Prince An looked at Wu Jingmei, then at Wen Qian and Wen Ling, then his eyes fell on Wu Jingmei, and said to the three: "Three girls, these horses are all good, let's see if you like any of them. ."

Wen Ling looked at the horses curiously for a long time: "The color of these horses is really good! They must be good horses!"

However, she felt that she was not as good as Sister Nuan's.

Sister Nuan's horse's fur is shiny and oily, and the horse looks very aura.

Prince An smiled and said nothing.

A horse with good coat color is not necessarily a good horse.

But the horses here are pretty good, so it's good to pick any one.

Wen Yu quickly picked a red horse with a beautiful coat, tall and mighty, very similar to Sister Nuan's!

"How is this horse, Sister Nuan?"

Wen Nuan glanced at him and pointed to the smaller black horse next to him: "This one is more suitable for you!"

Wen Ling glanced at it. The eyes looked fierce, and she didn't like it because they were so thin and black.

How does it suit her?

"Women are not suitable for riding black horses, are they?"

He raised his eyebrows warmly and didn't say much: "Everyone like it! However, the horses here are not bad."

Wen Ling laughed after hearing this: "Then I want this one!"

Wen Qian didn't know how to choose, but she knew that Sister Nuan would definitely know it, so she said, "Since Sister Nuan said this one is good, then I want this one! I'm too lazy to choose."

Prince An smiled: "This horse is good, suitable for beginners, Hui'an County Master has a good vision."

Wen Qian smiled when she heard the words: "Sister Nuan's vision has always been good, she has been smart since she was a child!"

Wen Ling: "."

So the red horse she fancy is really bad?

Wen Ling looked at Wen Qian's horse and regretted not listening to the warm words again.

Prince An walked to Wu Jingmei's side: "Did Miss Wu like it? Let me help you choose?"

"I'll take a look first. I don't know how to pick, but I want to learn. Sister Nuan, isn't picking horses the same as picking cattle?" Wu Jingmei didn't know much either. She wanted to learn how to pick.

The corners of Wen Ling's mouth twitched, how could a horse and an ox be the same?

Horses are livestock used by wealthy people. How many wealthy people treat their horses as treasures?

The cows are used by the poor to plough the fields, doing tiring farm work, covered in mud, smelly and surrounded by flies!

And horses are served by special people, and they have to be brushed every day!

But Wen Ling didn't say anything, just thought so.

She felt that Wu Jingmei's words were not on the table, and she didn't understand why Prince An seemed to treat her differently.

Wen Ling saw it very early. Since they copied the book to the eighth princess together, Prince An and Wu Jingmei became familiar with each other. Prince An likes to talk to Wu Jingmei.

Prince An gave a warm look to Wu Jingmei behind him.

He smiled warmly: "I only know a little about horses, Prince An, why don't you teach my cousin?"

Prince An gave a warm glance gratefully, and then smiled: "No problem, but Miss Wu, please tell me how the cattle were selected first? I think it should be similar."

Wen Ling saw the interaction between Wen Nuan and Prince An, and couldn't help feeling a little envious.

Sister Nuan, is this intention to draw a red line for Prince An and Wu Jingmei?

With such a background as Wu Jingmei, being able to marry Prince An's heir, it can be said that a pheasant has turned into a phoenix.

She looked at the Seventh Prince, the Seventh Prince and Prince Ning didn't know what they were talking about, the Seventh Prince's status was too high, she didn't dare to think about it, but Prince Ning.

Comparing yourself with Wu Jingmei, you can be considered from a Xinglin family, better than her?

If you can marry Prince Ning, that would be great!

Wen Ling looked at Prince Ning's handsome face, and her face couldn't help turning red.

Although Prince Ning was not as handsome as Prince Jin, he was still dignified and talented.

However, Prince Ning: I don't seem to have looked at me directly.


No one paid attention to Wen Ling's mind, Wen Nuan saw Nalan Jinnian, Feng Nianchen, Lin Tingya and the others coming, and walked over to them.

Wu Jingmei shared with Prince An on how to choose cows: "Cows should be selected with strong bodies, stable hooves, and bright eyes..."

On the other end, Nalan Jinnian rode a horse directly in front of Wen Nuan and dismounted.

Nuan Xiao ran to him and said with a smile, "Aren't you busy today?"

The equestrianism of the Seventh Prince and others is too scumbag, and there is no comparison with their horse racing.

Nalan Jin is just having fun!

Nalan Jinnian smiled when she saw Nuan Nuan and saw him appear so happy: "Well, I'm done."

Feng Nianchen and Lin Tingya also dismounted and walked over.

Wen Nuan greeted the two of them: "Brother Feng, Sister Tingya."

The two laughed.

Feng Nianchen: "The weather is good today, suitable for horse racing."

At this time, Wen Ran said loudly: "Brother Feng, come and pick a horse, I want to compete with you!"

Wen Wen also said to Lin Tingya, "Tingya, come over here."

The two walked over to the stables.

Nalan Jinnian held up his warm little hand and walked to the stable: "Want to race horses? Would you dare to compete with me?"

He gave him a warm white look: "I, no, dare to be strange!"

Nalan Jinnian smiled even more: "Well, let's have a try, starting with picking a horse?"

Doesn't she think that her horse is not as durable as his horse, so she will lose?

Now pick another one to test here, is it fair?

"Okay!" I haven't indulged for a long time, and Nuan also wants to have fun.

She was a quiet and moving person.

At the stable, Prince An was teaching Wu Jingmei how to pick a horse.

He pointed to a horse and said, "To see whether a horse is good or not, the first thing to look at is the head of the horse. The head of the horse should be square and complete, tall and majestic, the face of the horse should be thin and meaty, and the ears should be small. Looking at the nose, the nose should be larger, and the horse with the larger nose also has larger lungs, has better endurance, and can run farther.

Then look at the eyes. The eyes should be bigger. Generally speaking, horses with bigger eyes have larger hearts, so they are more courageous and brave, and they are not easy to be frightened! To ensure the safety of the owner, the eyes also need to see if there is a spirit. It is best to have bright eyes and clear pupils, but pay attention to the meat under the eyes not too thick. Most of these horses are fierce and will bite.

You can see that this horse is very good, with small ears and big eyes, but with thick eyes and a strong temperament, beginners can't control it, and it is easy to get into trouble. "

Wen Ling: "."

The horse she picked seems to have a bit of thick meat right now?

"There is so much knowledge? Is there anything else?" Wu Jingmei couldn't help but put her head close, wanting to look into Ma's eyes.

The horse suddenly let out a breath, and Wu Jingmei was startled.

Prince An's eyes were quick, he quickly took her hand and pulled her away: "Don't get too close, be careful it bites you!"

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