The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning were going crazy when they saw the little Wen Ran in front of them also leaving them behind!

What's the matter, how can they who come to race horses often can't compare to a little girl who stays in the house all day purifying medicine? At this moment, Wen Ran suddenly turned around, gave the seventh prince a provocative smile, and glanced at Prince Ning.

The provocation is obvious.

Then she turned her head and stepped on her feet hard, her butt left the horse's back, her whole body leaned forward slightly, so the horse ran faster.

There is a faint trend of surpassing the horses of Feng Nianchen.

This horse racing posture is still warm and warm.

Feng Nianchen noticed Wen Ran's movements, and looked back, then said with disgust, "Tsk! Even an eleven-year-old girl can't run away! Shame!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head in a showy way, grabbed the horse's belly, leaned forward, and the horse also ran faster!

The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning are going crazy!

The legs of the two of them kept clipping the horse's belly, signaling their BMW to run faster and faster!

But no matter how anxious you are, you just can't catch up.

Behind the two are Wenxin, Gentle and Ning Huaijie, as well as Lin Tingya.

Gentleness and warmth, as well as Lin Tingya's equestrian skills are average. Warm said that horseback riding is a skill that must be understood, so they learned it, but it's not too powerful, it can only be called understanding.

Now, even if they tried their best to make their horses run faster, they couldn't compare to the Seventh Prince and the others.

Wen Ran's horsemanship was practiced when He Feng Nianchen went to collect herbs. Feng Nianchen would take her around for a few months a year to collect herbs, become a traveling doctor, and gain experience. After traveling a lot, she would naturally become familiar with it.

Wen Ran is also a very competitive child. She wants to be first in everything she learns. When she has time, she asks Nuan for advice, and then she practices when she goes to collect herbs. Wen Ran is very daring and knows that Feng Nianchen's martial arts is high, and she is self-sufficient. Acknowledging that there are many poisons in his hands, he deliberately provokes tigers in the mountains and forests to take the opportunity to practice equestrianism.

Ning Huaijie's equestrian skills are also good. He could have competed with the Seventh Prince and others, but he was worried about gentleness, so he naturally ran at a gentle speed, so a few people were behind.

At this time, Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian had already reached the finish line of this horse race.

Nalan Jinnian's horse nose touched the red ribbon first.

"Yu~" Nalan Jinnian reined the horse, and the horse's speed slowed down.

Nuan also reined in the horse's reins to stop the horse.

Warm is a little unconvinced. She has never lost in modern horse racing and racing!

"Come again! Set up obstacles!"

Nalan Jinnian smiled, naturally she had no opinion: "Yes."

Nalan Jinnian looked at the man at the horse farm who was waiting on the side. The man immediately understood and went to make arrangements.

Wen Ran, Feng Nianchen also finished running at this time.

Immediately after, the Seventh Prince, Prince Ning, Wen Wen and others also caught up.

Wen Nuan asked them: "We set up obstacles for another lap, do you want it?"

Wen Ran immediately said: "Okay! I'm the best at this one! Third sister, you may not be able to beat me!"

When Wen Ran and Feng Nianchen went to collect herbs, sometimes after teasing tigers and lions in the mountains and forests, they ran on horseback. She felt that she had run out of experience!

In this regard, Wen Ran felt that the warm experience was definitely not as rich as hers.

Warmly waved her hand: "I'm not running anymore."

She felt a dull pain in her abdomen, probably because her aunt was about to visit.

Gentle also waved her hand: "I'm not running anymore!"

She looked at Ning Huaijie: "Xianggong, run with them!"

If she ran away, Huaijie wouldn't be able to have fun.

Ning Huaijie quite liked horse racing, so he nodded: "Okay."

Lin Tingya also waved her hand: "I'm not running anymore."

The seventh prince did not believe in evil: "Then do it again!"

Seeing that the people at the racecourse set up obstacles, Nuan thought it was too easy, so he said, "I'll set up obstacles."

Then the warmth ran away.

Nalan Jinnian naturally followed.

Wen Ran also ran to join in the fun.

It's harder not to set it up, she's worried that she won't be able to win.

Wen Wen took the hands of Wen Wen and Lin Tingya: "Let's go to the pavilion to rest and watch them compete."

"it is good."

A few people walked to the pavilion, eating refreshments and fruits while resting, while watching Nuan He Wen Ran directing people to set up obstacles on the side.

Looking at the obstacles tenderly, she said in surprise: "This four hurdles are set up in a row, can the horse cross it all at once?"

Lin Tingya: "I can't, Nuan Nuan should be able to. I don't know about the others!"

If it can't be warm, it won't set so many hurdles.

Wen Wenwen rubbed her abdomen: "However, sister, this is not nonsense. She erects a stake in the east and a stake in the west. When the horse runs fast, it is difficult to slow down. How to avoid it, the horse will be easily injured. "

Gentle smiled: "However, my sister's equestrian skills are good. I think she should have a way to avoid it. I guess she is good at riding a horse to hide from the east and the west!"

She put her warm hand on her lower abdomen: "That's right, she's the most ghostly horse!"

Lin Tingya noticed that Wen Wen was always rubbing her stomach and asked, "Sister-in-law, is your stomach uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, it should be the menstrual period is coming soon."

Hearing the words gently, he looked back from the racecourse and looked at Wen Wen.

She remembered that the warm menstruation has always been very accurate. Counting the days, it should have been three days, and it is almost clean, rather than coming soon.

She couldn't help sitting up straight: "Your menstrual period hasn't come yet?"

Nodding warmly: "Well, because of the hot weather, eating a lot of frozen food is probably delayed. But I kind of feel like it's coming."

Gentle but feels that they can't be careless. After all, they eat healthy dishes every day to condition their bodies, and their bodies are all very good.

How could this day be delayed.

She couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Are you happy?"

Warm: "."

No way?

Then she rides a horse, will it be okay?

Lin Tingya's eyes lit up, she was a little anxious when she thought of something, and immediately stood up: "I'll call Nuan Nuan over!"

And ran out!

Lin Tingya couldn't care about anything, she shouted loudly as she ran: "Nuan Nuan, Nuan Nuan"

It was a little far away, and the sound was low, but the warmth could still be heard, and he turned his head to look over.

Seeing Lin Tingya waving to herself, she said to Nalan Jinnian, "I'm going to see what's going on."

Nalan Jinnian nodded.

The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning were on the runway here, directing people to set up obstacles. The two felt that if they didn't set it up, it would be a shame for them to be good at it!

The two of them were a little surprised to see Lin Tingya calling warmth so eagerly.

What's going on here?

Because Lin Tingya ran too fast, the place outside the track was grass again, and the soles of her feet accidentally stepped on an uneven place. Lin Tingya's body was unstable, she lost her balance, and she fell forward.

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