The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1069 The emperor has a big head!

Lin Tingxuan's slender fingers landed on a certain point: "Do you think the enemy will think that we will guess that they have an ambush, and then make a countermeasure? Sometimes the military situation that is too easy to find out is also an ambush."

Everyone's heart froze, that's right!

Tang Jin's expression froze, he secretly clenched his fists, and smiled: "Let's hear what General Lin has for sure."

It was the information he sent out to inquire, and now he said that the enemy situation might be fake!

Could it be that he was worried that he would take the bulk of the credit this time, so he deliberately denied his idea?

But he is the general. If the battle is won, the greatest credit will fall on him. This is the advantage of being the general.

Why does he have to press his head again!

Tang Jin was not happy!

He wanted to hear what he had better ideas.

"Zhang Jingzhong, the general who led the troops this time in the Southern Border Kingdom, is famous for his cautious use of troops, meticulous thinking, and love for cavalry! He will definitely consider that if Vice-General Tang leads his troops from here to bypass Qiling Mountain and enter the woods behind, Then he will set up an ambush on this hill. As long as our soldiers pass by, they will definitely not be able to escape their ambush."

Qiangzi said at this time: "General, I have already inquired. There are no enemy troops in this place, and there is no ambush like stones."

"Southern Xinjiang people are good at using poisons, and ambush may not necessarily use stones like us. Just in case, Deputy Tang will bring you three thousand soldiers and horses to bypass Qiling Mountain and cross this valley to destroy the enemy's ambush. Zhang Lieutenant General, tomorrow you will bring 5,000 soldiers and horses from the entrance to the south of Qiling Mountain." Lin Tingxuan pointed at the map.

Hearing this, Tang Jin couldn't help interrupting Lin Tingxuan, pointing to a certain point on the map: "General Lin, didn't you just say that the enemy might be ambushed here? Now why did you send Deputy Zhang to enter here."

Everyone looked at Lin Tingxuan in confusion.

It was impossible for Lin Tingxuan to explain it so clearly to them, after all, it was Xiao Hei who found out.

He said indifferently: "You are not already facing the ambush here, they will definitely try to ambush you, the enemy will definitely not think that we will have someone enter from here, then this ambush is not enough. Scared?"

Tang Jin wanted to say something else, but Lin Tingxuan said, "Time is running out, listen to what I'm about to say, don't interrupt me!"

Tang Jin: "."

He couldn't help clenching his fists, he was so angry!

Isn't it nonsense to let him make 3,000 soldiers and horses go around so many ways?

Lin Tingxuan continued, "After passing through Qiling Mountain with 5,000 troops, Lieutenant General Zhang divided the troops into two groups."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words: "The general is wise! The general is trying to lead the enemy into the ambush they set up? Let them fall into their own ambush?"

Lin Tingxuan nodded: "Yes, I will lead the army to pursue the victory, and then we will meet back and forth to kill the enemy army without leaving behind!"

Vice-General Zhang immediately said: "General Lin has considered it thoroughly, so we don't have to worry about whether there is an ambush there!"

Tang Jin felt that it was unnecessary. The people he sent out said that they didn't see an ambush there!

Let yourself go so far and so many ways, so much delay!

But he didn't say anything, and when the fight started, everyone would know.

After Lin Tingxuan repeatedly instructed several lieutenants on their tasks and what to pay attention to, he asked them to lead the troops immediately.

Lin Tingxuan called in two more soldiers, and asked them to sneak to the rear of the enemy army, so that the two places were short of food and grass!

When these things were arranged, it was already dawn, and there were faint sounds of trumpets and drums, and the provocation of the enemy was coming!

Lin Tingxuan put on the heavy armor, picked up the spear, and walked out of the tent.

Soon the sky-shattering drumbeat sounded, and the sound of fighting sounded.


Xiao Hei returned to Anguo Gongfu on the morning of the third day.

Wen Nuan is growing herbs in the medicine field in the backyard, all of which are healing herbs.

This medicine field is her private medicine field, and no one can come in.

She now uses Violet Qi every day to boost the growth of herbs.

Seeing Xiao Hei coming back, Nuan Nuan immediately washed his hands, took the letter under Xiao Hei's wings, and touched its head: "It's hard work Xiao Hei, go to the kitchen to find something to eat by yourself!"

Xiao Hei fluttered his wings and flew away, he was so hungry!

After reading the letter, Nuan immediately called Aster and asked her to send the letter to the General's Mansion to Wen Wen, and then she took the other two letters over the wall and went to King Jin's Mansion to find Nalan Jinnian.

It was only after Nuan Nuan jumped off the wall that he remembered that Nalan Jinnian had left the capital and went to a neighboring county to check the whereabouts of the former state treasury.

She could only go back over the wall, put on a palace attire, and enter the palace to ask the emperor.

Although this is not an urgent military situation, as long as it is a military situation, it must be reported to the emperor as soon as possible.

After all, this military situation was originally for the emperor.

The emperor also knew that Nalan Jinnian kept a condor.

The emperor was in the imperial study while reviewing the memorials sent by the local officials, while waiting for the arrival of the minister of households.

This summer is here, the flood season is everywhere in the south, and typhoons occur every three days in the coastal areas. Today in the plains, the embankments are broken here, and the day after tomorrow, the fertile fields will be flooded and the houses will be destroyed.

They are all asking the court to issue silver for disaster relief!

The imperial court has distributed hundreds of thousands of taels of silver for disaster relief and a lot of food has gone out, but it is not enough.

Besides, this time is the summer harvest time in some places in the south. At this time, the fertile fields are flooded, and the grain production is bound to decrease.

If it goes on like this, no matter how much silver in the national inventory, no matter how much grain it stores, it will be emptied!

It's still fighting!

The emperor has a big head!

This year has been really eventful.

If I knew it earlier, I would not build the outer city first, and then the emperor thought that it seemed that the construction of the outer city did not give much money to the national treasury.

But if he didn't build the outer city, he could also borrow some money from the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother.

Now, the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother probably doesn't have much money, right?


I hope that Beiming Kingdom, Dongling Kingdom, and Xihua Kingdom will be obedient.

And hopefully this summer will pass soon. Autumn is approaching, so many places begin to harvest new crops.

The emperor couldn't help complaining to Eunuch Lin: "I don't understand why this money is always not enough!"

Eunuch Lin was very sympathetic when he saw the emperor's big head.

He also knew that the emperor was just complaining, and he didn't need to answer.

I just hope that the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce will come soon and share our worries with the emperor!

Recently, due to the war between Nanjiang Kingdom and Nalan Kingdom, the merchants of Nanjiang Kingdom no longer sell medicinal materials to Nalan Kingdom, and the imperial court has to purchase wound medicines from other three countries at high prices. The drug merchants of these other three countries have not taken the opportunity to make money. The price of the medicine has doubled directly! It's ridiculously expensive!

And now the wound medicine is simply a price a day!

The emperor is so worried!

At this moment, a little eunuch walked in, and Eunuch Lin stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "Is Mr. Fang here?"

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