Shuntian.

The two walked in and saw that there were accounts all over the place, and that Nalan Jinnian was also there.

They were busy giving Nalan Jinnian a salute.

Nalan Jinnian said lightly, "No gift."

Dali Siqing glanced at the account book on the ground: "Is this the account book of the Cha Guo family?"

The Yin of Shuntian Prefecture: "Check the Guo family's industry for a hundred years. Maybe the money from the former state treasury is not in Jianghuai Prefecture, but it is very likely near the capital?"

"Ah?" The Minister of Punishment shouted in surprise.

Nalan Jinnian: "Since the two adults are here, let's check it together!"

The two quickly responded: "Yes!"

After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, he put down the account book of Zhuangzi in Qinghe County.

This account book records the annual output of this Zhuangzi. This Zhuangzi was bought by the Guo family ten years ago, and the annual production is good.

This Zhuangzi is very close to the capital, and this Zhuangzi is close to the official road, so everything is easily exposed to others.

Nalan Jinnian also had a Zhuangzi nearby, and he guessed it was not this Zhuangzi.

Nalan Jinnian did not continue to take down the next one. He watched everyone sorting out, but he thought in his heart:

If he was General Guo, where would he hide the money?

Naturally it won't be a shop under the Guo family's name, Zhuangzi.

Although it is not under the name of the Guo family, it must belong to the Guo family secretly.

The private property will also have income, and if there is income, there will be an account book.

That's why Nalan Jinnian asked people to call out the properties and account books under the Guo family's name for a hundred years.

Generally speaking, even if the property of the aristocratic family is sold, it has been registered.

After cooperating with some secret accounts, it can be found out that those Zhuangzi were actually sold by fake.

The Guo family sold a few Zhuangzi many years ago, on the pretext of buying winter clothes for the soldiers of the imperial court.

That year, there were many natural disasters in the north and south of Nalan, and many places had no harvest for a year, the imperial treasury was empty, and the soldiers could only prepare one set of winter clothes. All the money was used for disaster relief.

The Guo family sold a few villages and prepared some money to buy winter clothes for the soldiers.

Therefore, many soldiers in the army are grateful to the Guo family.

But then the silver was returned to the Guo family by the imperial brother, and the Guo family did not want it, and returned it to the Guo family in the form of a reward.

Nalan Jinnian felt that selling Zhuangzi was fake, and maybe those Zhuangzi were still Guo's.

At that time, he was still young, he was not in the capital all the year round, and traveled around to study, and the ambition of the Guo family was not revealed.

Later, when he entered the army, he vaguely discovered the revolt of the Guo family.

Therefore, Nalan Jinnian didn't know the specific Zhuangzi that the Guo family sold.

Nalan Jinnian guessed that the silver from the previous state treasury might have been hidden in the Guo family's name, but it was actually their Zhuangzi.

Therefore, it is necessary to check that the Guo family has sold those Zhuangzi and shops over the past hundred years, and then find evidence from the ledger that those Zhuangzi shops are actually still owned by the Guo family!

Nalan Jinnian expressed his guesses:

".So, you found that those ledgers or booklets recorded that those Zhuangzi have been sold, especially the Zhuangzi with excellent income, and they were handed over to this king to see."


Several people kept sorting out until lunchtime, and then they sorted out the Zhuangzi and shops all over the country that the Guo family had sold over the past hundred years.

Thirty in total. Among them, more than a dozen are located near the capital.

Guo Jiadang is really a big family.

In the entire industry of Nalan, there are nearly a hundred shops, large and small, Zhuangzi!

However, some of them are the dowry of the Guo family's daughter-in-law who came in.

Many centuries-old families have some background, and everyone is not too surprised.

After sorting it out, we have to see which ones are really sold and which ones are fake.

At this time, it was time to eat. Nalan Jinnian didn't speak, and everyone didn't dare to say go to dinner.

Fortunately, Prince Jin's mansion brought lunch to Nalan Jinnian at this time.

Nalan Jinnian was shocked that it was time to eat.

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