The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1062 Rich Businessmen of Nanliu Mansion

In the sound of everyone's discussion, the third prince and a few people walked into the racecourse and saw countless obstacles set up on the track.

The third prince saw the red figure at first glance.

A surprise flashed in his eyes.

Today, the grandson of Guozijian's wine sacrifice invited himself to a horse race. He didn't expect to see Hui'an County Master here.

The third prince did not communicate closely with officials on weekdays. If the grandson or son of the six ministers invited him today, he would not come.

But the third prince is in charge of supervising the Guozijian, so he and the people in the Guozijian, as well as some literati, move around, which is considered normal in the eyes of outsiders.

After all, if a prince doesn't interact with anyone, that's not normal.

At this time, one of their colleagues said curiously:

"This is a horse race? So many obstacles, how to compare? Zhu Gongzi, who are those people?"

This man is Liu Xiaoen, a wealthy businessman in Nanliufu, a city in the south. His family made a fortune by making boats. He was in his early twenties and had some business skills. At the age of thirteen, he followed his father to learn, and then from shipbuilding to river transportation. , and also took into account the business of the escort bureau, the big carriage shop, etc., and did a good job in the family's business, and became the richest man in Nanliufu.

He is very ambitious and is planning to come to the capital for development.

The capital is deep, and if you want to gain a firm foothold in the capital, you will naturally have to make friends with some noble people.

In a painting boat, I met Zhu Huale, the grandson of Guozijian's wine sacrifice.

Liu Xiaoen is sociable and generous. The two met twice in the painting boat, and they hit it off right away.

And Liu Xiaoen has long been eyeing the Royal Racecourse, and this is the place where you can meet the sons and daughters of dragons and phoenixes.

In this world, your official position is the greatest, and you are also a very high-ranking official, incomparable with the sons of dragons and phoenixes.

To make friends is to make friends with real dragons and phoenixes.

He took Zhu Huale to the racecourse a few times, and then expressed his desire to see the Royal Racecourse.

Zhu Huale brought him to see him, and by the way made an appointment with the third prince.

And he spent so much money on Zhu Huale, and he came to this racetrack just to be able to make friends with some royal children in the capital.

Although Zhu Qinghua invited the third prince out, it was a good thing to be able to make a few more royal relatives, wasn't it?

Zhu Huale was reluctant to see Nalan Jinnian and Wen Nuan. Zhu Huale was a little afraid of Nalan Jinnian because his father told him not to provoke him.

This King Jin seems to have never been to the Royal Racecourse once in the past few years. I didn't expect to meet today, it's really unlucky!

He reminded in a low voice, "That's King Jin, don't mess with him!"

King Jin?

Liu Xiaoen looked over in amazement. The man was dressed in silver, with a handsome face and arrogance. He rode on a horse and spoke with a gentle face to the woman in red who was also riding a horse. , the impersonal King Jin does not match at all.

He is King Jin, so the one next to him is the Hui'an County Master who is as famous as King Jin?

The reason why Nanning County has today's makeover is due to the main contribution of Hui'an County!

Nanning County is a small remote county near Nanliufu, notoriously poor.

But now the entire Nanliu Mansion can see the merchants from Nanning County.

People in Nanning County set up workshops in villages. They sell sweet potato flour, soy products, candies and various snacks. They are beautifully packaged and delicious. They are sold to several large state capitals nearby.

I heard that the villagers in each workshop are too busy.

Over time, Nanning County will probably become the most famous small county in the entire Nalan.

There are also wines from Nanning County, persimmon vinegar, grapefruit vinegar, etc. that are more expensive. He has drunk red wine and white wine, and it tastes even better than those overseas!

And the paper from the papermaking workshop is also of very good quality. I heard that the wine workshop and the papermaking workshop are owned by the owner of Hui'an County.

The people of Nanning County say that the Princess Hui'an is very beautiful, even more beautiful than the fairies in the sky.

He felt that it was a bit exaggerated. After all, some scholars from Nanning County had painted the portrait of Hui'an County Master, and it looked like the same thing.

But being famous is worse than meeting each other. From a distance, Princess Hui'an is truly unparalleled!

She and Jin Wang really are a perfect match.

Liu Xiaoen wanted to get acquainted with King Jin and Princess Hui'an, but he didn't know if there was any chance.

He looked at the third prince.

The third prince has already walked in the direction of Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan.

Now that he has seen it, as his nephew, it is not good for him to come forward and say hello.

Liu Xiaoen was overjoyed.


On the track, Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian, Wen Ran and Feng Nianchen, Ning Huaijie and Prince Ning Shizi were already on their horses, ready to race.

Just waiting for the seventh prince who was still tangled on the obstacles.

Nalan Jinnian asked Wen Nuan, "What happened just now?"

Everyone on the runway looked towards the warmth.

After all, Lin Tingya lost her temper just now.

He smiled warmly and said, "Second sister is happy."

Nalan Jinnian raised an eyebrow: "Congratulations."

Ning Huaijie was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said, "This is really great, Tingxuan must be happy to know that."

He couldn't help but look at Gentle, thinking that he worked so hard every day, why didn't he become a father?

I'm jealous!

"Really? I'll check the pulse too!" Wen Ran also knew the time of the warm little days. After two or three days, he found out?

Wen Ran has never had such a happy pulse before!

Nuan stopped her: "Okay, the second sister won't run there, let's go after the horse is stuffed!"

Wen Ran also thought about it. Horse racing with so many obstacles is also very fun.

Wen Ran couldn't help urging the seventh prince to get him done quickly!

At this time, the third prince, Zhu Huale and others came to Nuan and Nalan Jinnian.

The third prince saluted Nalan Jinnian: "The emperor's nephew has seen the seventeenth emperor's uncle."

Zhu Huale and others also saluted Nalan Jinnian one after another.

Warm and others are also ready to dismount to salute the third prince.

Nalan Jinnian reached out to stop the warmth: "Don't be too polite."

The third prince hurriedly said: "You don't have to be more polite! This prince will not hinder your horse racing!"

Saying that, the third prince walked away with someone.

Liu Xiaoen left with a pity.

But he also knows that it is not a one-time or two-step process to get to know someone with such a top-notch status!

King Jin was obviously defiant as in the legend, and the third prince didn't take it seriously either.

After the third prince and his party left, the seventh prince also ran back at this time, so the horse race officially began.

A whistle sounded.


Several people kicked the horse's belly at the same time, pulled the horse's rein, and the horses flew out like arrows.

At first the horses went hand in hand, but soon the gap widened.

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian took the lead again, followed by Feng Nianchen and Ning Huaijie.

Wen Ran was a little behind Ning Huaijie. She didn't expect her eldest brother-in-law's equestrian skills to be so good!

Then there is Prince Ning, and then there is the seventh prince!

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