The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1063 Isn't riding a horse?

As the penultimate seventh prince, I almost cried!

He forcefully directed his horse to run faster.

At the same time, he comforted himself, not afraid, the obstacle has not yet come, and when he crosses the obstacle in a while, it is time for him to catch up!

As soon as he ran 100 meters, he encountered a hurdle. Nuan and Nalan Jinnian skillfully operated the reins and took the horse across the hurdles!

The movements of the two people are almost the same. The two horses start, cross the hurdles, and the height and even the landing distance are the same!

That speed and movement, how tacit understanding, is exactly the same!

The people watching the fun couldn't help but exclaimed: "Look at Hui'an County Master and King Jin! Look at how neat the postures and movements are?"

"I see! Oh my God, how is this possible? Is this a horse race? It's dancing with horses, right? Only dancing can be so consistent!"

"God, aren't they riding horses? How can they fly?"

"The tacit understanding between Hui'an County Lord and King Jin is really good! The two of them were trained in the military camp, right? I heard that the soldiers in the military camp also have training on tacit understanding."

"I didn't expect that Hui'an County Master's horsemanship was so good that he could keep pace with King Jin."

"King Jin let her go!"

"Even if King Jin lets her, look, the two of them are tens of meters away from the people behind! This proves that Hui'an County Master's equestrian skills are very good! Can you beat the seventh prince and Prince Ning? The seventh prince We often see the equestrianism of Prince He Ning, and it is one of the best! They win every horse race, but I didn't expect it to be at the bottom today! Not everyone will let Princess Hui'an go, right? What's the point of such a horse race? "

"It's impossible! Do you need someone to let you go at such a speed? You ride up there and try to see if you can run so fast over the obstacles one after another?"

More than a dozen hurdles obstacles were crossed almost in the blink of an eye! Look at the horse riding ability of others, you are a master at first sight!

"My God! Four hurdles! The horses of Princess Hui'an and King Jin crossed four hurdles in a row!" Someone exclaimed.

"I thought it was impossible for a horse to cross these four hurdles! God, I'm so ignorant!"

"Oh my god, when did this horse's body become so flexible, and when it passes through one crooked stake after another at this speed, it won't bump into each other?"

"The Princess Hui'an and King Jin are not riding horses, but water snakes, right?"

The eyes of people outside the runway were attracted by Wennuan and Nalan Jinnian.

Watching them with their horses crossed one obstacle after another with a heart.

Everyone's hearts were raised, and they always thought that in a place where it seemed that the roots were difficult to pass quickly, they would slow down, or they would not be able to cross, and knock down those obstacles.

But no, both of them passed smoothly!

Surprise again and again.

On the other hand, look at the people behind.

Feng Nianchen and Wen Ran were fine, their speed was not as fast as Nuan Wen and Nalan Jinnian, but neither did they get an obstacle.

Ning Huaijie knocked down two or three, then the seventh prince and Prince Ning, one, two, three

Anyway, every runway with obstacles, fallen hurdles, or wooden stakes, were all brought down by two people!

There is also the last section of the runway with obstacles.

The hearts of all were raised.

"You said the last paragraph, will there be a time for slippage?"

"No way, so much has passed!"

"But the obstacles in this last paragraph are too difficult!"

"I think the first few paragraphs were difficult, but didn't they pass easily?"

".It seems that too!"

Everyone looked at Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian without blinking, and their hearts were extremely complicated. They hoped that the two would pass the customs smoothly all the way, and they hoped that they could overcome the failure, even once, otherwise it would be too shocking!

It was also the first time that Liu Xiaoen saw such an exciting horse race. He couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of the famous King Jin and Princess Hui'an, the two are really a match made in heaven! It's amazing!"

The third prince shook the folding fan gently, his face hung in a smirk of inertia. He looked at Nuan and Nalan Jinnian so tacitly, his eyes were deep, and his heart was unhappy.

The better the tacit understanding between the two, the better the relationship between the two, which is really not a good thing!

Hearing Liu Xiaoen's praise for the two, he was even more displeased.

This Liu Xiaoen really has no wink at all!

In the end, Nuan and Nalan Jinnian lived up to expectations and passed the customs smoothly!

The people on the side couldn't help cheering: "Ah! Victory! It's so exciting! It's amazing! Such a difficult roadblock can be overcome!"

"Amazing, awesome, really awesome! Princess Hui'an is worthy of being the female general of our Nalan Kingdom! Don't let a man be a woman~"

"It's not like a man and a horse can leap! I don't think they ride a horse? Their horses have invisible wings, so fly over them! They can leap four railings in a row."

"I feel that what we used to play was not horse racing, but training horses! This kind of difficulty is the real horse racing!"

"No, it turns out that horse racing is played like this, and I have learned a lot today!"

"No! I'm also going to try this kind of horse racing?"

"Don't be embarrassed! I don't know if I can pass the easiest hurdles in the first paragraph!"

"Fuck you, let's have a test! Let's see who can't pass!"

So everyone is excited to organize teammates to go horse racing!

The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning haven't finished running yet!

Seeing that the people next to him have already started to leave, I just feel ashamed and humiliated!

It was not easy for the two of them to run the entire distance bumping and bumping, and all the people who watched the fun just now disappeared!

The Seventh Prince felt that he had lost all his face this time!

I won't dare to come to the racetrack again.

Prince Ning is okay, after all, the seventh prince is the bottom one.

The third prince and the others did not leave. He walked up to Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian and said with a smile: "Jin Wangshu and Princess Hui'an are a match made in heaven, and your tacit understanding is really admirable! No wonder my father. The emperor always praised Uncle Jin and Princess Hui'an in front of the emperor's nephew, saying that if the two of you are a good match, our country in Nalan will be as stable as Mount Tai, and we will become the leader of the five kingdoms just around the corner!"

He smiled warmly: "The third prince is so wrong! After all, one person's power is limited, and the prosperity and strength of Nalan country depends on the concerted efforts of all people in Nalan country."

The Seventh Prince walked over and said angrily, "Brother Three Emperors, why didn't I hear what the Emperor Father said?"

The third prince smiled: "Really? I don't know why the king didn't say it in front of you."

This emperor brother really has no respect for his own emperor brother!

After he ascends the throne, there is no need to stay, just send him to the frontier to guard the frontier! Of course, this is under the circumstance that he doesn't do what he shouldn't do.

If he dared to covet something he shouldn't covet, there would be no need to exist there.

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