Wu Jingmei smiled and said, "It's alright, cattle can be fierce sometimes. As soon as I hit the whip, I'll be honest!"

Prince An: "."

Then she burst into laughter, that girl would tell others about her fierce side?

This is probably why he is attracted to her!

True enough!

Prince Anqi's hand was still holding Wu Jingmei.

Wu Jingmei wanted to withdraw her hand, but Prince An didn't seem to notice. Instead, he pulled her out and pointed at a maroon-red horse in the stable: "A good horse, except for its looks , but also look at its body and limbs, look at the body, first look at it from a distance, it seems that it is relatively tall from a distance, but a horse that is not too big from a close view, with well-developed muscles and good structure, such a horse is better. On the other hand, a horse that is full of fat and fat may be lazy and unwilling to move."

"Come with me." Prince An said while pulling Wu Jingmei to a dozen meters away: "Look at the jujube red horse and the white horse next to you, which one do you think is bigger and bigger? Well-proportioned, which one looks smaller? Look at it now, and we'll compare it later."

Wu Jingmei's attention was diverted, and she looked at it seriously.

Prince An held Wu Jingmei's hand without letting go, his eyes were full of smiles.

She is so easily distracted, and she is too deceived.

He held her little hand a little tighter.

Wu Jingmei didn't notice it either. She compared it seriously: "It seems that the white one looks taller and has a good body shape."

Nalan Jinnian walked over with a warm hand, and saw Prince An holding Wu Jingmei's hand, the two were close, as if they were whispering intimately.

He raised his eyebrows: This kid is quite fast!

Then he glanced at the warmth, fortunately he was not bad.

Nuan Nuan noticed Nalan Jinnian's gaze and looked up at him: "What's wrong?"

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "It's okay."

Nuan didn't go into details, but instead asked gossip: "What do you think of my cousin and Prince An?"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the two of them: "It's a perfect match."

Nalan Yichen is a good person, Wu Jingmei is the cousin of the little girl, she is a little stupid, but Nalan Yichen is also stupid, she is a perfect match! Appearance? One ordinary, one ordinary, perfect match!

Wen Nuan was surprised when she heard the words. She didn't expect Nalan Jinnian to think that the two would be a good match. She asked curiously, "Do you think the two are a good match too? Where is the match?"

Nalan Jinnian: "One stupid and one stupid, one ordinary and one ordinary,"


I just can't talk anymore!

Wu Jingmei is also considered beautiful among women! Especially after makeup.

Prince An and Nalan Jinnian still have similarities, and they are also a proper handsome man, okay?

And Wu Jingmei's temperament is naive and straightforward.

Prince An's heir is also a more forthright, sunny and upright person.

The two are indeed a good match, but in his mouth, one is stupid and the other is stupid! One ordinary and one ordinary.

If this person hadn't been born in an emperor's family and had such a poisonous mouth, he would have been wiped out long ago!

Warm is really speechless.

Don't dare to ask any more.

I'm afraid he will say more poisonous comments.

Prince An took Wu Jingmei closer to the stable and continued to teach her how to identify a good horse.

The two are serious.

The seventh prince was impatient. It took a long time to pick a horse, and everyone came, and said, "Yichen, let's run a lap first! You can pick it slowly!"

Prince An waved his hand to the seventh prince, indicating that they are free to ignore them.

He wished he could spend a little longer with Wu Jingmei.

Someone at the racetrack was responsible for teaching those who could not ride horses to ride. The seventh prince called two people to teach Wen Qian and Wen Ling, and then he and Prince Ning called Wen Wen, Wen Wen, Ning Huaijie, Feng Nianchen and others. Go for a run first.

When Wu Jingmei heard the seventh prince's words, she came back to her senses and felt very embarrassed: "I'm really sorry, Shizi, for delaying your horse racing! You don't have to worry about me, I can choose by myself."

At this time, Prince An already knew how to seize the moment, let go of her hand, and smiled: "It doesn't matter, I don't like horse racing very much. Let's continue. I will teach you to choose horses first, and then teach you to ride."

Wu Jingmei: "No, no! Let the people in the carriage teach me!"

Prince An lied without blinking: "Today, there are more people at the racecourse, and there are only two gentlemen who teach horsemanship. They have all gone to teach two girls Wen."

Wu Jingmei had no doubts about him. After all, she was not familiar with the Royal Racecourse, so she said, "Then I can learn it slowly myself. You can go horse racing! You really don't have to worry about me."

Nuan and Nalan Jinnian also came over.

He smiled warmly and said, "Cousin, let the prince teach you! Otherwise, what if you fall off your horse? The prince's riding skills are very good."

"Then why are you embarrassed?" Wu Jingmei shook her head.

Prince An gave a warm glance gratefully, and then said: "What's so embarrassing about this? I still like being a gentleman. I taught Prince Ning's riding skills back then! That's it! Let's continue. Pick a horse!"

Wen Nuan gave Prince An a cheering look, and then said: "Then I will give my cousin to you, don't let her fall off the horse and get hurt!"

Prince An nodded: "Don't worry, Princess Hui'an, this prince will not hurt Miss Wu."

He smiled warmly: "It's good over there! My cousin has studied hard and learned how to race horses! I'm not as good as you at driving ox carts, let's see if you can be better than me at horseback riding!"

After that, Nuan Nuan pulled Nalan Jinnian away, not a light bulb for the two of them.

Prince An continued to teach Wu Jingmei the horse selection: "In addition to the horse's body muscles, body structure ratio, chest width, mouth color, horse's hooves, neck and four hooves, the skeletal structure, but also the buttocks."

A quarter of an hour later, Wu Jingmei finally picked a white horse, and then she changed into a riding outfit, and Prince An took her to the practice area to learn how to ride a horse.

Wen Ling and Wen Qian were both there.

Wen Ling watched with envy as Prince An helped Wu Jingmei on the horse and led the horse away for her.

When did a man who protects her like this appear?

She couldn't help looking at the racetrack.

There were several horses scrambling to run.

Xianyi angry horse, high-spirited, so exciting!

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian were neck and neck at this moment.

Feng Nianchen followed closely behind the two, about a meter away.

Then there was Wen Ran, who was only a horse's head away from Feng Nianchen.

The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning are about to collapse!

Because they still can't escape Wen Ran!

They were riding horses, three meters away from Wen Ran!

Nuan and Nalan Jinnian are fine, but losing to Wen Ran, both of them feel that they have lost all their face and heart!

He told Wen Ran just now not to worry, she is young, it doesn't matter if she loses!

Wen Ran also gave him a reviewing look!

The seventh prince finally understood what Wen Ran's eyes meant!

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