The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1064 He will use food to soothe his wounded heart!

The seventh prince ignored the third prince, he always felt that the third prince was a little fake.

The seventh prince himself also likes romantic affairs, dances and plays with ink and other literati things, but he is not like the third prince.

The seventh prince couldn't tell what the third prince was like.

Anyway, I don't think the third prince really likes it.

Therefore, although the two are like-minded, they are different.

On the contrary, although the seventeenth prince was cold, his mouth was poisonous, and he had no good face all day, the seventh prince still liked to play with him.

Because Uncle Seventeen is real enough, although he is indifferent to people, his blood is warm under that indifference. As long as he doesn't provoke him, he will not do insidious things such as sticking a knife behind his back, and he will not harm his relatives.

If you get into his eyes a little, and something goes wrong, he won't let him die, and when he helps you at the most, he won't give you a good face, and think you're annoying!

But he felt that the third prince was a sinister villain.

Cough, it seems that the three emperors are not harmful!

The seventh prince waved his thoughts away, feeling that he was thinking too much.

Brother Sanhuang didn't offend him, how could he think of someone so much!

But he just couldn't be enthusiastic about the third prince.

So the Seventh Prince looked at Wennuan: "Aunt Seventeen, the winner will be invited to dinner!"

He will use food to soothe his wounded heart!

There is no beauty, only food to appease.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him coldly: "The loser invites you to dinner, and also pays the entry fee for this racetrack! Don't try to put it on my account!"

After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, she looked down at Wen Nuan, her eyes soft, and said softly, "There is a shooting range over there, do you want to play?"

Nodding warmly: "Go and see!"

The two walked to another area.

Boom~~~! ! ! !

It was a bolt from the blue!

The seventh prince's heart is not hurt, it is simply a thousand warehouses and a hundred holes!

"Uncle Seventeen, don't~! I don't have any money! Really!" The seventh prince screamed and hurried to catch up.

He really has no money!

His father is too stingy to give him money to eat!

Liu Xiaoen, who was behind the third prince, was slightly surprised when he saw the back of the seventh prince chasing after him, but he was thoughtful.

The temperament of these seven princes is really interesting.

It seems that he is familiar with King Jin and Princess Hui'an.

Does he have no money?

I have it!

Liu Xiaoen wanted to inquire about the seventh prince's preferences from Zhu Huale. He glanced at the third prince, but he still didn't speak.

He is good at observing words and expressions, and he feels that the third prince is a little scheming, and he, King Jin, and the seventh prince may not be as friendly as they appear.

It would be difficult for him to ask something in front of the third prince.

Worrying about making the third prince unhappy, after all, he is not easy to offend any of these people!

Liu Xiaoen wanted to open a route in the south of Beijing, which required making friends with nobles in Beijing, and Hui'an County Master and King Jin were the best candidates. Because of this, it is also beneficial for the goods of Nanning County, the fief of Hui'an County, to be sold to further prefectures.

But the Beijing-Nanjing voyage requires artificial construction of a grand canal to connect the north-south waterway. He has already thought about it. He can pay most of the money for opening the canal, but he needs to find someone who is reliable and not greedy as a backer.

After all, compared with officials and businessmen, businessmen will never be able to compete with officials.

He is a businessman, and a businessman values ​​profits. He spends so much money to open the canal, which can be regarded as profiting for the court. Therefore, he seeks a lot of things, and naturally he cannot find a greedy backer.

Otherwise, so much money will be used to make wedding dresses for others, and if you are not careful, you may lose the entire Liu family.

This kind of thing has never happened before.

Look for officials who really want to benefit the people of one side.

King Jin or Princess Hui'an should be a good candidate.

Just how to get into the eyes of these two people and make them pay attention to themselves?


On the other side, Wen Ran ran to give Wen Ran a pulse after the race.

It's just that she didn't say anything, and then compared the gentle pulse at the end of the little day. She repeatedly took the pulse of the two sisters to study for a long time, and Feng Nianchen also gave some pointers on the side.

Compared to Wen Ran, Feng Nianchen's ability to call the pulse is much more powerful than Wen Ran, after all, he also has more experience.

Taking the two elder sisters as guinea pigs, Wen Ran repeatedly called the number for more than half an hour, and finally found the difference in the pulse of this early pregnancy, which was not obvious!

And Nuan and Nalan Jinnian went to the riding and shooting range for a lap, breaking the record that Nalan Jinnian left here.

He glanced at Nalan Jinnian warmly and triumphantly.

Nalan Jinnian smiled helplessly: "Let's go! It's getting late, let's go eat something."

The little girl is too powerful, he really can't do it if he doesn't work hard.

"Okay!" At last there was one who was stronger than him, and he left warmly and contentedly.

The two left the shooting range and went to join the others.

The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning are still working hard on the racetrack.

The two of them also want face, don't they?

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian happened to pass the practice ground and walked in.

Under the guidance of Prince An, Wu Jingmei was also able to ride her own horse and let the horse jog.

Of course, Prince An has always followed her on horseback to prevent her from falling.

Under the guidance of her husband at the racecourse, Wen Qian can also jog on a horse.

Only Wen Ling was still riding on the horse, led by the teacher who taught horses.

The warmth is not surprising.

Wen Nuan came over to Prince An, Wen Qian and Wen Ling and said, "Prince, it's getting late for the third cousin and the fourth cousin. Let's go to dinner first?"

Wen Ling said anxiously, "So soon?"

She hasn't learned yet!

Wen Ling didn't want to follow Wen Ling's command because the horse she picked was a bit stubborn, and Wen Ling rode on it and stayed motionless.

Wen Ling also lost patience and hit the horse on the body with her palm. The horse was so angry that she almost threw Wen Ling out.

Fortunately, the gentleman at the racecourse was experienced and controlled well, so she did not fall off the horse.

Wen Ling was also frightened, she didn't dare to learn, she sat on the side and watched how Prince An Qi patiently called Wu Jingmei.

Seeing Nuan and Nalan Jinnian having a good time, the hall cheered.

Then, after seeing Prince Ning and the Seventh Prince lose the horse race, they practiced on the racetrack as if they were ruthless.

She couldn't help but boldly continued to study.

This is just getting on the horse, and the husband led the horse around again.

I haven't learned yet.

Not only did she regret not listening to the warm words.

"It's getting late, it's noon, it's the same thing to eat first, and then continue learning when you're done." He replied warmly.

When Wu Jingmei saw Nuan, she couldn't help gripping the horse's belly to make the horse run faster, and then came to Nuan.

Prince An also hurriedly accelerated, listening to the two of them, dismounting first, and then came to Wu Jingmei's side, who happened to be protecting Wu Jingmei who dismounted from the horse.

Seeing it warmly, he smiled knowingly: Looking at it this way, Prince An's heir is also a considerate person.

After Wu Jingmei got off the horse, she ran to Nuan's side, took her hand excitedly, and said excitedly, "Sister Nuan, I have learned it!"

Prince An shook his head and laughed: "How can this be considered learned? Riding as slow as a snail! There are still many skills that I don't know."

I learned, what else is there to do with him?

Of course I haven't learned yet.

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