The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1054 The two adults have worked hard

When Nalan Jinnian saw the food box sent by the guards of Prince Jin's mansion, he knew that it was a warm person to send food to Prince Jin's mansion.

He said to several people in Shuntian Prefecture: "It's lunch time, let's eat first."

Dali Si Qing and the Minister of Punishment, who were already hungry, breathed a sigh of relief.

God knows that they will go to the morning court before dawn. Usually, they go back to the house to eat after the next morning. After the breakfast, if the yamen has something to deal with, they will return to the yamen to deal with the matter.

After the two went to court today, they had just returned to their mansion, and before they had time to eat, the people in the yamen came and said that the emperor was afraid that the father-in-law in the palace would go to the yamen to spread the word, and asked them to go to Shuntian to check the whereabouts of the silver in the former state treasury. matter.

The whereabouts of the former treasury silver was a big deal, especially when Nalan was in a delicate situation and would be attacked by the four countries at any time. With that money, Nalan Kingdom can last a little longer.

The governor of Shuntian hurriedly said to the master: "Let people pass the meal!"

Dali Siqing said to the master with a mouth shape: "Hurry up!"

After all, King Jin finished eating after a while. If they only ate half of it, they still had to put down the dishes and work together with King Jin.

Anyone who has worked with King Jin knows that King Jin is busy with his business day and night, and he is always busy before letting people rest.

"Yes!" The master hurriedly went to let someone set the meal.

Nalan Jinnian's lunch has been set, and bursts of tempting food aromas can be heard.

Makes you feel more hungry!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the three of them: "This king is going to eat first! The three adults, let's eat too!"

The three hurriedly said, "Your Highness, use it first!"

Nalan Jinnian sat down and started to eat.

He didn't care about them, after all, the food in the food box was only his own quantity, and he smelled the smell, and he knew that the little girl was cooking today.

The smell of the food made the three people in Shuntian Prefecture feel even more hungry!

Fortunately, the kitchen was already ready for lunch, so someone came to set up lunch soon.

The lunch provided by Yamenli is also good. There are four dishes and one soup. There are three meat dishes. Today, there are also braised pork, steamed sea bass, potato chicken and a plate of garlic macaroni.

It looks good too!

Although the macaroni started to brown slowly after it was served.

The three of them also sat down and quickly picked up their rice bowls and chopsticks.

The three of them all took a piece of macaroni to eat first: it was a bit salty.

The governor of Shuntian liked to eat fish, so he picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth, frowning: Today's fish is a bit fishy.

He looked at King Jin that day, there was a small plate of wine tank fish, this fragrant and delicious! Enough flavor, enough strength!

Dali Siqing loves meat, so he picked up a piece of braised pork, but the heat was not enough, not the kind that melts in your mouth, and it was too sweet and too greasy!

He thought of the braised pork that he had eaten at Anguo Gong's mansion. The taste was so good that he could not wait to swallow his tongue.

He looked towards Nalan Jinnian, where there was also a square piece of braised pork, it looked like the kind that melted in the mouth!

want to eat!

The Minister of Punishment likes to eat chicken, so he took a piece and tasted it. What kind of chicken is this? How can the meat be so chai?

He looked to Nalan Jinnian's side, where there was a crystal white chopped chicken leg, which was served with the special sauce from the An Guogong's mansion.

Finger-sucking deliciousness!

The three of them ate the food in the bowl, thinking about the food at the next table, the more they ate, the more they lost their appetite, and the more they ate, the more they felt like they were eating pig food!

The smell coming from the table next door is so tempting!

The three of them couldn't swallow.

The three felt a little sad, and working with King Jin is really not something that everyone can share!

If you are tired, forget it!

Even food is not good!

These reading materials, where do they usually need to do it by themselves?

The Minister of Punishment couldn't eat any more, so he couldn't help but whispered: "This cook of Shuntian Prefecture Yamen can't do it!"

How did the Yin of Shuntian usually eat such an unpalatable meal?

Dali Siqing nodded and replied in a low voice: "Really not!"

Too bad to eat!

Pigs are afraid not to eat!

The governor of Shuntian couldn't help but feel sorry for the cook: "I usually think it's okay, but today is probably because the contrast is too strong, and the memories are too deep!"

The governor of Shuntian was in charge of the affairs of the entire capital. He ate lunch in the yamen every day, and he really didn't think it was so unpalatable on weekdays.

The two on the opposite side looked at Nalan Jinnian again, thinking to themselves, "That's true!"

It's all to blame for the food delivered by Jin Wangfu, it's too fragrant!

Also let people not eat well, and then work?

Nalan Jinnian's ears are very good, and he can understand their feelings very well, so he generously rewarded them with a plate of chili fried meat that was not made by a little girl.

The portion is very small, after all, it was only prepared for Nalan Jinnian, but the three of them were satisfied and ate two bowls of white rice with the fried pork with chili peppers!

Then keep busy.

Look at those shops Zhuangzi is selling fake, this has to be reconciled. People from the Ministry of Housing are better at this, so Nalan Jinnian asked people to invite the Minister of the Ministry of Housing to come over.

Nalan Jinnian didn't stay here and wait for them to sort out these things. He has already written down the names of those shops and Zhuangzi, and then he left Shuntian Mansion and directly asked his own people to check the ones he felt. Suspicious Zhuangzi and shops.

Since these shops and Zhuangzi are no longer under the name of the Guo family in name, they have to check them secretly, and they have to be quick, otherwise, they will have the money transported away after they are stunned.

The governor of Shuntian also understood this, so as long as they identified something suspicious, he immediately sent someone to investigate.

However, some Zhuangzi and shops are in neighboring counties, and it takes a day or two to send someone to travel quickly, so there is no result for a while.

Busy until sunset and dusk, several people finally picked out the suspicious ones.

The Minister of Punishment and Dali Siqing left the Shuntian Palace together.

The Minister of Punishment: "How about we go to the health building outside the city for a meal?"

He couldn't forget the fried pork with peppers at noon. He only ate three pieces of meat, and a few green peppers were not enough to stick between his teeth!

"But at this time, there's no seat, right? I've been queuing for half a day!"

"Oh, yes, that's fine, let's go home to eat! I'm tired too!"

"Me too, my eyes are blinded."

The two walked forward while talking, planning to go back to their respective houses, and saw the third prince passing by.

The two hurriedly saluted: "Xiaguan has seen the third prince."

The third prince smiled and said, "The two adults are exempted from the ceremony."

"Thank you, Third Prince."

The third prince glanced in the direction of Shuntian Mansion and asked casually, "There is another case to investigate? The two adults have worked hard."

Dali Siqing shook his head: "The third prince is serious, and the responsibility lies, so why bother."

The Minister of Punishment nodded: "The salary of the king, the worry of the king, this is what it should be! It's not hard work."

"Looking at the tired faces of the two adults, is it that things are not going well? If you are tired, then go back to rest early. You investigators need a clear head to investigate the case more quickly."

"Xie Third Prince is concerned, but I'm tired after reading the materials for a day. The lower official is planning to go back to the mansion." The Minister of Punishment said.

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