Wu Jingmei glared at him: "I have learned it! I just haven't mastered it yet! After a few more days of practice, I'll definitely be riding a horse!"

Wen Nuan smiled: "I dared to jog on a horse in one morning, it's already amazing!"

At this time, Wen Qian and Wen Ling also came over.

Wen Qian praised: "Jingmei, you are amazing! You can run so fast on a horse so fast!"

Wu Jingmei waved her hand humbly to Wen Qian: "We are similar."

Then she glanced at the Prince An, meaning: Look, everyone Wen Qian said I learned it!

Prince An nodded: "Well, I have learned it! Just practice more. When you learn to ride, I will teach you how to ride and shoot. In autumn, we can all go hunting together."

He originally wanted to talk about the two of us, but thought it was inappropriate and changed it to everyone.

Even if there is no appointment at that time, the emperor will organize an autumn hunting every year, and it will be autumn in a few months, so I will go with her at that time.

Prince An couldn't help but look forward to it.

Wu Jingmei waved her hand when she heard the words: "I don't dare to think about that. I'm not familiar with horseback riding! I don't know how to shoot archery either. Horseback riding is too far away for me."

"Learn, I can teach you."

Nalan Jinnian watched the interaction between the two, and then glanced at Wen Nuan: Suddenly, he felt that Wen Wen knew too much, which made him lose a lot of fun!

If she does nothing.

You can teach her to ride horses, teach her to draw a bow and archery, teach her martial arts, and teach her to paint.

Just thinking about those pictures is beautiful!

Wu Jingmei was embarrassed to let him teach herself: "No, Sister Nuan can do it too. I want to learn and let her teach."

Prince An gave a warm look.

Warmly smiled: "Well, I'll teach you when I'm free, let's go eat now."

So several people walked out of the training ground, called the seventh prince and Prince Ning, gentle and warm, and they walked in the direction of the restaurant together.

There are also restaurants for eating in the racecourse, but they are a bit expensive.

The price is simply higher than the health food.

Green vegetables cost 10 taels of silver per plate.

If the father is a businessman, he must be a big profiteer!

The kind that eats people without vomiting blood!

After eating for a while, pay the money, he has to urinate, or the Seventeenth Emperor will let him pay the money. He is so bad! The seventh prince thought to himself.

As soon as the group walked in, they saw the third prince and the others.

The third prince smiled and said, "Uncle Seventeen, let's have dinner together!"

Before Nalan Jinnian could speak, the seventh prince immediately said, "Is it the third brother who invited you?"

It's a rare opportunity. If you don't cheat on this emperor, I'm too sorry for calling him the emperor for so many years.

The third prince smiled: "Naturally."

The three princes deserve to be refreshed.

Anyway, even if he said please, Zhu Huale would not let himself pay the money.

The seventh prince immediately said: "Then thank the third brother!"

There is no private room in this restaurant, because it was newly built for more than a year. In order to save costs, the emperor only let people build a lobby. As long as people eat here, they must eat in the lobby or take it to the pavilion outside. .

Since there is no private room, they are all sitting in the lobby, so there is not much difference between eating together or not.

Nalan Jinnian also had plans in his heart, so he did not refuse.

The third prince was obviously ready to invite their group, and he had already asked for the largest round table that could seat twenty people.

The crowd, headed by Nalan Jinnian, took their seats one after another.

Wen Nuan sat on Nalan Jinnian's left, the third prince sat on his right, followed by the seventh prince, Prince An, Prince He Ning, Zhu Huale and others.

On the warm side are Lin Tingya, Wen Wen, Wen Qian, Wen Ling, Wu Jingmei, Wen Wen and Ning Huaijie.

In a circle, Ning Huaijie and Liu Xiaoen were sitting together.

With so many people sitting together, it is impossible not to speak.

Nalan Jinnian said to Wen Nuan, "I'll go back to the city after lunch, are you going back?"

Nuan: "I'll keep playing for a while. Cousin and the others may not have had enough fun. Do you still have something to do?"

"Well, I have to go to Shuntian Mansion in the afternoon."

The third prince moved his ears when he heard the words Shuntianfu.

He subconsciously picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Warm: "Then go back first!"

"Well, I have to go to the neighboring county tomorrow. It may take four or five days to come back."

"Oh, then be careful."

The third prince took a sip of tea: Going to a neighboring county?

Did you know the whereabouts of the silver in the previous treasury?

The third prince wanted to know which county Nalan Jinnian wanted to go to, but Nuan didn't ask, and the two didn't continue to talk. Nuan turned to talk to Lin Tingya.

But the topic that the two talked about made him more sure of his guess.

His people have yet to find out which counties.

The governor of Shuntian may have dispatched people from the emperor's secret battalion to investigate the matter.

He sent people to follow them and they couldn't follow them.

The people in the secret camp are very mysterious, and there are people of various identities. No one knows who the people in the secret camp are.

He may be a street merchant, or he may be the son of an aristocratic family.

But the third prince knew that Nalan Jinnian was definitely a member of the secret camp.

The third prince glanced at Wen Ling without a trace. From Wen Yu's introduction of the few girls in the Wen family, this Wen Ling could be used.

At a table, several people have their own thoughts.

Wen Ling peeked at Prince Ning from time to time.

Prince Ning spoke with the seventh prince, Prince An.

On the other side of the table, Liu Xiaoen just clasped his fists and saluted Ning Huaijie: "Liu Xiaoen, the grassman, has seen the adults."

Ning Huaijie smiled: "Young Master Liu, you are very polite, under Ning Huaijie, I am not an adult, just a businessman."

Liu Xiaoen looked apologetic: "It turned out to be Young Master Ning, I am disrespectful. Is Young Master Ning the second son of Jianghuai Weaving Ning Family?"

In fact, he also guessed that the eldest sister of Hui'an County Master married Ning Huaijie, the second son of the Ning family, who was extremely wealthy.

Just now, he heard that Hui'an County Lord called his wife the eldest sister.

But if he didn't say that, how could he talk to Ning Huaijie.

Ning Huaijie was the best entry point he could think of to catch up with the Princess Hui'an and King Jin.

Although the Ning family is a businessman, Ning Huaijie's eldest brother is now a fourth-rank imperial guard with a sword, which is already a makeover.

One day their Liu family will be fine too.

After all, the status of the businessman is too low, and he can't even raise his head in front of a small sesame official.

Ning Huaijie smiled: "It's down here!"

"I've admired the name for a long time! The silk of the Ning family is so well made. When I went out, my mother specially asked me to buy a few more pieces of Tiansi brocade from the Ning family in the capital. I heard that this day silk brocade was raised by the second son of Ning. It is made of colorful silk spit out by colorful silkworms? To actually make silkworms spit out colorful silk, I really admire it!"

Tencel brocade is one of the brocades made of colored silk. Because colored silk is rare, the output is not high, and the supply is in short supply. For the time being, only the capital can sell it.

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