The little eunuch said in a low voice, "Master, it's the master of Hui'an who is asking to see you."

Eunuch Lin was overjoyed when he heard the words, and it was also a good thing that Princess Hui'an was here.

Eunuch Lin immediately walked in and said to the emperor, "Your Majesty, the Lord Hui'an asks to see you."

The emperor was stunned when he heard the words, why did Princess Hui'an come?

Is there a military report?

"Hurry up!"

Don't be a bad thing, his little heart can't take it anymore.

"Hey." Eunuch Lin immediately invited Nuan in.

After Wennuan came in, he respectfully bowed to the emperor: "The minister and daughter see the emperor, the emperor is auspicious."

The emperor hurriedly said: "No gift, give a seat to Hui'an County Master!"

Eunuch Lin quickly asked the little eunuch to bring a Taishi chair.

After thanking him warmly, he sat down.

"I don't know what's the matter with Princess Hui'an coming to the palace to ask to see him at this time?"

Warmly smiled: "Back to the emperor, I asked Xiao Hei to send a letter to General Lin, telling him that my second sister was happy, and then General Lin replied, two of which were about the military situation. King Jin was not in the mansion, The ministers and daughters went to the palace to ask to see you."

This can be considered to explain why she will receive military intelligence sooner than he, the emperor.

Wen Nuan took out two letters from his arms.

"Oh? Congratulations? Haha. This is a good thing! Congrats to the second sister of Princess Hui'an!" After speaking, the emperor glanced at Eunuch Lin: "Bring it up!"

Eunuch Lin immediately walked over and warmed the letter in his hand and presented it to the emperor.

The emperor clutched his chest and looked like he couldn't take it anymore, and asked: "The Princess Hui'an won't do anything bad, right? If it's bad, I won't listen! You wait for the seventeenth emperor to come back and let him go. Deal with it!"

In fact, the emperor could see from the warm smile that there was nothing bad, so he deliberately made a joke.

Looking at the emperor's cute appearance, Wen Nuan couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, the emperor, it's a good thing."

The emperor exaggeratedly relieved: "I finally heard a good thing!"

"Emperor." Eunuch Lin handed the two letters to the emperor.

The emperor opened the two letters and read them quickly. His sword eyebrows that flew diagonally into his temples raised: "General Lin really used his soldiers like a god! Haha. I don't know how many days it will take Xiao Hei to send this letter back?"

If it had been a few days, Qiling Mountain should have been recaptured by now, and the small county should have been captured!

He replied with a warm smile: "Back to the emperor, about two or three days."

Hearing the words, the emperor murmured: "So, after a period of time, there should be a good news to be sent back from the southern border? What do you think the chance of winning is, Hui'an County Master?"

Nodding warmly: "General Lin is brave and good at fighting, I think there should be good news back soon."

There should be good news, but I don't know if the Beiming Kingdom has made a move.

In all fairness, if she is the monarch of Beiming Kingdom and has the ambition to rule the world, she will not miss this opportunity.

Now we can only plan ahead as much as possible, see the walk.

The emperor was really happy this time: "The border has been restless recently, and the floods in the south have been serious, and the money for disaster relief has been allocated again and again! Then the price of food is rising every day, and the price of wound medicine is rising every day, and after the flood, it is very Plagues are prone to occur, and I’m getting annoyed to death! Now I finally have good news. When Qiling Mountain is recovered, there are many herbs in the mountain, and I think it should be able to alleviate the problem of wound medicine.”

Wen Jiarui also listened to Wen Jiarui talking about this matter. Wen Jiarui was in the household department and was busy with these things all day.

It's just that the emperor pinned his hopes on Qiling Mountain. At this moment, the wound medicine on Qiling Mountain may not be too much, and the soldiers of the Southern Border Country are not fools.

They recaptured Qiling Mountain and occupied it for a while, and the herbs on it were probably all lit up.

After all, when the two armies are fighting, there will always be injured people, which requires the use of medicinal materials for healing.

With a warm smile, he said with relief: "The minister's daughter has a Zhuangzi, who specializes in growing herbal medicine. Besides, the minister's daughter's second uncle owns a pharmacy, and it happened that he paid tribute to a lot of wound medicines from a medicinal material dealer in the southern border country not long ago. He learned that There is a war on the border, and when the medicinal materials are difficult to buy at this moment, I have written a letter saying that I am willing to donate those wound medicines to the soldiers on the front line."

There is indeed a batch of wound medicines in the pharmacy, and Nuan Nuan has been hurrying to plant them recently.

The emperor was moved when he heard the words: "Hui'an County Master's family are all loyal people! Nalan State, you loyal people, rest in peace!"

He smiled warmly and continued: "Second Uncle said that the rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of everyone, and he just did his little bit. However, the relationship between countries is now tense, and in the next one or two years, I want to buy medicines from medicine suppliers in other countries. I am afraid it is extremely difficult. Even if we can buy it, the price is extremely expensive. The minister thinks that we should be self-reliant and encourage the people to use more herbs! It's all about being prepared.”

After all, there are already signs of chaos in the world, and many things need to be prepared by themselves.

The reason why Nalan Jinnian wanted to conquer the Southern Border Country in one fell swoop also had this consideration.

"I also know about this, but the medicinal materials are not so easy to grow. There are many people in Nalan, and the common people just want to have a full meal. It is estimated that they are reluctant to take out too many fields to grow medicinal herbs. This wasteland of Chinese herbal medicine, this land is barren. , it has to be raised for a few years before the harvest can be harvested."

Warmly nodded: "Indeed."

By winning the Southern Border Kingdom, you can take this opportunity to expand the strength of the Nalan Kingdom. Southern Border Country is rich in medicinal materials, while Nalan Country is already self-sufficient in food. Now that we have food and medicine, we have enough resources to compete with Beiming and other two countries!

It's just that the emperor doesn't want to take the Southern Border Country.

I just want to hit the Southern Border Country to beg for mercy.

I won't say much about this warmth, and the emperor will always understand when that day comes.

At this time, another small eunuch came in to report that the Minister of the Household was coming.

Eunuch Lin reported to the emperor: "The emperor's minister of households is here!"

Wen Nuan took the opportunity to retreat: "Your Majesty, the minister and daughter have retired."

The emperor waved his hand: "Hui An county master stay to discuss matters! One person is short, and two are long."

"Yes." Warmth could only stay.

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce came in quickly, and was slightly surprised to see Wen Nuan, and then respectfully bowed to the emperor: "Wei Chen sees the emperor, the emperor is auspicious!"

The emperor waved his hand: "Aiqing is exempt from the ceremony! Give Mr. Fang a seat."

Nuan has already stood up and bowed to the Minister of the Ministry of Housing.

At this time, the emperor gave a few recipes to Eunuch Lin, and asked him to show it to the Minister of the Household and Wennuan: "Fang Aiqing, Yecheng, Wancheng, and Pengcheng all have floods, and you can see how much money the treasury can allocate. and food for disaster relief?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing has a big head when he hears this!

here we go again!

He took a few memorials handed over by Eunuch Lin and glanced at them, 200,000 taels of silver and 100,000 stone grains!

Three hundred thousand taels of silver and one hundred thousand stones of grain!

The local officials want money and food for disaster relief, and the Ministry of Industry wants money for flood control!

It is necessary to prepare food, grass, wound medicine and weapons for the front line.

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