The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1071 He doesn't want to do it anymore!

One or two opening mouths will cost 100,000, 200,000, and 500,000! Feelings are not taken out of his purse, so don't feel bad!

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing has turned a lot of white hair recently this month!

I just don't know if it's okay to retire and return home now, he doesn't want to do it anymore!

"Your Majesty, didn't this Yecheng allocate 100,000 taels of silver and 100,000 shi of grain for disaster relief at the beginning of the month? Why do you need money again! And Wei Chen remembered that Ye City only allocated 100,000 taels of silver to build the river embankment last year. The river embankment is made of straw, and when there is a flood, there will be a shortage of embankment? Wei Chen thinks that we have to wait for the imperial minister sent to the south to find out the situation of the flood in the south, report it, and then decide how much money to allocate to the disaster relief."

The emperor shook his head: "The news can't be sent back in an hour and a half. I'm worried that the flood is really so serious. If the money is not allocated in time, the people will suffer!"

There are floods in so many places in the south, and the emperor has already sent people to investigate the situation.

To be clear about the matter, it will take ten days and a half months for Fei Ge to pass the book and send the news back.

It was only the flood that caused the people to be displaced. Now there is war on the southern border, and many people from the frontier are flooding into other cities, which has led to refugees and refugees in many cities. If the court does not quickly allocate money for disaster relief, the people will easily starve to death. Even riots occurred, so the casualties of the people were even greater.

Wen Nuan glanced at the emperor. The emperor was all for the sake of the common people. Even if he suspected that there was something tricky in it, he was worried that it was true, and then his people would suffer.

Warm thought of letting Xiao Hei go to the south to take a look! Blackie flew faster.

The emperor looked at Wennuan: "What do you think of Princess Hui'an?"

Warm: "The emperor cares about the common people, and it is the well-being of all the people in the world. The money for disaster relief must be distributed in time, it is life-saving. It's just that each minister can be sent to the disaster-stricken county to keep an eye on the situation of disaster relief. All the money is used for disaster relief! In addition, the local government can also organize some wealthy businessmen to donate silver and some materials to disaster relief. The number of people is great!"

Because of the flood in the south, many mansions in the capital donated some food, old clothes and silver to the disaster relief.

This is the work of the Wu family, and Nuan knew that their house also donated 50,000 taels of silver and 10,000 shi of grain.

Nuan knew that although the emperor said that the money was allocated, it was not really allocated from the capital, it would only be mobilized by the banks of various prefectures. But the emperor approved it, and it would take several days for the flying pigeons to pass down the book, and then it would take a few days to mobilize the money, so the emperor was worried that if the flood was really that serious, the people would suffer there.

The emperor also thought so: "That's the reason! Fang Aiqing needs you to prepare some money for this matter. If you suffer the court, you can't suffer the people! Hui'an County Master, why don't you take the lead in donating some food and money to the disaster relief."

The emperor thought to himself, the last time it was the lady who came forward, this time it was the lady, different!

Anyway, the emperor knew that as long as someone took the lead in donating, those young ladies would not be willing to lag behind others for the sake of face, and then donated.

Even if you don't donate a lot, no matter how few mosquitoes, it's still meat!

He responded warmly and cheerfully: "This is the intention of the minister."

"Wei Chen obeys!" The Minister of the Household also knew that this would be the result.

Although he is poor, he is not so poor that he can't even get money for disaster relief. It's just that there are too many places to spend money. If things go on like this, the treasury will be empty.

The Minister of the Household is in charge of the Ministry of Household and the national treasury. If the court needs money, he will ask him to take it. Naturally, he has to balance everything.

This summer there will be floods in the south, and there will be snow disasters in the north in winter!

Then the road to the east will need to be built, the bridge to the west will have to be built, and the water conservancy will have to be built in the south. The salary of officials and the salary of soldiers will be distributed again.

A lot of money out is a big amount.

Money cannot be spent in just one place.

Nuan looked at a few memorials, Yecheng, Wancheng, and Pengcheng counties, weren't they what Ning Huaijie and Wenrou mentioned when they came to Fuzhong for dinner last night?

At that time, he said that there was a wealthy businessman in Liuzhou, Liu Xiaoen, who wanted to open a Beijing-South shipping line, which required Yecheng, Wancheng, Pengcheng and two other counties. The rivers of these counties were dug through and connected together.

Wen Nuan also went to Nalan Jinnian's study last night to find a few maps to study.

If the rivers in several counties are dredged and connected together, part of the water resources in the south can be diverted to the north.

If more rivers can be dredged to divert the floodwaters, and there will be floods in the south in the future, those floods can also follow the diverted rivers, some of which flow to the north and part of the sea, which can alleviate the flooding situation.

If the dams are built well, unless the rainy season is too long and the torrential rain continues for a month, which is too severe, there should be no serious flooding.

But Nuan is not familiar with the river conditions on the south side.

But since Liu Xiaoen brought it up, Nuan thought about it and thought it was feasible, at least it was a good thing for the imperial court, she said: "There are floods in the south every year, but this year it's just more serious, it's good to get through it! But we also have to think of a way to do it once and for all. Your majesty, my minister recently met someone, and I heard that he has an idea."

Wen Nuan said Liu Xiaoen's thoughts.

This is a matter of benefiting the country and the people. Warmth does not mean to take credit for others, nor does she need it.

When the emperor heard the words, he immediately asked Eunuch Lin to take out the map of the area to the south.

Then I asked Shangshu Uetobe to study with Wennuan.

The three watched for a long time, and the Minister of Hu said excitedly: "Your Majesty, it is indeed feasible! If this Beijing-South waterway is cleared, people from the south will be able to travel by water when they come to Beijing in the future, but it will save a lot of time! The river channels in several counties can indeed play a role in diverting flood water! Moreover, if the water conservancy construction is good, it will also be conducive to the irrigation of farmland in the north-south junction! Also, after dredging the Jing-south waterway, the imperial court can also dredge Ye. city ​​and"

When Shangshu of the Ministry of Commerce was young, he traveled to the south to study, and he was more familiar with that place, so he thought warmly and thoughtfully.

The emperor nodded after hearing this.

After the Minister of the Ministry of Housing finished speaking, he sighed: "It just takes a lot of money! And such a huge project cannot be completed in one or two years!"

Nodding warmly: "But the merit is in the contemporary era, and the benefit is in the future!"

The emperor waved his hand: "This matter is so decided, done! Princess Hui'an, do you think there is a wealthy businessman willing to give money? What conditions does he have to put forward?"

Warmly said: "I only heard about this last night, and I haven't heard him say what conditions are there. I will ask someone to ask."

The emperor nodded.

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