"Be careful!" Wenxin stood up in shock when she saw it!

Prince Ning Shizi was the closest to her, he dodged and went over to catch her.

Lin Tingya pounced directly on Prince Ning. His head just hit Prince Ning's chin.

Prince Ning's intuition felt a soft body pounced on him, and then a pain came from his chin.

Lin Tingya's forehead ached, she let out a soft cry, and couldn't help raising her hand to rub it.

Prince Ning put his hands on Lin Tingya's shoulders and noticed Lin Tingya's movements. He looked down at her smooth forehead and asked, "Is it hurt? Are you okay?"

He is a martial artist, and when he thinks of her softness, Prince Ning is also worried that he will break people.

A low and magnetic male voice sounded above her head, and Lin Tingya came back to her senses, and then realized that their behavior was too close.

She quickly reached out and waved Prince Ning's hand, took a few steps back, blushed, lowered her head and said, "It's alright. Thank you, Prince, for helping me. My servant, my servant!"

As she said that, she ran towards the warmth.

Prince Ning glanced at his hand, then glanced at Lin Tingya's figure running away, and frowned slightly: Do you seem a little offended?

The seventh prince came over at this time and teased, "Our Prince Ning also knows how to save beauty from a hero!"

Lin Tingya is also quite beautiful, but unfortunately, he likes stunning looks! Just like Princess Hui'an.

Lin Tingya can only be regarded as an average posture.

Prince Ning rolled his eyes at him: "Is there still no obstacles? Don't want to win?"

After saying that, he walked around him and walked back to the track.

"Arrangement, of course it has to be arranged!" The Seventh Prince immediately ran back.

Even if he can't win, he has to set up the most difficult obstacles so that he doesn't lose too badly!

Prince Ning walked to the runway, and when he bent down and picked up the railing, he smelled a faint fragrance, and then thought of the softness that fell on him.

He glanced at Lin Tingya subconsciously and frowned, probably because he hadn't been looking for a pass for too long.

He shook his head, shaking off the reverie in his mind.

Wen Nuan came to Lin Tingya quickly: "Sister Tingya, you are running so fast, what's the matter with me?"

Nuan naturally also saw that Lin Tingya almost fell, but Prince Ning caught her.

Several of them come to eat in their own mansion every day, and they are familiar with it. Prince Ning will come to rescue her, and it feels normal to warm.

Lin Tingya suspected that Wenxin was happy. She rode a horse again just now. She was worried in her heart, and the embarrassment she had just now disappeared. She said anxiously: "My sister-in-law has some pain in her stomach, and her period is three days late! "

Wen Ran studies medical skills all day long, warm and understanding of medical skills. Lin Tingya has lived in Anguo Gong's mansion for so long, and occasionally reads some simple medical books, and also heard Wen Nuan say that the Eighth Princess is happy, so she is happy for women The situation is still known.

A touch of surprise flashed on Wen Yan's face: "I'll go take a look!"

Then run quickly.

Nalan Jinnian has been paying attention to the warmth, and seeing her like this, she was a little surprised, and then looked in the direction of the pavilion.

It must be the little girl's second sister who is not feeling well!

He did not go.

Warm running faster, and suddenly came to the warm side.

Seeing Nuan approaching, Wen Wen said, "Nuan Nuan, Sister Xin's stomach is not feeling well, you can help her take a look."

Nodding warmly, he sat down: "Second sister, I will give you a pulse number!"

Seeing Wen Nuan running a little out of breath, she said, "You should rest first!"

Gently took the handkerchief to help Wennuan wipe the sweat from his forehead.

He smiled warmly: "It's okay, you can't make a mistake!"

As she said that, she put her hand on the warm pulse door.

Gently and gently wipe the sweat for warmth, and no one made a sound.

Lin Tingya was still trying to run back.

After a while, Wen Nuan withdrew his hand and pretended to be deep.

The gentle and warm expressions of the two were as if they were tense, and they said in unison, "How is it?"

Warm frown.

The two of them groaned in their hearts.

What does frown mean?

Seeing that the two were nervous, Nuan smiled: "Congratulations, second sister, you are a good mother! You are happy!"

Warm and dumbfounded, really?

So fast?

How happy would Ting Xuan be if he found out?

Wenrou also smiled, but she thought that Wenxin was riding a horse just now and said, "Your second sister was riding a horse just now, isn't there any tire pressure?"

Warmly smiled: "It doesn't matter, no. Besides, what are you afraid of when I am here?"

When I warmed the pulse just now, I had already given Wenxin some violet tocolysis.

"Second sister, is your stomach still uncomfortable?"

Wen Wen came back to her senses and felt it for a while: "No, there was a little bit after riding the horse just now. Would you like to take some anti-abortion pills?"

Warm and reassuring: "It's okay, the fetal image is very stable! But don't ride for a while."

Wen Wen covered her stomach and said quickly, "No more riding, no more riding!"

Lin Tingya ran back at this time, panting, "Yes, no.?"

She heard Nuan say that the fetal image is stable!

He smiled warmly and said: congratulations to sister Tingya, you are going to be a aunt.

Lin Tingya couldn't help laughing when she heard the words: "Great! Big brother must be very happy to know! I have to write to big brother when I go back."

He smiled softly and said, "You girl, you don't even know if you are happy!"

Nuan looked at Wen Wen: "Eldest sister, why don't I count your pulse for you, maybe you'll be happy too?"

He gently waved his hand: "No, no, my menstrual period has just passed."

She wants to have it too, but things like children are about fate.

She has only been married for a few months, so don't be in a hurry.

Wenxin said at this time, "Don't worry, you will be pregnant soon, eldest sister."

Gentle smiled and nodded: "I'm really not in a hurry! Sister Nuan, the obstacles have been arranged. Since Sister Xin is fine, you can go to the horse racing!"

Wen Wen Yan also looked over.

At this time, the obstacles have been arranged, and almost half of the runway has obstacles.

This is exciting!

He said warmly and excitedly: "Sister Nuan, come on, let me see the wonderful horse racing!"

Nuan looked over, Nalan Jinnian waved to her, nodded to Nalan Jinnian, and then stood up: "Yes! I'll go right now. Make sure to make the second sister happy!"


There are too many obstacles on the runway, attracting people from other areas.

"Oh my God! This is a horse race? With so many obstacles, how can the race be run over?"

"Master! I met a master! This horse race must be very exciting! I just saw that the woman in red rides really well! She is really a hero among women!" Lan Jinnian's horse rides well! That speed can be said to be blazing fast!

It's not surprising that men's equestrianism is so good, it's really surprising that women can compete with men!

"Then I have to find a place with a good view and take a serious look!" People who love horseback riding like to watch Marseilles.

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