The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1055 The village chief is not just a title

"Then do it yourself!" The third prince nodded, and then he walked away.

It was as if he, as a prince, showed concern for his subjects.

After the three princes left, the Minister of Punishment and Dali Siqing also said goodbye to each other and went back to their respective residences.

The third prince walked to the third prince's mansion with a gentle and elegant expression, but he was thinking about the words of the Minister of Punishment.

After reading the information for a day, what are you reading?

If it is about the silver in the former treasury, it should be Guo's shop and Zhuangzi's account books and pamphlets.

Looking at the appearance of the two, although they looked tired, since they were in the mood to discuss going to dinner, it could be seen that something had been found out.

Could it be that Xie Yunlin found out the whereabouts of the silver in the former treasury?

Wouldn't Xie Yunlin know where the Guo family hid the silver from the former treasury?

The third prince feels that he has lost a lot!

A treasury of silver, if you can get it, how much can you do?

No, you have to find a way to get some news.

But the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and Shuntian Prefecture, none of them had him.

How do I know where the silver is?


the next day

It was the day when Liang Ziyun returned home, and Mrs Wu had prepared gifts for the couple to return home early in the morning.

Liang Ziyun looked at the things in the carriage and felt warm in her heart. She felt that she was lucky to be married into such a good family.

Going back to the door is about going early and returning early, so the two went out very early.

The grandfather's family, the second- and third-family families, and several elders from Wenjia Village had to go back to Ningyuan County.

I came to the capital twice this year, my grandfather's family, and the two-bedroom and three-bedroom family. In the first half of the year, I was either on the way to the capital or on the way back to the capital. My family had a bunch of business matters waiting to be dealt with.

Wang Shi thought that Nuan Nuan would be married in September. At that time, she knew the wedding date of Nuan Nuan and King Jin. Even if she was not used to the life in the capital, she was too lazy to go back, so she didn't go back with them.

Of course, the Wang family has been staying in the Jianghuai Mansion, and there is also a reason because the little grandson Wenluo is studying alone with Lin Lao in the Jianghuai Mansion.

But it's still a few months away from September, and she really doesn't want to toss with her old bones.

Elder Xu and Elder Lin also made an appointment to go back to Jianghuai Mansion with their grandfather's family today.

Wen Luo went back to Jianghuai Mansion to study with Lao Lin.

The family took Wu Jingmei, Wen Qian, Wen Ling and the others out of the city to see them off.

Wen Wen, Ning Huaijie and Wen Wen also came to send them off together.

The family sent them outside the Shili Pavilion and stopped.

Outside the ten-mile pavilion, Mr. Xu said to Wen Nuan, "Little girl, practice painting well, and your level can continue to improve, don't let it go to waste! Remember to hand in two paintings to the master every month!"

Old Xu knew that Nuan was very busy, but Nuan's talent was really good, so he was worried that she would waste her painting skills and waste her talent.

Nodding warmly: "I know, master, don't worry. Master should also take care of your body."

For Nuan, Mr. Xu is ten thousand relieved, and there is nothing that this girl can't do as promised.

He nodded: "Don't worry, the old man's health is much better now. After your child is born, I can help you teach him!"


How can she take this?

At the other end, Mrs Wu walked up to Wen Luo and said, "You are alone in Jianghuai Mansion, remember to eat well, and don't read too late! Go to bed early, you know?"

Wen Luo nodded: "I know, mother don't worry."

There is a lot of homework assigned by Mr. Wen Luo, and there are many things Wen Luo wants to learn. His sister and brother are all so good. Naturally, he cannot be the worst person in the family. Therefore, Wen Luo studies very late every day, and gets up early to practice. read.

His martial arts are warm and enlightening. After three years, it is not bad now.

Wen Luo heard that starting next year, in addition to the civil and military examinations, he plans to take the civil and military examinations three years later!

Guangzong Yaozu also has him!

Wen Neng Anbang, Wu Neng protects the country, he is also a part!

And Wen Jiarui is saying goodbye to the village chief and several brothers in the village.

Wen Jiarui clasped his fists and saluted the village chief and several brothers in the village: "Village elder brother, several brothers, the journey is smooth, my brother will not send him! If you have time, come to the capital to find my brother to play! You have worked hard for the past two years to help me take care of Ningyuan County. over there."

The village head is no longer the head of the village, he is the county chief, but everyone still calls him the head of the village.

For Wen Jiarui, this village chief is not just a title.

It is a feeling, and it is the feeling of helping each other, working hard, and fighting for survival together during those hard years.

To be a human being, you have to remember bitterness and sweetness, and never forget your original intention.

The warm brothers and sisters also saluted: "Several uncles, take care! It's a smooth journey."

The people who came this time were all the uncles who helped manage the paper mill, and the uncles who helped their family build the bamboo house at the beginning.

The village chief patted Wen Jiarui on the shoulder: "They are all brothers of their own family, and I can't write two words of "warm" in one stroke! What do you mean by hard work or hard work? Besides, you are helping us, not hard work, no matter how many people ask for it. Come! Why are you being so polite?! No need to send it! When Brother Hou gets married, we will come again!"

"Yeah, Jia Rui, you're talking to us! Without your family, we wouldn't be able to live a good life today. What kind of hard work is this? When the time comes, we will come, no need to give it away!" Wen Guangrong said.

"Yes, Brother Hou, we are waiting for your wedding wine!"

"Yes, remember to invite us!"

Others from the village also said.

Wen Hou said with a smile: "Uncle Village Chief, Uncle Guangrong, Uncle Fugui, Uncle Quan, I'm not in a hurry, and I don't know when, when Sister Nuan gets married, you can come!"

The village chief smiled: "Haha, okay, let us know when the time comes, we will definitely be there!"

"It must be there, it must be there, we have never seen how the prince married!"

Warm is also a little embarrassed, can only smile.

Wen Jiarui then said, "Come here with my second and third brothers! Second brother, third brother, be careful on the road, if there is anything, have someone send me a letter!"

Wen Jiagui and Wen Jiaxiang both nodded.

Mr. Wu glanced at the sky and said, "Okay, I don't know if it's going to rain or not. Let's make a long story short, anyway, we might meet again in a few months!"

The village chief waved to everyone and said, "Yes! Let's go, let's not talk about it! Sending you a thousand miles will have to say goodbye! You don't need to send it!"

Wen Jiarui nodded: "Okay, everyone has a good trip!"

So everyone got on the carriage, got on the carriage, and got on the horse.

Wen Jiarui walked up to Wen Luo, who was already on the horse, and patted Wen Luo on the shoulder: "Good boy, take care of yourself and study hard!"

Wen Luo nodded: "Don't worry, Dad."

So everyone waved goodbye again and left.

The village chief and several villagers were sitting in a carriage.

The village chief sighed: "Thanks to brother Tuo Jiarui, we have also seen what the foot of the sky looks like."

"No! Not only have we seen what the emperor's feet look like, but we have also seen the queen mother! The prince! The prince! We have almost never seen the emperor!"

"Haha, maybe there will be a chance to meet the emperor in the future."

"Haha, maybe it's true!"

Over the years, a few of them have been relying on the big tree of Anguo Gongfu, and their lives have been getting better day by day. Although they are not as good as the rich and noble families in the capital, they are also considered small rich families.

They are content, such days are enough for them.

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